Sappy, sappy, sappy.... everytime you turn around Neo and Trinity are sucking face! Where's the real action? Battles against Agent Smith? High quality martial arts battles? (that's martial arts not marital
It should be called "The Matrix Interruptus"... 
Not to mention the scripting and dialog suck pretty bad on the third movie... I guess its like all sequels. Good story turns cash cow and producers ignore the lack of artistic merit.
Your right and the "love" scenes where so sterile and cold, it seemed like some one was holding a gun to their heads, to make them act it out.
To be honest the only thing i have seen that was worse, was the latest Star Wars.
The secens between Anikin and Padme where absolutely dreadfull, and it seemed liike the 2 didn't have a clue about Love, or a relationship. They really did drag the whole movie at times. And make it really hard to watch in places.