Ever since I got my Dell Pocket PC, my Palm Vx is serving admirably as a doorstop. 
OK, you sort of sucked me into a Pocket PC/Palm discussion.
I was at first inclined to get a Pocket PC because it looked so very familiar with the various Office programs that would work on it.
But my objective was first and foremost to get the very best handheld chess computer I could, within a reasonable budget. I want to be able to play chess on the go, and have a strong chess computer to use when I go to tournaments, in case I have an adjourned position, and want to analyze overnight.
I have several dedicated tabletop chess computers, so I thought of a dedicated handheld model first. There are dedicated chess computers that would fill the bili. The best ones are the Novag Star Sapphire and the Star Ruby (
http://www.novag.com/Web%202005/ENGLISH%202005/travel-E.htm) The Star Ruby costs around $130 (
http://www.chessusa.com/cgi-bin/store.cgi?page=8/80-N18.html&item=80-N18) and the Star Sapphire is close to $200. Both come with a large momochrome display. I would prefer a color display.
I then found out that HIARCS, one of the best PC software programs, was available for the Palm. It's also available for Pocket PC's through a translation program (StyleTap), but it runs 25% slower, and thus, weaker.
The cheapest Pocket PC I could find new was $350.00, and that was more than I could justify to Lady Mazeppa. I could buy a monochrome Zire 21 for sixty bucks on sale. The color Zire 31 was around $160. Then I was able to get a Zire 72 with a bigger color display AND the Wi-Fi card for around $230, including shipping, on eBay.
I'm sure the Pocket PC does some cool things, but I have this Palm, and I want to figure out what things I can do with it, other than play chess.