STII: The Wrath of Khan is by far the best ever Trek movie, and in second place STVI: The Undiscovered Country.
Nemesis was a decent enough movie on its own, but it took so many things from so many other movies. The whole Beloved Cast Member who Sacrificies Himself to Prevent his Ship from being Destroyed by the Big Techno Bomb on the Bad Guy's Ship. Anyone else have a sneaking suspicion that it was kinda familiar? (Hint: See above)
The best TNG movie was Insurrection. Tht cast had a good time on set as you can clearly see it in the movie, and it was a lot more back to basics for TNG. I loved F. Murray Abrahams speech to Admiral Doughty about the Federation opinion polls and such. That was class.

First Contact nicked the music from Final Frontier, as well as playing about with the "history" created by the Reeves Stevens in their book "Federation". Not to mention the fact it partially contradicted the very first TNG episode telling us the Post Atomic Horror was in 2079, over 25 years
after WWIII happens in FC.
Just my pennies' worth.
PS. Rule Britannia! <waves at Grim>