1) Uhmm No, really i don't want to have to run 135 missions or so againt the AI to
be able to fly a BCH . I'm sure it sounds exciting , but I'd really rather not.
The part about SFB is a <small> sorepoint with someppeople, as this isn't SFB, it's SFC
Besides SFb has more than enough stupidity in it's background history/fleet makeup to eliminate it from any
"we should do this beacause it happens in SFB"
You also can't have people designated to "fly escort" as you can't ensure that they will be drafted.
(I like the idea, and it's been sugegsted before, just with the games tech it's unworkable)
2) So after someone has flown 135 (or so) missions against the AI, bought themselves a BCH and found someone to
escort them they gate drafted by two other players. Then their wing drops. Now they have to write off their ship?
Again an idea that doesn't really contribute to people flying PVP
3) I don't feel like paying a few K for repairs because I got double tapped by an AI mauler in a bugged mission.
4) So say (all joking aside) I kill someone's BCH with mine, I now have to wait for him to accumulate another 40K pp
before I can fight him again?
The satisfaction is not (for me anyway) knowing that I caused someone to lose a ton of PP, it's knowing tha I beat
them after hopefully a well played game on both sides.
- The problem with deepstrikes is to some degree an issue, problem is I (and some others here) are lazy. When
Kruegy has his klinks avoid PVP and DS a base I don't want to have to try and figure out if it was 10 hexes behind the line
or 11.
I'm also not sure about your last point- you want to force people away from PVP? Why? It's easy enough to avoid now if
you don't want to do it.
To me all your points are catering to the players who can spend 24/7 on a server
When someone accumlates say a million pp (yes it's been done) the situation is still there, will
you advocate raising prices to 50 or 60K for a CA? All you do when you raise ship prices is make them available
to people who have the time to spend on the server.
And as for lowest PP totals on the server, you've got about 2x what I've got.