Well, the history of the Disengagement Rule is pretty colorful one. Basically, it's all my fault. You can blame me. I don't care....BITE ME!!
During SG3 in May, 2003, I got upset with the hex flipping going on and went looking for a mission script solution. This went over well with the Kzin players about as well as trying to get a KKK member confirmed for the US Supreme Court. It took a while, but finally a couple of months later a Disengagement Rule was argued successfully by Fluf for implementation in SS2 in exchange for a a single-ship-per-player rule. Since, this dyna was using EEK patrols the stabilty was good and a lot of 3v3 player v player matches were played. Bottom-line hard-ball politics is that the Roms were going to largely boycott SS2 and I did realize many Frog players were probably following suit without a DR implemented. So, the line drawn was pretty clear.
Then I tinkered with EEK patrols some more, got into a few mis-guided "discussions" that were better left alone, blah, blah, blah and EEK mission fell out of favor and with them went the vaunted SS2 mission pack's player connection stability. But, hey, you can't argue with Admins. that enjoy dyna pain, so whatever...
Moral of my story is that if you as an admin. are not using stable missions packs they your are going to have problems with the Dis-engagement Rule. But, if you don't use the Disengagement Rule then the same old resentment will crop up and I would seriously question the Admin.'s sanity in even bothering to go to the trouble even hosting the dyna under such conditions.
So, the Dis-engagement Rule stays, but it has problems. Not all the mission are exactly stable. As long as you are using NW missions then you will have this problem. That's just the way they were built.
Ergo, some allowance needs to be given mission instability so that players that fly smaller ships, like many Kzin players, don't fleel like they are being "screwed" by the system.
As a result, I would say that the Disengagement Rule needs to stay but it needs to be modified to account for mission pack irregularities.
My whole point is that gang-banging is a valid tactic, so no sympathy if you are caught in a 3 v 1. U can use TS to co-ordinate players to work in teams.
But, it is unacceptable to work as a team to get the mission draft you want and then your wing-man drop on you; especially, in planetary assault missions.
Accordingly, it would be prudent for Admins. and RMs to come up with amendments to the Dis-engagement Rule to deal with these dropsie issues. It also follows that Chuut-Ritt's proposal warrants careful consideration but not to the point that the Dis-engagement Rule is rendered useless.