While the team itself no longer exist, the remnants of Trekmods.. Myself, Captain Pierce, and a few others are doing what we can to put some spit, and polish on what we released before, and release some ships we had on our drives that didnt quite make it to the site before its demise. I cant give a timetable on these releases at battleclinic. Time of course is always our worst enemy...Simply when they are done they will be uploaded at BC 1 ship at a time.
You already have seen a few ships show up like the Venture scout, and the TOS D-7/D-7c. I also have my latest TOS Constitution model there as well.
I belive Redragon released some of his work on his own at battleclinic. His Ent era Rommie BoP is there (the dragon class). Also his NX-01, and neptune class. He has done mainly Romulan and Federation ships so search those 2 areas. As far as contacting him good luck. No one has seen or heard from him in months.