Hello again and thanks for all the continued welcomes!
My stupid internet has been down again over the weekend, just came back up today...I wasn't ignoring everyone

response to my plasma ballet question:
Does it work? Well, it works in that it avoids the three things that *don't* work when fighting with plasma ship. First, you don't want to charge into his plasma, so overruns usually aren't a good idea. Sedonc, you don't want to sit still, because you will run out of wild weasel shuttles long before he runs out of plasma torpedos. And third, you don't want to fire plasma at a distant or fleeing enemy, since he will run it out and then turn on you when your tubes are recharging.
Alright then, but what if it's Romulan vs. Gorn? Gorns only disadvantage here is lack of turning, which they don't need to do anyway because of their arcs. The only thing the Romulans have on Gorn is the ability to cloak, which everybody is down on for some reason. It's not a good idea to sit around on speed zero I agree, but what it does do is largely negate plasmas. Eventually everyone will be out of weasels, but the Romulan can still cloak. Meaning he can do a semi-overrun and get a solid launch off and cloak away any counter launch...this of course leaves him somewhat exposed to return phaser fire upon uncloaking or if remaining cloaked but that's why you keep one plasma in reserve.
In any case, it seems a very hard battle for both sides.
Well the decision is made, flying Fed. In response to the suggestion of flying Lyran, I very much like them. In fact I like all the races. If it were allowed I would fly every faction/cartel/whatever in this campaign.