you go my friend, ask and you shall receive.
I myself am eyeing ALKS, why? Alcoholism has affected myself and my family for generations, it is also WORLDWIDE. This new drug, if approved by the FDA (passed stage 2 clinical trials) will raise the stock 100 percent, I know for a fact VA wants it, and the military and some state agencies want it. It's much more effective to give a person a shot than to make them get an interlock device or go to AA all day and then they cannot hold down a decent job due to court orders.
Many vets and soldiers turn to alcohol because it is a depressant for one, and also is legal, but the health ramifications are KILLER, not to mention the health care costs. Eliminate the preference for alcohol, then VA can zero in on the Sarin crap and PTSD and find better treatments.
I suggest anyone who drinks a lot look at Micky Mantle's life, in the end he was like my stepdad, they both said "Fluck it, it wasn't worth all those lost years, not to mention the health decline."