Topic: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame  (Read 14122 times)

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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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***NOTE:   I fully support the use of the Disengagement rule for AOTK II in its current form, this post is not meant to imply otherwise.  It is merely a discussion of possible alternatives to the version currently in use for future servers AFTER AOTK II.  It is intended as a presentation of ideas for consideration and civil discussion, if such things anger annoy or discomfort you leave now as this thread is not for you.

That being said
It is my intent to discuss some of the shortcomings of the "disengagement rule" as recently practiced on Dynaverse Servers and to make a case for a new version of it that might be considered in the future.  I'm not looking to force my will upon anyone by this discussion but to put forth an alternative for consideration based upon its merits.  The reson I do this is simply to propose an option that will be acceptable and more enjoyable for a wider player base.  Why mess with it if it ain't broken? some will say.  While it isn't "broken" that doesn't mean it cannot be improved and while the majority of players might be quite satisfied with it in its current state there are some who are not.  Most Model T owners were quite satisfied with their cars as well, but how many Model -Ts do we still see on the road today?  I doubt anyone commutes to work in one.  So that is the reason for my discussion, to propose a potential improvement to a system that while not broken could in all likelihood be improved.

How did the "Disengagement Rule" or DR come into being.  The root of it lies inthe old patrol bug where a disengaging smaller ship would win the DV ship after being chased out by a larger and superior opponent.  This bug has since been fixed but it led to a gentleman's agreement later made into a rule that the smaller ship's pilot would stay out of that hex for a specified time period unless he got a larger vessel or returned to the hex with the intent of being drafted with a wingman.  The smaller ship might win 1 DV shift due to the patrol bug, but would be unable to repeat the feat in the same ship.  Then came the problem of players allowing their ships to be blown up in such matches just so they could return immediately in a small "hex flipping ship" running missions underneath their opponents until caught and destroyed, then simply purchasing another and repeating the procedure.  Players who favored the larger and more P v P oriented ships were quite frustrated by this, and understandably so, so someone came up with the idea of making disengaging ships and destroyed ships be forced out of the hex for a given time period (longer in the case of a disengagement) with no option of returning.  This adds the strategic value of forcing the opponent from the hex totally giving the victor free reign.

Unfortunately this has lead to certain shortcommings in my opinion, which at least partially offset some of its advantages.

First of all, pilots who like to fly smaller ships whether it be a droner, a CLC, a CWLP, etc, often find themselves removed from strategic hexes where they wish to fly the ship of their choice.  It becomes a matter of who has the biggest ship on the block irregardless of pilot skill that determines who can stay and play. 

Secondly, the exception to the above is if a wingman is found,  then it becomes who can get the most pilots in mission in many cases, or even who can hold their connection.  Both having signifigant influences outside of player control.  The side that manages to "jump" the opponent being basically the equivalent of the little ship that could jump into missions before drafted by a larger foe.  The winner being the one who can move faster and pull the trigger to launch a mission.  Some skill and planning is involved but connection and connection speed and luck also play a role.

Thirdly, by knocking players out of a hex there will be less potential for P v P within that hex as the strategic advantage of controlling that hex makes it more likely that ai will be faced, 100% if no other pilots are around to oppose.  Most of the strongest supporters of the DR are pilots who profess P v P as their reason for playing, yet they support a system that lessens their opportunities for P v P combat, this seems strange at first glance but there are reasons.  The primarly reason usually given is that it make their P v P victory more rewarding with a payoff of being able to fight ai unopposed, the spoils of their victory.  I can definately understand this but I think there are better ways to reward victory, which I will propose later in this discussion.

Fourthly, the pilot who lost the fight for whatever reason, smaller ship, less skill, getting gangbanged, wingman lost connection, was already damaged, etc, is forced to stay out of the area where he wishes to fly and has the best chance to engage in P v P which could be his entire reason for flying at all.  He can run missions vs ai or possibly find another zone of interest, perhaps finding other defeated pilots to fight in another hex or region, or might simply log off out of frustration.  He might get bumped and not be able to fly with his favorite wingman who is still allowed in that hex and miss the enjoyment of that player comraderie in mission there.  Such is the penalty for disengagement or destruction whether it was a factor of his own skill or not.

Fifthly, even should a pilot not chose to be in a smaller ship, the limiting of what ships he can fly might put him at a disadvantage vs his foe.  Some of these situations revolve around the shiplists with their ebb and flow, and some around limits on who can fly the larger ships or how many can be in play.  For whatever reason, usully he is confronted with the posibility of facing a foe in a ship he simply cannot match given a pretty equal level of skill.

Now that is all fine and nice you say, but what of the horrors of flying without the DR?  Those were far more worse!  Well most pilots may think like this so I hope I can make some suggestions for alterations that will make you pause and think before throwing me to the lions for the "blasphemy" of mentioning changing the sacred DR.

Let me outline my idea.

Fisrt of all the basic premise from the old gentleman's agreement still stands.  If you are forced to disengage you are banned from that hex for a specified period of time,  However I would add that you are also banned if destroyed.  So far seems like the DR eh?  well now come the differences.  I would propose that a pilot be allowed to return if destroyed or forced to disengage while he had been piloting a smaller hull class than his enemy if they returned in a hull class equal to or greater than that of the foe who defeated them.  This would give them a chance at revenge in a rematch and give the initail victor the chance to assert their supremacy once and for all.  A larger ship defeated by a smaller one would have no recourse to this but would have to hang his head in shame.  Additionally I propose that for this purpose all specialty ships be considered one hull class larger.  Thus a BCV would count as a DN, a CVS as BCH, a MDC or D6D as a heavy cruiser.  this would make the line ships more attractive and likely be closer to combat effectiveness.  Scouts and Commando  ships might be excluded from this consideration.  If a player avenges his defeat with a P v P victory in that same hex vs an equal or larger ship class, his penalty is wiped out but until then he cannot return to a smaller ship and operate in that particular hex. 

By doing this we have given players more opportunity to play the ships they want to fly where they want to fly them, but forced them to backup their right to do so with PvP.  We have given then the chance for a rematch and given everyone more opportunity for PvP.  In some case I suggest we might even award extra VCs for killing a foe in the same hex within their "penalty" time making it a risky affair to seek "revenge".  Also we might even consider not allowing the pilot hell bent on such "revenge" to disengage from an equal or lesser foe, only being allowed to should they be outnumbered or out classed.  Not even a hell bent pilot is so stuid as to charge a DN in a heavy cruiser or vs 3 to 1 odds without the option of disengaging (except for a few "eccentric" D2 personalities  ;)).

What do we lose by such a system as opposed to the current DR?  We lose the "reward" of the vicor to clear a hex of the foe beyond a doubt for a given period allowing them to fly more vs ai.  What do we gain, more PvP, grudge matches, potential vc gain for "revenge bent" captains, an advantage for flying line ships, more ability to fly smaller ships on the front without being almost automatically knocked out of the action, the chance to overcome a chance situation where you get jumped or are caught damaged or low on supplies.    We also gain a certain sense of reality, where a defeated foe could return with reinforcements.  I think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages of losing the old DR system.

That being said it is DEFINATELY TOO LATE  TO CONSIDER THIS FOR AOTK II, and the current Disengagement Rule now has my full support for that server.  However I do think this idea bears some merit and it or perhaps only some aspects of it might be considered for the future.  I'm not wanting to start any major flaming over this, I just ask the members of this community to take a look at the ideas with an open mind and consider if there might be some good features here in whole or in part and to made civil commentary upon them as well as the flaws of this system (and I'm sure there are plenty) so that if and only if there are some features that most of the players would enjoy seeing, we might make efforts into finding a way of including these aspects.

Civil comments and Criticisms are certain welcome and encouraged any flamers please STFU  ;D

Offline Dizzy

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2005, 06:57:33 am »
 :stopposting: Too much information!!!

Look, chuut, the issue is only really this: Whenever you let a player back into a hexafter being run out, u simply setup the conditions where a ff (or any ship for that matter) can tie up a DN or group of players (this is a big issue because one ship can purposely tie up 3) while a few others use FF's to draw small AI and run quicker missions underneath. Itsz the patrol bug all over again.

I dont like your proposal. I am in favor of VC points for ships disengaging and being destroyed in addition to a lesser period of time being banned from the hex.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2005, 07:04:46 am »
I think in a 2 v 1 or a 3 v 1 the solo pilot should have the option of an immediate disengagement and be able to return, if he stays and fights fine but he would be unable to return to the hex after destruction or disengagement because he can't field an equal or bigger ship unless he grabs a wingamn in which case he isn't using one ship to tie up more as he has to have equal forces.

I didn't really expand the thought this far in the initial post but this is the logical extention and better than the guy who want to fly solo or a smaller ship getting bounced out in one try due to a disadvantageous situation that may have nothing whatsoever to do with player skill,  without the chance to come back and prove himself in an equal comabt situation. 


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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2005, 07:15:27 am »
I think in a 2 v 1 or a 3 v 1 the solo pilot should have the option of an immediate disengagement and be able to return, if he stays and fights fine but he would be unable to return to the hex after destruction or disengagement because he can't field an equal or bigger ship unless he grabs a wingamn in which case he isn't using one ship to tie up more as he has to have equal forces.

The problem with this rule is if he does the drafting he can intentionally tie up the hex, allow someone else to run a mission there, and then repeat, if you see my point.  The rule should not be broadened to permit either intentional or unintentional manipulation of this kind imo.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2005, 07:24:28 am »
I think in a 2 v 1 or a 3 v 1 the solo pilot should have the option of an immediate disengagement and be able to return, if he stays and fights fine but he would be unable to return to the hex after destruction or disengagement because he can't field an equal or bigger ship unless he grabs a wingamn in which case he isn't using one ship to tie up more as he has to have equal forces.

The problem with this rule is if he does the drafting he can intentionally tie up the hex, allow someone else to run a mission there, and then repeat, if you see my point.  The rule should not be broadened to permit either intentional or unintentional manipulation of this kind imo.

Good point! 

Pehaps he should only be allowed to return with a wingman  in both instances but if he doesn't have one available then he is subject to the disengagement penalty but only for 1/2 the normal duration if he leaves immediately, as he didn't tie up the enemy for an extended time but got off the map promptly not wasting their time rather than engaging at a distance for 10 minutes before being forced off.  That way he would still be gone but just for not as long, same as if he simply self destructed his ship at mission start, just without the ship loss.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2005, 07:34:52 am by KAT Chuut-Ritt »


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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2005, 07:28:03 am »
Any chance that the meaning of "immediately" might become a source of debate?  I would think immediately mean as soon as you loaded and then could leave, but what if he claims he didn't load on his end?  Might that become a problem?  If not, then your rule works fine.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2005, 07:34:03 am »
I think immediately  would not be a problem as players are honorable enough to respect the meaning of the rule.  As soon as the player saw he was outnumbered and / or out classed or was made aware of it  in mission chat he just simply turns around and makes best speed to nearest border.  The opponents could also challange with a fight or flee if they all announced themselves and he would be rules required to make an immediate answer and act on it.  If they failed to comply screeshots and mission films would be sent to the RMs and action taken if appropriate.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2005, 07:54:53 am »
"Fifthly"? :skeptic:
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2005, 07:57:26 am »
"Fifthly"? :skeptic:

in the fifth place; "fifthly, we must adhere to the rules set by the local government"

Offline Dizzy

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2005, 08:01:57 am »
Tracey ios usingh VEry large maps. How long doews oit rake to get to thje boeder now? And like I said above, 1 ship can purposely tie up several... and rinse and repeat. Nononono!

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2005, 08:11:43 am »
Player skill should be the reason for disengagement rather that ship size or number of players in mission IMHO, but I understand your concerns, you got a thinking cap Dizzy put it on and see what ideas you can develope.  That is unless you think the current rule is a perfect wet dream with no issues whatsoever.


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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2005, 08:26:35 am »
Reader's digest version please!

Offline Dizzy

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2005, 08:44:16 am »
Current rule sucks ass too. There are the few and proud who crave PvP and dont give a damn about who gets the DV. It kinda works against us, but the rule is so general, it makes the 75% of those other scumbags happy. And thats what counts. Majority rules.

Know what tho, I always thought the time limit was too long. 30 mins is fine by me. That lets you run a few somewhere else, but still get back in some PvP w/o waiting forever. There are so many factors this rule governs... its hard not to throw the wrench in the wheel changing it w/o ****ing it all up.

And Canada sucks ass too.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2005, 08:52:07 am »
Well I'm trying to keep that 25 % who are not so happy and still offer enough for the majority.  I'm tired of losing friends playing on servers to this kind of item which is accepted despite its faults rather than  looked at for potential improvements.  There is definately some good stuff in the disengagement rule, but there is some bad stuff as well.  Its easier to be lazy, but I'd rather try to look for a way to  get some back and keep some from going.   I don't mind if the majority rules, as long as the minority doesn't leave.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2005, 09:03:49 am »
Seriously Chuut, post a smaller version of the proposal in list format.   The above post has too many words.
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2005, 09:11:41 am »
To close the gap... the majority must be pressed to lower the ban time to the lowest possible. I say 30 mins.

Also, perhaps exempt a player from the ban rule if his wingman drops at start and he immediately heads off map and disengages. You give up a DV, but you shouldnt also be punished for bad luck.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2005, 09:22:19 am »
Well, your idea has merit.   For me though, I don't like how your new disengagement rule is setting up actions available for certain situations.  If you were run out of a hex when THIS happened, then you can do THIS to get back into hex.   I don't like it.   You are setting up a situation where there will be disagreements about if the certain conditions were met or not, and this leads to rules bickering.   Rules bickering to me is the one biggest thing that has started to annoy me on recent servers.   The more simple and direct the rule the better for the community.   Our community has proven over and over that there are numerous ways to interpret the "situational" rules used in past servers.

In my opinion, the current disengagement rule has many good uses.  Those are:

(1) promotes better teamwork in highly contested areas;  many more of our pilots have started using wingmen than ever before, to me this is a good thing;  if you plan on going into a highly contested area, you need to be prepared or face the consequence.   I know this doesn't help those pilots who like to fly solo, but there has been and always will be other areas for those individual pilots to do their thing,

(2) ships preparation - if you're planning on fighting in those contested hexs where big capital ships has been spotted, then you know you are running a risk of being forced out if you just jump in with a CL or DD;  get yourself setup for PvP with a ship that would help a DN wingman, or a big line cruiser in case you get jumped solo.   It doesn't take that long to setup.  I know the reply I hear to this is "well, the shipyard sucks at times, and I can't get the ship I want".  To this I say, have mutiple accounts.   I haven't seen where anyone complains about a pilot having  mutiple accounts when they are ALL for the same team.  If you find a big cruiser you know would be good for PvP, KEEP IT and make another account for when you are just running around in a smaller ship.  This way, you can avoid the downtime of waiting for the shipyard to spit out the ship you want.

(3) smaller ships that run fast missions will always have their place, but the current disengagement rule basicly says to me, "when the big capital ships focus on an area, you better have some of your own to counter this move";  more times than not, large quantities of smaller ships are NOT going to stop a large capital ship.  I know that people have complained about not having access to the large capital ships when past servers used assigned ships.   This was the flaw with assigned ships.  If the pilot with that ship was not on the server, you had no way to counter your enemy capital ships.   NOW, with the open limited capital ship rule to be used on AOTK2, you can ALWAYS have 7 pts worth of capital ships on the server NO MATTER how many pilots are on the server at any one time.   That reason is why I have been suggesting this type of OOB for months instead of the assigned ships idea.   THANK YOU ADMINS OF AOTK2!!

(4) As for your "revenge minded" pilots who have just been run out of a hex, I don't know many pilots who would turn down a challenge with balanced ships on the general chat line.   This idea of open challenges doesn't seem to be used as much anymore.  It seems that most pilots will just fight who they run into while completing whatever manuever their best strategic minds have thought up.  Some of the best PvP matches I've ever had were setup to go meet in a certain hex to duel it out.   Why would this "revenge" duel have to happen in the highly contested hexes?

After saying all that, I would like to suggest to our current and future admins that I would like see the disengagement rule time penalities be reduced.   The current times penality for disengaging seem to always be around 1 hour of actual time, and halved for losing your ship.  Why can't we half those times?   For those that claim they want tons of PvP, why would you possibly reduce the chance of fighting your opponent with the DN to maybe once PER HOUR when you could fight him twice in that hour.   I do still believe we should have a disengagement rule, just reduce the time penality for those that don't have lots of time to fly.  Allow them more chances to get into the thick of things.

Thanks.  Sorry for the long post.
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2005, 09:24:57 am »
Condensed version for the reading impaired  ::)

Problems with current disengage rule

1. Pilots who like to fly smaller ships whether it be a droner, a CLC, a CWLP, etc, often find themselves removed from strategic hexes.  Who has the biggest ship on the block not pilot skill often determines who can stay and play.  

2. Often it becomes who can get the most pilots in mission , or even who can hold their connection.  Both having signifigant influences outside of player control.  The side that manages to "jump" the opponent being basically the equivalent of the little ship that could jump into missions before drafted by a larger foe.  The winner being the one who can move faster and pull the trigger to launch a mission.  Some skill and planning is involved but connection and connection speed and luck also play a role.

3. By knocking players out of a hex there will be less potential for P v P within that hex as the strategic advantage of controlling that hex makes it more likely that ai will be faced.  Most of the strongest supporters of the DR are pilots who profess P v P as their reason for playing, yet they support a system that lessens their opportunities for P v P combat,  but there are reasons.  The primarly reason usually given is that it make their P v P victory more rewarding with a payoff of being able to fight ai unopposed.

4., The pilot who lost the fight for whatever reason,, is forced to stay out and loses the best chance to engage in P v P which could be his entire reason for flying at all.  He can run missions vs ai or possibly find another zone of interest, or might simply log off out of frustration.   Such is the penalty for disengagement or destruction whether it was a factor of his own skill or not.

5. Even should a pilot not chose to be in a smaller ship, the limiting of what ships he can fly might put him at a disadvantage vs his foe.  Some of these situations revolve around the shiplists, and some around limits on who can fly the larger ships or how many can be in play.  For whatever reason, usully he is confronted with the posibility of facing a foe in a ship he simply cannot match given a pretty equal level of skill.

Let me outline my idea.

  If you are forced to disengage you are banned from that hex for a specified period of time.

I would propose that a pilot be allowed to return if destroyed or forced to disengage while he had been piloting a smaller hull class than his enemy if they returned in a hull class equal to or greater than that of the foe who defeated them.  This would give them a chance at revenge in a rematch and give the initail victor the chance to assert their supremacy once and for all.

 A larger ship defeated by a smaller one would have no recourse to this

All specialty ships be considered one hull class larger.    Scouts and Commando  ships might be excluded from this consideration.  

If a player avenges his defeat with a P v P victory in that same hex vs an equal or larger ship class, his penalty is wiped out but until then he cannot return to a smaller ship and operate in that particular hex.


By doing this we have given players more opportunity to play the ships they want to fly where they want to fly them, but forced them to backup their right to do so with PvP.  

We have given then the chance for a rematch and given everyone more opportunity for PvP.  

We might even award extra VCs for killing a foe in the same hex within their "penalty" time making it a risky affair to seek "revenge".

Not allowing the pilot hell bent on such "revenge" to disengage from an equal or lesser foe, only being allowed to should they be outnumbered or out classed.

What do we lose vs what do we gain?

What do we lose by such a system as opposed to the current DR?  We lose the "reward" of the vicor to clear a hex of the foe beyond a doubt for a given period allowing them to fly more vs ai.  

What do we gain, more PvP, grudge matches, potential vc gain for "revenge bent" captains, an advantage for flying line ships, more ability to fly smaller ships on the front without being almost automatically knocked out of the action, the chance to overcome a chance situation where you get jumped or are caught damaged or low on supplies.    We also gain a certain sense of reality, where a defeated foe could return with reinforcements.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2005, 09:45:32 am by KAT Chuut-Ritt »

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2005, 09:39:54 am »
Well, your idea has merit.   For me though, I don't like how your new disengagement rule is setting up actions available for certain situations.  If you were run out of a hex when THIS happened, then you can do THIS to get back into hex.   I don't like it.   You are setting up a situation where there will be disagreements about if the certain conditions were met or not, and this leads to rules bickering.   Rules bickering to me is the one biggest thing that has started to annoy me on recent servers.   The more simple and direct the rule the better for the community.   Our community has proven over and over that there are numerous ways to interpret the "situational" rules used in past servers.

can you cite examples of something that would be the subject of bickering so that it could be clarified.  Ship clases are defined and the actions would be based on these with no exceptions in my view.  If something is unclear please let me know so I can fine tune the wording of my proposal

In my opinion, the current disengagement rule has many good uses.  Those are:

(1) promotes better teamwork in highly contested areas;  many more of our pilots have started using wingmen than ever before, to me this is a good thing;  if you plan on going into a highly contested area, you need to be prepared or face the consequence.   I know this doesn't help those pilots who like to fly solo, but there has been and always will be other areas for those individual pilots to do their thing,

(2) ships preparation - if you're planning on fighting in those contested hexs where big capital ships has been spotted, then you know you are running a risk of being forced out if you just jump in with a CL or DD;  get yourself setup for PvP with a ship that would help a DN wingman, or a big line cruiser in case you get jumped solo.   It doesn't take that long to setup.  I know the reply I hear to this is "well, the shipyard sucks at times, and I can't get the ship I want".  To this I say, have mutiple accounts.   I haven't seen where anyone complains about a pilot having  mutiple accounts when they are ALL for the same team.  If you find a big cruiser you know would be good for PvP, KEEP IT and make another account for when you are just running around in a smaller ship.  This way, you can avoid the downtime of waiting for the shipyard to spit out the ship you want.

(3) smaller ships that run fast missions will always have their place, but the current disengagement rule basicly says to me, "when the big capital ships focus on an area, you better have some of your own to counter this move";  more times than not, large quantities of smaller ships are NOT going to stop a large capital ship.  I know that people have complained about not having access to the large capital ships when past servers used assigned ships.   This was the flaw with assigned ships.  If the pilot with that ship was not on the server, you had no way to counter your enemy capital ships.   NOW, with the open limited capital ship rule to be used on AOTK2, you can ALWAYS have 7 pts worth of capital ships on the server NO MATTER how many pilots are on the server at any one time.   That reason is why I have been suggesting this type of OOB for months instead of the assigned ships idea.   THANK YOU ADMINS OF AOTK2!!

valid points but not how everyone likes it.  There are those who like to fly solo, those who like to fly smaller ships of all varieties, and those who have trouble holding multiple connections.  By forcing big ships and unit actions on the front you are basically giving them the finger and telling them they cant play with the big kids and/or gangs  I'm suggesting a system that allows for them to potentially have a second chance to some degree.  I know I haven't got it perfect but its a work in progress, and I'm sure we have enough brains to figure out a way to make it work if we all decide we want to apply effort in this endevour.

(4) As for your "revenge minded" pilots who have just been run out of a hex, I don't know many pilots who would turn down a challenge with balanced ships on the general chat line.   This idea of open challenges doesn't seem to be used as much anymore.  It seems that most pilots will just fight who they run into while completing whatever manuever their best strategic minds have thought up.  Some of the best PvP matches I've ever had were setup to go meet in a certain hex to duel it out.   Why would this "revenge" duel have to happen in the highly contested hexes?

the revenge fight would be a pilots right to earn his way back onto the front with his PvP skill.  it could happen anywhere but it shouldn't be limited to the pilot who forced them off as that pilot might log off immediately afterwards.

After saying all that, I would like to suggest to our current and future admins that I would like see the disengagement rule time penalities be reduced.   The current times penality for disengaging seem to always be around 1 hour of actual time, and halved for losing your ship.  Why can't we half those times?   For those that claim they want tons of PvP, why would you possibly reduce the chance of fighting your opponent with the DN to maybe once PER HOUR when you could fight him twice in that hour.   I do still believe we should have a disengagement rule, just reduce the time penality for those that don't have lots of time to fly.  Allow them more chances to get into the thick of things.

That would be a step forward, I'd support it 200%  To make it more palatable for some, It could even be reduced only for line ships for a test run giving them an advantage over specialty varieties.  Or perhaps simply allow the time to be halved if the pilot returned in a line ship regardless of what he had been flying when he disengaged.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2005, 10:51:42 am »
In regards to Dizzy's vociferous complaining about a small ship tying up a large force without the current disengagement rule.


How many of us here have not tied up a larger ship for as long as we can, or taken advantage of one of our allies doing so, for the purpose of letting our allies work the same hex or working that hex ourselves to raise or lower the DV as needed?

I personally have spent an hour and a half racing around the map in a small drone boat trading potshots with a plasma chucker while my allies captured the hex during my time in that battle. Changing the disengagement rule to allow a small ship pilot to return with heavier metal after disengagement or destruction would not make this any worse. When you disengage in a real battle, you'd be yelling for reinforcements. If destroyed, there would be a disaster beacon to call your allies attention. So this is not unrealistic.

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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #20 on: July 20, 2005, 10:54:08 am »
I would agree to halving it for non-specialty and non-OOB ships, but not for any of the reasons you sight. I like it because it would still keep the hex-flipping PvP avoidance tactics somewhat under control while encouraging more use of line ships. (actually, you may have said that up above, but who has time to read all that.)

However Chuut, after reading your initial post here it is clear that by associating the current disengagement rule with the patrol bug, you haven't got a clue as to why the rule came about. The ATOK I battles over the great ball of twine, which you have previously sighted as fun (at least from the kitty prespective) was exactly what lead to the creatiopn of the rule. In that insidence a vastly out numbered hex-flipping force was able to contest an area of space by avoiding PvP, which lead to much frustration by those that attempted to defend it with bigger ships and greater numbers.  When you take a moment to truly understand this you will be on your way to enlightenment.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2005, 10:58:20 am »
In regards to Dizzy's vociferous complaining about a small ship tying up a large force without the current disengagement rule.


How many of us here have not tied up a larger ship for as long as we can, or taken advantage of one of our allies doing so, for the purpose of letting our allies work the same hex or working that hex ourselves to raise or lower the DV as needed?

I personally have spent an hour and a half racing around the map in a small drone boat trading potshots with a plasma chucker while my allies captured the hex during my time in that battle. Changing the disengagement rule to allow a small ship pilot to return with heavier metal after disengagement or destruction would not make this any worse. When you disengage in a real battle, you'd be yelling for reinforcements. If destroyed, there would be a disaster beacon to call your allies attention. So this is not unrealistic.

Yes, but this tactic CAN be countered by using pilot skill to drive the smaller ship out as quickly as possible. Plus that ship and player can only use the tactic once per penalty period. If a pilot in the smaller hex-flipper simply turns tail and runs immediately and then comes right back to the hex and attempts to get an AI mission there is NOTHING you can do about it. This is the nature of the problem. One has has a counter the other does not due to game mechanics.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Offline Matsukasi

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #22 on: July 20, 2005, 10:58:26 am »
I would agree to halving it for non-specialty and non-OOB ships, but not for any of the reasons you sight. I like it because it would still keep the hex-flipping PvP avoidance tactics somewhat under control while encouraging more use of line ships. (actually, you may have said that up above, but who has time to read all that.)

However Chuut, after reading your initial post here it is clear that by associating the current disengagement rule with the patrol bug, you haven't got a clue as to why the rule came about. The ATOK I battles over the great ball of twine, which you have previously sighted as fun (at least from the kitty prespective) was exactly what lead to the creatiopn of the rule. In that insidence a vastly out numbered hex-flipping force was able to contest an area of space by avoiding PvP, which lead to much frustration by those that attempted to defend it with bigger ships and greater numbers.  When you take a moment to truly understand this you will be on your way to enlightenment.

Dude... seriously... are you saying that the kitties were avoiding PvP?

There were like.... 5 of us. So, I'm absolutely positive that at least 20% of our forces were doing nothing but seeking out the enemy ships in order to kill them. Granted, 20% of our ships were flying to the opposite corner of the map to write a big K in enemy space, but you can hardly hold the rest of us responsible for Chuu... I mean, that pilot, whoever he was.
Yep, I got some common sense finally!

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2005, 10:59:46 am »
Uh, Kroma, did you completely miss the point about only being able to return with a heavier ship?

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Offline Mog

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #24 on: July 20, 2005, 11:06:45 am »
I would agree to halving it for non-specialty and non-OOB ships, but not for any of the reasons you sight. I like it because it would still keep the hex-flipping PvP avoidance tactics somewhat under control while encouraging more use of line ships. (actually, you may have said that up above, but who has time to read all that.)

However Chuut, after reading your initial post here it is clear that by associating the current disengagement rule with the patrol bug, you haven't got a clue as to why the rule came about. The ATOK I battles over the great ball of twine, which you have previously sighted as fun (at least from the kitty prespective) was exactly what lead to the creatiopn of the rule. In that insidence a vastly out numbered hex-flipping force was able to contest an area of space by avoiding PvP, which lead to much frustration by those that attempted to defend it with bigger ships and greater numbers.  When you take a moment to truly understand this you will be on your way to enlightenment.

I remember fighting at that planet (mostly against poor old Fluffypoos' CVA), and there was no pvp avoidance that I could see. Fun time.
Dude... seriously... are you saying that the kitties were avoiding PvP?

There were like.... 5 of us. So, I'm absolutely positive that at least 20% of our forces were doing nothing but seeking out the enemy ships in order to kill them. Granted, 20% of our ships were flying to the opposite corner of the map to write a big K in enemy space, but you can hardly hold the rest of us responsible for Chuu... I mean, that pilot, whoever he was.
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #25 on: July 20, 2005, 11:17:16 am »
I am saying that even though a couple of those 5 pilots were in fact engaging in PvP, the 1 or 2 that weren't where able to contest the space against a superior force and there was absolutely nothing that could be done to counter it. Making defending it un-fun and pointless.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
GCS Prima Ballerina
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Offline Matsukasi

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #26 on: July 20, 2005, 11:22:18 am »
Correct me if I'm wrong... but didn't your side end up with Mer'nok and all the pretty bases that got dropped around it as well?

Sounds like it wasn't pointless to me. Don't forget how many Klingons you had in D5Ds running around there, btw. You had access to the same weaponry as we did, plus you had numbers. Funny how we had fun and you didn't.

< shrug >

Just glad to hear that there's supposed to be a fleeting rule. Thanks for that.
Yep, I got some common sense finally!

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #27 on: July 20, 2005, 11:35:11 am »
Correct me if I'm wrong... but didn't your side end up with Mer'nok and all the pretty bases that got dropped around it as well?

Sounds like it wasn't pointless to me. Don't forget how many Klingons you had in D5Ds running around there, btw. You had access to the same weaponry as we did, plus you had numbers. Funny how we had fun and you didn't.

What does that have to do with the price of Tutu's on Gdar? Sure it was maintained in the coalition hands, we had 10 times the number of pilots. But 1 pilot in a DF+ was able to fight AI only and force 10 pilots in bigger ships to spend countless hours undoing the work of a single pilot. True we could have used D5D to counter it, but that is not the type of server I am after (i.e. one in which fighting AI the most efficently wins the day). I want a server where fighting live players has more impact, without the disengagement rule you would be stupid if you cared about winning at all not to follow the sockfoot doctrine.

I was flying Gorn, so no I didn't have access to the same weapons you did. Yes I agree that you probably had fun with 3 pilots being able to tie up and counter the efforts of 10, but it wasn't fun for the other 10. When designing a server rule set it seems to me to make better sense to maximize the fun for the widest number of players, rather than cater to a vocal minority.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
GCS Prima Ballerina
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Offline Matsukasi

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #28 on: July 20, 2005, 11:55:03 am »

What does that have to do with the price of Tutu's on Gdar? Sure it was maintained in the coalition hands, we had 10 times the number of pilots. But 1 pilot in a DF+ was able to fight AI only and force 10 pilots in bigger ships to spend countless hours undoing the work of a single pilot. True we could have used D5D to counter it, but that is not the type of server I am after (i.e. one in which fighting AI the most efficently wins the day). I want a server where fighting live players has more impact, without the disengagement rule you would be stupid if you cared about winning at all not to follow the sockfoot doctrine.

I was flying Gorn, so no I didn't have access to the same weapons you did. Yes I agree that you probably had fun with 3 pilots being able to tie up and counter the efforts of 10, but it wasn't fun for the other 10. When designing a server rule set it seems to me to make better sense to maximize the fun for the widest number of players, rather than cater to a vocal minority.

I'm sorry that we didn't decide to lay down and surrender, Kroma. I guess we should have just let you win with numbers, and do it with a smile so you could have a server that was fun for you. We were playing a game, and we were having fun. We lost and you won and we STILL had more fun than you. That says a lot to me. You're complaining about the tactics of the LOSERS. You have to admit that's pretty incredulous coming from the victors, right?

Gonna stop banging my head against the wall now.
Yep, I got some common sense finally!

Offline Braxton_RIP

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #29 on: July 20, 2005, 12:03:56 pm »
Condensed version for the reading impaired  ::)

Problems with current disengage rule

1. Pilots who like to fly smaller ships whether it be a droner, a CLC, a CWLP, etc, often find themselves removed from strategic hexes.  Who has the biggest ship on the block not pilot skill often determines who can stay and play.  

2. Often it becomes who can get the most pilots in mission , or even who can hold their connection.  Both having signifigant influences outside of player control.  The side that manages to "jump" the opponent being basically the equivalent of the little ship that could jump into missions before drafted by a larger foe.  The winner being the one who can move faster and pull the trigger to launch a mission.  Some skill and planning is involved but connection and connection speed and luck also play a role.

3. By knocking players out of a hex there will be less potential for P v P within that hex as the strategic advantage of controlling that hex makes it more likely that ai will be faced.  Most of the strongest supporters of the DR are pilots who profess P v P as their reason for playing, yet they support a system that lessens their opportunities for P v P combat,  but there are reasons.  The primarly reason usually given is that it make their P v P victory more rewarding with a payoff of being able to fight ai unopposed.

4., The pilot who lost the fight for whatever reason,, is forced to stay out and loses the best chance to engage in P v P which could be his entire reason for flying at all.  He can run missions vs ai or possibly find another zone of interest, or might simply log off out of frustration.   Such is the penalty for disengagement or destruction whether it was a factor of his own skill or not.

5. Even should a pilot not chose to be in a smaller ship, the limiting of what ships he can fly might put him at a disadvantage vs his foe.  Some of these situations revolve around the shiplists, and some around limits on who can fly the larger ships or how many can be in play.  For whatever reason, usully he is confronted with the posibility of facing a foe in a ship he simply cannot match given a pretty equal level of skill.

Let me outline my idea.

  If you are forced to disengage you are banned from that hex for a specified period of time.

I would propose that a pilot be allowed to return if destroyed or forced to disengage while he had been piloting a smaller hull class than his enemy if they returned in a hull class equal to or greater than that of the foe who defeated them.  This would give them a chance at revenge in a rematch and give the initail victor the chance to assert their supremacy once and for all.

 A larger ship defeated by a smaller one would have no recourse to this

All specialty ships be considered one hull class larger.    Scouts and Commando  ships might be excluded from this consideration.  

If a player avenges his defeat with a P v P victory in that same hex vs an equal or larger ship class, his penalty is wiped out but until then he cannot return to a smaller ship and operate in that particular hex.


By doing this we have given players more opportunity to play the ships they want to fly where they want to fly them, but forced them to backup their right to do so with PvP.  

We have given then the chance for a rematch and given everyone more opportunity for PvP.  

We might even award extra VCs for killing a foe in the same hex within their "penalty" time making it a risky affair to seek "revenge".

Not allowing the pilot hell bent on such "revenge" to disengage from an equal or lesser foe, only being allowed to should they be outnumbered or out classed.

What do we lose vs what do we gain?

What do we lose by such a system as opposed to the current DR?  We lose the "reward" of the vicor to clear a hex of the foe beyond a doubt for a given period allowing them to fly more vs ai.  

What do we gain, more PvP, grudge matches, potential vc gain for "revenge bent" captains, an advantage for flying line ships, more ability to fly smaller ships on the front without being almost automatically knocked out of the action, the chance to overcome a chance situation where you get jumped or are caught damaged or low on supplies.    We also gain a certain sense of reality, where a defeated foe could return with reinforcements.

I hope it isn't out of place, but I just want to add some constructive critisim to this subject.

The first thing I would adress the your statement about pilots in CLCs, etc., being forced from a hex because an opponent is there with a larger ship as well as the number of players one side can pack in.  I understand where your coming from with this, but your failing to see one key thing in my oppinon.  Consider the Bismarck, probably the best Battleship ever built on the face of this planet.  I could have put any one of the people in these forums on her in command, sent the world's best ship captain in with a drestroyer, and though the captain of the destroyer is the best in the world, he will probably loose his ship to the Bismarck.  Now consider how the Bismarck was sunk.  It wasn't because the British sent in ships of equal size, the zerged the thing, sending in every man, ship and plane they could muster, just to match her in power.  I do agree that we need to work on this point, but there are certain things that shouldn't be overlooked.  Nuemerical supiriority, or technological for that matter, shouldn't have, but has, become a point of attack for the weaker party in all cases on both D2 and D3.  I think the matter of getting more players into a match might become a lesser issue on this server, simply because of TG's wonderful stability fix.  You were in the mission with me when there were 5 of us, and anything says there could have been 6.  Hell, that mission even allied you with the Klingons, who, on the server are you enemy.  Your idea though does present an interesting aire to it.  It would be stupid if a player were allowed back into the area where he was forced from with a ship of the same or lesser size than he had before, since it is suicide.  There are certain problems with the idea still though.  If a pilot is shot down over Iraq, the military doesn't send him back to the same area again for an amount of time, no matter what his posting after the incident is.

Remember, I just wanted to add these thoughts in, since they seem to be left out.  It is certainly something worth considering.
Old Geezer

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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2005, 12:20:30 pm »

I'm sorry that we didn't decide to lay down and surrender, Kroma. I guess we should have just let you win with numbers, and do it with a smile so you could have a server that was fun for you. We were playing a game, and we were having fun. We lost and you won and we STILL had more fun than you. That says a lot to me. You're complaining about the tactics of the LOSERS. You have to admit that's pretty incredulous coming from the victors, right?

Wrong, I could careless about winning or losing, and to tell the truth I had forgotten who kept the space in the end. I am complaining about a server setup that lead to frustration and lack of fun for a large number of people. I never said you shouldn't have resited and everything you did was perfectly within the rules. And yes you did have more fun at the expense unfortuantely of a large majority of players, this is what the disengagement rule was about. Trying to bring a little more balance to the fun of playing on servers for a larger set of the player base. As it was it was only fun for flippers without the rule, and not fun at all for PvP'ers given the setup and game mechanics. The fact that you think I care about who won or lost the server in the end shows that you haven't got a clue to what I am on about. In my opinion, everyone who has fun wins, regardless of the score.

What says a lot to me is that you seem to care only that your team has fun, and the rest be damned. The disengagement rule brought more fun to more people across the board, but it seems that you can only have fun in an environment that denies fun to others.

I have always been open to making sensible changes that increase the fun across the board, to both PvP'er and Hex-flippers, but you seem to only be concerned with returing to the type of fun you enjoy and the rest be damned. Scraping the Disengagement rule outright would do exactly that, which is why I am against that option. I have however stated several times what changes I would be willing to consider to attempt to eliminate some of the negatives side effects of the rule so as to further increase the fun for all, and I still don't care what effect those changes might have on the final score of the server.

I am also concerned about you being able to have fun on the server, but not at the expense of the majority of the other players is all.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
GCS Prima Ballerina
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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #31 on: July 20, 2005, 12:30:11 pm »
Sounds like a classic case of the needs of the many...

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Offline Matsukasi

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2005, 12:45:47 pm »

I'm sorry that we didn't decide to lay down and surrender, Kroma. I guess we should have just let you win with numbers, and do it with a smile so you could have a server that was fun for you. We were playing a game, and we were having fun. We lost and you won and we STILL had more fun than you. That says a lot to me. You're complaining about the tactics of the LOSERS. You have to admit that's pretty incredulous coming from the victors, right?

Wrong, I could careless about winning or losing, and to tell the truth I had forgotten who kept the space in the end. I am complaining about a server setup that lead to frustration and lack of fun for a large number of people. I never said you shouldn't have resited and everything you did was perfectly within the rules. And yes you did have more fun at the expense unfortuantely of a large majority of players, this is what the disengagement rule was about. Trying to bring a little more balance to the fun of playing on servers for a larger set of the player base. As it was it was only fun for flippers without the rule, and not fun at all for PvP'ers given the setup and game mechanics. The fact that you think I care about who won or lost the server in the end shows that you haven't got a clue to what I am on about. In my opinion, everyone who has fun wins, regardless of the score.

What says a lot to me is that you seem to care only that your team has fun, and the rest be damned. The disengagement rule brought more fun to more people across the board, but it seems that you can only have fun in an environment that denies fun to others.

I have always been open to making sensible changes that increase the fun across the board, to both PvP'er and Hex-flippers, but you seem to only be concerned with returing to the type of fun you enjoy and the rest be damned. Scraping the Disengagement rule outright would do exactly that, which is why I am against that option. I have however stated several times what changes I would be willing to consider to attempt to eliminate some of the negatives side effects of the rule so as to further increase the fun for all, and I still don't care what effect those changes might have on the final score of the server.

I am also concerned about you being able to have fun on the server, but not at the expense of the majority of the other players is all.

Wow, I'm selfish now.

I was switching sides mid-server to keep people's fun up long before it was fashionable. That was a Kzinti thing. WE tried to keep it fun for EVERYONE, not just us.

You have no moral high ground in this case with me.

Besides, this server was advertised to me as a return to the old style of server, with fewer rules and more fun. I have a right to be disappointed now that I find out it's exactly the same as every other recent server. We may have been able to drag a few old players back for another run, but I guess that's selfish of me too, right? Wanting some of ' MY ' guys to come back for some fun?

I'm done with this now.

Calling me selfish is just about the most asinine thing I've seen you say, Kroma.
Yep, I got some common sense finally!

Offline Mog

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2005, 01:12:18 pm »
AOTK was my favourite server of all I played on. As a PvPer I had a blast then. I'm certain I'm not alone in that view. Going from memory, our numbers started to dwindle even more rapidly after that server.
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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #34 on: July 20, 2005, 01:19:23 pm »
Well, the history of the Disengagement Rule is pretty colorful one. Basically, it's all my fault. You can blame me. I don't care....BITE ME!! ;D

During SG3 in May, 2003, I got upset with the hex flipping going on and went looking for a mission script solution. This went over well with the Kzin players about as well as trying to get a KKK member confirmed for the US Supreme Court.   It took a while, but finally a couple of months later a Disengagement Rule was argued successfully by Fluf for implementation in SS2 in exchange for a a single-ship-per-player rule.  Since, this dyna was using EEK patrols the stabilty was good and a lot of 3v3 player v player matches were played.  Bottom-line hard-ball politics is that the Roms were going to largely boycott SS2 and I did realize many Frog players were probably following suit without a DR implemented. So, the line drawn was pretty clear.

Then I tinkered with EEK patrols some more, got into a few mis-guided "discussions" that were better left alone, blah, blah, blah and EEK mission fell out of favor and with them went the vaunted SS2 mission pack's player connection stability. But, hey, you can't argue with Admins. that enjoy dyna pain, so whatever...

Moral of my story is that if you as an admin. are not using stable missions packs they your are going to have problems with the Dis-engagement Rule. But, if you don't use the Disengagement Rule then the same old resentment will crop up and I would seriously question the Admin.'s sanity in even bothering to go to the trouble even hosting the dyna under such conditions.

So, the Dis-engagement Rule stays, but it has problems. Not all the mission are exactly stable. As long as you are using NW missions then you will have this problem. That's just the way they were built.

Ergo, some allowance needs to be given mission instability so that players that fly smaller ships, like many Kzin players, don't fleel like they are being "screwed" by the system.

As a result, I would say that the Disengagement Rule needs to stay but it needs to be modified to account for mission pack irregularities.

My whole point is that gang-banging is a valid tactic, so no sympathy if you are caught in a 3 v 1. U can use TS to co-ordinate players to work in teams.

But, it is unacceptable to work as a team to get the mission draft you want and then your wing-man drop on you; especially, in planetary assault missions.

Accordingly, it would be prudent for Admins. and RMs to come up with amendments to the Dis-engagement Rule to deal with these dropsie issues. It also follows that Chuut-Ritt's proposal warrants careful consideration but not to the point that the Dis-engagement Rule is rendered useless.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #35 on: July 20, 2005, 01:28:01 pm »
The disengagement rule does tend to actually limit PvP in seige situations.    Some of the most fun I've had in a dyna was those notorious hot spots.   Pinky Gen.  Mer'Nok  etc. 

If the issue is a single drone boat typing up a fleet due to it's fast mission times, that can be resolved via drone boat restrictions.  If the issue is to add more oomph to a PvP win,  then the disengagement rule is doing what is intended.   However, it will result in a lowering of PvP in hotspots in return for some added ease of progression for the attacker.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #36 on: July 20, 2005, 01:39:35 pm »
The disengagement rule does tend to actually limit PvP in seige situations.    Some of the most fun I've had in a dyna was those notorious hot spots.   Pinky Gen.  Mer'Nok  etc. 

If the issue is a single drone boat typing up a fleet due to it's fast mission times, that can be resolved via drone boat restrictions.  If the issue is to add more oomph to a PvP win,  then the disengagement rule is doing what is intended.   However, it will result in a lowering of PvP in hotspots in return for some added ease of progression for the attacker.

The map is not 10 hexes, this one in paraticular is HUGE.  If you get chased out, fight in another hex or go base-busing on Deepstrikes.   There is always something to do.

If you know a hex is hot, send in some big guns to "flush" the hex and then have the small ships follow up.   It ain't that tough.
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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #37 on: July 20, 2005, 01:39:59 pm »
The disengagement rule does tend to actually limit PvP in seige situations.    Some of the most fun I've had in a dyna was those notorious hot spots.   Pinky Gen.  Mer'Nok  etc. 

If the issue is a single drone boat typing up a fleet due to it's fast mission times, that can be resolved via drone boat restrictions.  If the issue is to add more oomph to a PvP win,  then the disengagement rule is doing what is intended.   However, it will result in a lowering of PvP in hotspots in return for some added ease of progression for the attacker.

Any ship that has been affectionately classified as "cheese" would need to be throttled with the drone boats.  By the time you are done hacking out all the "cheese" ships they you have a very vanilla shiplist.  Based on past dyna results, I don't think vanilla shiplists are very attractive to the user-base.  SS2 had it right with the usage of a tiny bit of OOB just needs a little more tweaking to include BCHs.  

Pinky Gen was a SS2 base using Dis-engagement Rule.  Mer'nok was an AoTK base. I also remember this dyna as being very frustrating for the Kitties.  We basically did not have the numbers and enough nutters to set up a shield around the target base hexes to keep out the defenders.  To win a base in AoTK, it came down to how  many players you had on and on how long they would play. PvP skill was a zero factor.  I remember being able to fly a I-CVAD w/ 16 CAV IIIs. All I had to do was launch fighters and the Fed StarBase would go boom in 3 minutes. But, never did it matter if I took my I-CAZ and beat someone in a PvP match. They would be back in a minute with a new K-D5D.

Finally, AoTK was the dyna that made up my mind that something had to be done about bad mission packs and obsolete rule sets, and let's not even go there about screwed up player accounts. Otherwise, why go to all the trouble of learning the server kit and writing missions that took a couple months of C++ ramp up development time?  For me, AOTK was an utter dyna disaster that engendered me taking matters into my own hands and start writing missions. SG3 was the first beneficiary dyna for EEK mission packs and SS2 piled on with the Dis-engagement Rule.

Going back to an old AoTK server would be a simple nightmare that I can only flee from as fast as my SWG Xwing can take me.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2005, 02:03:40 pm by el-Karnak »

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #38 on: July 20, 2005, 01:45:18 pm »
The "Stand at Musahsi" from SS2, the "Siege of Hydrax" from GW2,  and the "War of 18,12" for SGO were epic, I did not see the disengagment rule runing those battles.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #39 on: July 20, 2005, 01:54:19 pm »
I won't say who, but the general feeling from the Alliance players is this:

"Without a disengagement rule, the server will become a droner snorefest"

That I have to say I agree with.  The Kzin do have a definite potential to gain over other races in the removal of the rule, since their shipyard is basically a drone boat in itself.  The worst off in loosing the rule are the plasma based races, since they have to be reasonably close to score a hit of consiquence on the other ship.

Maybe a compromise that could be made is this:

Base the ability to run from a battle on the ships in the battle.

For hexes adjacent to or in nuetral space:

In a battle where there are no specialty ships, allow either side to disengage at will.  Vanilla ships are just that, vanilla, and there wouldn't be much special about an F-CAR taking on an I-CLY.  It would just be two line ships that are easily replacable in the event of loss.  The penalty for such a disengagement would be short, say 10 minutes or something of that nature.  Not a punishment of sorts, just a time to let the activity in the hex progress a little.

Now, on the other hand, a Capital or specialty ship is generally outfitted with better equipment (or should be at least).  Capital ships are generally escorted by other ships, and are general a source of power for their race in surrounding sectors.
If a battle ensues between a Capital or specialty ship and a Vanilla ship, the Capital or specialty ship would be said to have "Intercept" capability, meaning that by some means, it would be able to track the vanilla ship and countinue the fight.  In this case, the vanilla ship would be suck and have to fight the battle, as a price of being caught. The penalty for the capital ship disengaging could be something like that ship isn't allowed to continue pursuit of the Vanilla ship for a period of time.

If a battle ensued between two Capital or specialty ships, and this is based upon our abilities to use TS and other voice comms to coordinate our efforts, since either ship has greater resources than normal vanilla ships, either could disengage at will.  The penalty for this disengagement could be like the ones we have now, a long ban from the hex.

For hexes in enemy space (I.E. Deepstrike):

In this case, ships that are not of the race that owns the battle and surrounding hexes would not be able to disengage.  Face it, the middle of a race's space will be heavily trafficed, monitored, and patrolled, and if an enemy ship is found, a large force will probably be mobilized to nuetralize it.

I think this might present a more true to life method of disengagement.  It would be very easy to determine what the case was at the beginning of the battle.  I don't know, it is just a thought.
Old Geezer

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #40 on: July 20, 2005, 02:07:58 pm »
IIRC, the most recent version of the Disengagement rule that I have seen had a couple of deepstrike provisos.

Because of their cloaking devices, Romulans could disengage while deepstriking provided they were not within two hexes of a base or planet, as the base or planetary sensors would neutralize the advantage of a cloak.

Because of their advanced sensors, ISC could disengage in a deepstrike mission with the same provision, because they could track and avoid enemy ships. But if a planet or base was around within two hexes, the base or planetary sensors would nullify the sensor advantage of ISC ships by allowing the ships of the people being deep struck against to move into position based on data from the planet or base.

Feel free to correct me if I'm missing anything or if I'm totally off base...

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #41 on: July 20, 2005, 02:10:51 pm »
I had forgotten about those consessions, but they were both very good in my oppinion.
Old Geezer

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #42 on: July 20, 2005, 02:15:07 pm »
I had forgotten about those consessions, but they were both very good in my oppinion.

They ain't getting included here, but I'd like SOMETHING similar to that in the future.

The cloak idea was mine  ;D
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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #43 on: July 20, 2005, 02:15:18 pm »
Depending on the race, even the line ships will have mis-matched mission times, so the hex flipping factor remains.  A Fed/Kzin/Klink line ship will definitely hex-flip better than a line Gorn/Rom/ISC ship.

I do like the deep-strike rules for SGO though.  In addition, any Dis-engagement Rule allowances for player drops are needed.

Other than that, I don't see any new argument here that were not tabled 2 years ago and taken into account when the original Dis-engagement rule was implemented.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #44 on: July 20, 2005, 02:22:25 pm »
It would help if the serverkit didn't freak out at people forfeiting missions. If that worked, in mission you could just Esc out when that happens after making appropriate apologies/excuses/etc...about not being able to continue the mission without your wing.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #45 on: July 20, 2005, 02:24:18 pm »
A mismatch in a line ship is something we should learn to deal with.

If I drive up in an M1A1 Abrahms, and you drive up in a Technical, and we are supposed to be doing battle, sure the one with the Technical will be outmatched, but that really isn't my fault for having the M1A1.

The key problem that usually evolves from this rule is the fact that the person with the smaller ship want to blaim the person with the larger ship for being in the hex he wanted to play in.

I can't help it if I am sitting in my BCF on hex so and so and you come crusing up and grab me in your DW.
Old Geezer

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #46 on: July 20, 2005, 02:28:03 pm »

Wow, I'm selfish now.

I would say defensive and a bit paranoid actually. Reread your post that I quoted. It was you that took my simple explaination of why I felt Chuut example of a fun server episode was in fact the exact opposite for many personal and started with a direct attack on my motivations. Implying that my sole reason for wanting the disengagement rule was because I was a sore winner. You are the one that made it personal, not I. I simply attempted to explain to you that what might have been fun for you wasn't for many others, which lead to the motivation for creating the disengagement rule. I never said you were selfish, I simply imlied you were not looking at that situation from both prespectives.


I was switching sides mid-server to keep people's fun up long before it was fashionable.

Welcome to the club, so was I.

That was a Kzinti thing. WE tried to keep it fun for EVERYONE, not just us.

It is hard to tell from your smart arsed comments I quoted above and inability to try and see the same situation from the other prespective.

You have no moral high ground in this case with me.

It was never a moral issue for me. It is a player morale issue. What I was trying to point out to you is that while having a rule set and game mechanics that allowed your vastly out numbered force to maintain a high morale and effectiveness created a very large morale issue for many other people. This then lead to the impetous for the rule. You desided to take that as a personnel insult and attacked me saying I was a sore winner, when in fact I couldn't even recall who won any server I have ever played on, nor do I care.

Besides, this server was advertised to me as a return to the old style of server,

Speak to J'inn about a refund, he doesn't let me handle any of the money.

with fewer rules and more fun.

Fewer rules does not necessarily equal more fun for more people, as the overwelming response to continued support for the disengagement rule would seem to imply.

I have a right to be disappointed now that I find out it's exactly the same as every other recent server.

And appearently you think that also gives you the right to make personal attacks on people that disagree with you by implying they are poor sports and only motivated by a desire to win, which in this case was completely unfounded. But hey, if that rational makes you feel better about attacking me go for it, I want you to have fun just like I want others too.

We may have been able to drag a few old players back for another run,

Emhassis on "may", but from the response to keeping the rule in I can guarenty you would have driven more away.

but I guess that's selfish of me too, right? Wanting some of ' MY ' guys to come back for some fun?

I never said that, but you make a strong case.


Calling me selfish is just about the most asinine thing I've seen you say, Kroma.

Even if I had said that which I didn't, you are completely wrong on this one too. Don't make me go digging up all my asinine post to prove it, it will only make you look even more foolish. ;P
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #47 on: July 20, 2005, 02:32:54 pm »
In the end, the only reason the Dis-engagement Rule exists is to work-around technical issues. The Server Kit is buggy. It's cannot support a SQL database. If it did then there would no need for the DR since you can simply put in the greater DV shifts for PvP battles vis-a-vis that standard baseline DV shift of 1 for PvE battles.

If the game worked then there would be a lot less rules.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #48 on: July 20, 2005, 02:37:51 pm »

If the game worked then there would be a lot less rules.

That is pretty much it.   The rules are there to do tings that the server kit cannot.   I would prefer everyting to be invisible, but the kit just ain't that robust.
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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #49 on: July 20, 2005, 02:45:09 pm »

If the game worked then there would be a lot less rules.

That is pretty much it.   The rules are there to do tings that the server kit cannot.   I would prefer everyting to be invisible, but the kit just ain't that robust.

So we make a new one.

How many programmers do we have here?  Certanly enough to make a new kit if we put our minds together.  (Yes, I program, hence the we)
Old Geezer

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #50 on: July 20, 2005, 02:47:18 pm »

If the game worked then there would be a lot less rules.

That is pretty much it.   The rules are there to do tings that the server kit cannot.   I would prefer everyting to be invisible, but the kit just ain't that robust.

So we make a new one.

How many programmers do we have here?  Certanly enough to make a new kit if we put our minds together.  (Yes, I program, hence the we)

I gave up on that pipe dream about a year ago. Ain't going to happen.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #51 on: July 20, 2005, 03:25:11 pm »
Last I heard, Bonk is still working on SQL serverkit. There have even been some tests that seemed to do fairly well, though probably wouldn't be good enough for a serious server.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #52 on: July 20, 2005, 03:27:05 pm »

If the game worked then there would be a lot less rules.

That is pretty much it.   The rules are there to do tings that the server kit cannot.   I would prefer everyting to be invisible, but the kit just ain't that robust.

So we make a new one.

How many programmers do we have here?  Certanly enough to make a new kit if we put our minds together.  (Yes, I program, hence the we)

I gave up on that pipe dream about a year ago. Ain't going to happen.

Don't give up just yet . . .
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #53 on: July 20, 2005, 03:27:50 pm »
Last I heard, Bonk is still working on SQL serverkit. There have even been some tests that seemed to do fairly well, though probably wouldn't be good enough for a serious server.

Like I said, don't give up just yet  ;D
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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #54 on: July 20, 2005, 04:47:22 pm »
Condensed version for the reading impaired  ::)

Problems with current disengage rule

1. Pilots who like to fly smaller ships whether it be a droner, a CLC, a CWLP, etc, often find themselves removed from strategic hexes.  Who has the biggest ship on the block not pilot skill often determines who can stay and play.  

So put your best pilots in the bigger ships.

2. Often it becomes who can get the most pilots in mission , or even who can hold their connection.  Both having signifigant influences outside of player control.  The side that manages to "jump" the opponent being basically the equivalent of the little ship that could jump into missions before drafted by a larger foe.  The winner being the one who can move faster and pull the trigger to launch a mission.  Some skill and planning is involved but connection and connection speed and luck also play a role.

Connection issues certainly do make it frustrating. One COULD say, "No disengagement rule if somebody drops", but that gives a free walk to players with notoriously bad connections. Not much that can be done here unfortunately.

3. By knocking players out of a hex there will be less potential for P v P within that hex as the strategic advantage of controlling that hex makes it more likely that ai will be faced.  Most of the strongest supporters of the DR are pilots who profess P v P as their reason for playing, yet they support a system that lessens their opportunities for P v P combat,  but there are reasons.  The primarly reason usually given is that it make their P v P victory more rewarding with a payoff of being able to fight ai unopposed.

In all the DR servers we've had since Litterbox 4 I've yet to see this become an issue. If the PvP-strong side does manage to clear the hex for a short amount of time then they've earned the right to run missions there unopposed. Keep in mind running with dreads and wingmen is not the most efficent way to flip a hex - they have to have something to reward them for going in heavy to win the PvP. Meanwhile the enemy force they chased out is going to run missions and harass them somewhere else.

4., The pilot who lost the fight for whatever reason,, is forced to stay out and loses the best chance to engage in P v P which could be his entire reason for flying at all.  He can run missions vs ai or possibly find another zone of interest, or might simply log off out of frustration.   Such is the penalty for disengagement or destruction whether it was a factor of his own skill or not.

True enough, but the flip side is that the battle is more exciting since it counts for something. Without that added tension, you might as well be flying a pickup battle on GSA. And it's not that hard to find something else worthwhile to do for an hour.

5. Even should a pilot not chose to be in a smaller ship, the limiting of what ships he can fly might put him at a disadvantage vs his foe.  Some of these situations revolve around the shiplists, and some around limits on who can fly the larger ships or how many can be in play.  For whatever reason, usully he is confronted with the posibility of facing a foe in a ship he simply cannot match given a pretty equal level of skill.

That's why you have big guns on the board. It's not an issue as long as the sides are relatively balanced with regard to OOB (which is no doubt an important task for the server admin).

I don't see anything wrong with the DR as it is now. In fact, given the large maps we've had lately I think it should be even longer to be effective.

It ain't broken IMHO, so don't fix it.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #55 on: July 20, 2005, 04:56:23 pm »

True enough, but the flip side is that the battle is more exciting since it counts for something. Without that added tension, you might as well be flying a pickup battle on GSA. And it's not that hard to find something else worthwhile to do for an hour.


I would never had pee'd in a cup if it weren't for the disengagment rule.  That in and of itself make it worth it. ;D
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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #56 on: July 20, 2005, 05:06:54 pm »
That and killing Firesoul.  ;D


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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #57 on: July 20, 2005, 05:19:50 pm »

If the game worked then there would be a lot less rules.

That is pretty much it.   The rules are there to do tings that the server kit cannot.   I would prefer everyting to be invisible, but the kit just ain't that robust.

So we make a new one.

How many programmers do we have here?  Certanly enough to make a new kit if we put our minds together.  (Yes, I program, hence the we)

Oooh,  a new programmer victim. They sound oh-so optimistic a first don't they. *snicker*

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #58 on: July 20, 2005, 09:03:59 pm »
Disengagement rule is good.

Droner boats are the easiest PvP kills in the game.

ISC is cheese.

You can run hex flippers in a Rommie in 3 min, you can do it in a droner in 2...and the droner has to resupply.

Kroma is fat.


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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #59 on: July 20, 2005, 09:20:08 pm »
Ut oh...

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #60 on: July 20, 2005, 11:47:52 pm »

So put your best pilots in the bigger ships.

So elitist  ::)


Connection issues certainly do make it frustrating. One COULD say, "No disengagement rule if somebody drops", but that gives a free walk to players with notoriously bad connections. Not much that can be done here unfortunately.

Well they might get a free walk but the DV shift will go to the other side when they disengage  I see no problem here


True enough, but the flip side is that the battle is more exciting since it counts for something. Without that added tension, you might as well be flying a pickup battle on GSA.

That is why I was looking for other types of rewards like VCs for "revenge" pilots.


That's why you have big guns on the board. It's not an issue as long as the sides are relatively balanced with regard to OOB (which is no doubt an important task for the server admin).

I prefer to give players the opportunity to fly smaller ships on the front which many prefer.  If they are run out by a guy who likes to fly a big ship, they get the chance to show that they can best him in the same ship class and then if they do so go back to doing their thing.  As for OOB thank god we got rid of the build point system and assigned ships.  I will NEVER NEVER NEVER even consider flying on another one of those.

It ain't broken IMHO, so don't fix it.

Obviously it is broken in some ways or at least suffering from stress fractures. 


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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #61 on: July 20, 2005, 11:54:02 pm »
A matter of opinion I suppose. Most seem to like the DR.

One idea I did like about RDSL (maybe the ONLY thing) was "The Slot", an area where only CL's and smaller could go. This is a feature I would not mind seeing reproduced (in a similarly limited fashion) on future servers.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #62 on: July 21, 2005, 12:06:50 am »

One idea I did like about RDSL (maybe the ONLY thing) was "The Slot", an area where only CL's and smaller could go. This is a feature I would not mind seeing reproduced (in a similarly limited fashion) on future servers.

Agreed here.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #63 on: July 21, 2005, 01:56:56 am »

You can run hex flippers in a Rommie in 3 min, you can do it in a droner in 2...and the droner has to resupply.

Why does the droner have to resupply?  If he's killing the AI in 2 minutes, he's not using up the free reloads he gets each mission.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #64 on: July 21, 2005, 02:01:28 am »
depends on the mission.  Sometimes you do

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #65 on: July 21, 2005, 05:07:11 am »
Depending on the race, even the line ships will have mis-matched mission times, so the hex flipping factor remains.  A Fed/Kzin/Klink line ship will definitely hex-flip better than a line Gorn/Rom/ISC ship.

I can match mirak line ship times with those of line ships of most other races, including the plasma ones.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #66 on: July 21, 2005, 09:24:12 am »
Depending on the race, even the line ships will have mis-matched mission times, so the hex flipping factor remains.  A Fed/Kzin/Klink line ship will definitely hex-flip better than a line Gorn/Rom/ISC ship.

I can match mirak line ship times with those of line ships of most other races, including the plasma ones.

I agree with Chuut here.   Once I get into a plasma ship with S torps, and later PFs, I can fun mission times just as quick as any drone carrying race.
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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #67 on: July 21, 2005, 09:27:50 am »
I must comment that it's harder for a droner to flip hexes in Early Era combat what with slow drones. I ran into this last night during the AOTK2 early era test. It was actually tough avoiding being killed by Hydran AI. Of course, I'm not used to Early, so that might have something to do with it.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #68 on: July 21, 2005, 09:40:02 am »
Depending on the race, even the line ships will have mis-matched mission times, so the hex flipping factor remains.  A Fed/Kzin/Klink line ship will definitely hex-flip better than a line Gorn/Rom/ISC ship.

I can match mirak line ship times with those of line ships of most other races, including the plasma ones.

I agree with Chuut here.   Once I get into a plasma ship with S torps, and later PFs, I can fun mission times just as quick as any drone carrying race.

Why wait for PFs?   Plasma-F fighters waist AI.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .


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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #69 on: July 21, 2005, 09:58:04 am »
I must comment that it's harder for a droner to flip hexes in Early Era combat what with slow drones. I ran into this last night during the AOTK2 early era test. It was actually tough avoiding being killed by Hydran AI. Of course, I'm not used to Early, so that might have something to do with it.

I told you the CD was a dog.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #70 on: July 21, 2005, 10:26:28 am »
hmmm this is a post from the outside looking in as i can't even play on dyna anymore due to the USAFA firewall... arg (wish there wasn't there)

To me, as i've just read all 3 pages, you just had someone propose an idea and one that the author even said was incomplete and even flawed but at least was trying to get the gears turning up there.  The first reply i think it was its essentially told as stupid and that the current rule is fine as it is.  People, there is no such thing as a perfect rule.  Even if it works that does not mean it shouldn't be improved.  This philosphy of if it works don't fix it is completely idotic.  To me it looked quite clear that the whole purpose of this post was to get you all to think, but it appears some of you are really close minded and are to set in your ways to even consider this idea or even take a close look at the current rule and attempt to fix the flaws yourself. 

I'm really only making this post because some of the people who replied are really making themselve look like arses and really close minded.  I personally don't have you alls expierence but that doesn't mean that my opinion on you all reaction to this post is not valid.  I personally think that any person who felt this idea was completly idotic really should take a close look at themselves, realize that they are being close minded (or just confirm its idotic) and then improve upon it or propose your own.  Saying that what you have now is good and even w/ its flaws needs no change is just being ignorant of the importance of change.

ok that my rant, you may now ignore this and go back to your current discussions...

"Elige Sortem Tuam"

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #71 on: July 21, 2005, 10:32:12 am »
Depending on the race, even the line ships will have mis-matched mission times, so the hex flipping factor remains.  A Fed/Kzin/Klink line ship will definitely hex-flip better than a line Gorn/Rom/ISC ship.

I can match mirak line ship times with those of line ships of most other races, including the plasma ones.

I agree with Chuut here.   Once I get into a plasma ship with S torps, and later PFs, I can fun mission times just as quick as any drone carrying race.

Crashing your ship into something and dying doesn't entitle you to claim yo " run missions just as quick as any drone carrying race"
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #72 on: July 21, 2005, 10:42:56 am »

Crashing your ship into something and dying doesn't entitle you to claim yo " run missions just as quick as any drone carrying race"

Nope that would be used for a claim that I could fly missions as fast as Hexx   ;D

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #73 on: July 21, 2005, 11:18:16 am »

Crashing your ship into something and dying doesn't entitle you to claim yo " run missions just as quick as any drone carrying race"

Nope that would be used for a claim that I could fly missions as fast as Hexx   ;D

Ohh.... Burn lol
Old Geezer

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #74 on: July 21, 2005, 11:37:47 am »
I must comment that it's harder for a droner to flip hexes in Early Era combat what with slow drones. I ran into this last night during the AOTK2 early era test. It was actually tough avoiding being killed by Hydran AI. Of course, I'm not used to Early, so that might have something to do with it.

I told you the CD was a dog.
Shut up, t00l. FYI, I tried a CS, a CC, a CD, a BC, and a DNE. For the record: It may take a "real man" to fly early era, but only a masochist enjoys it!

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #75 on: July 21, 2005, 11:43:51 am »

Shut up, t00l. FYI, I tried a CS, a CC, a CD, a BC, and a DNE. For the record: It may take a "real man" to fly early era, but only a masochist enjoys it!

I love early era  ;D
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #76 on: July 21, 2005, 11:44:18 am »

Shut up, t00l. FYI, I tried a CS, a CC, a CD, a BC, and a DNE. For the record: It may take a "real man" to fly early era, but only a masochist enjoys it!

I love early era, but I've been attack by animals during sex  ;D
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #77 on: July 21, 2005, 11:56:58 am »
I must comment that it's harder for a droner to flip hexes in Early Era combat what with slow drones. I ran into this last night during the AOTK2 early era test. It was actually tough avoiding being killed by Hydran AI. Of course, I'm not used to Early, so that might have something to do with it.

I told you the CD was a dog.
Shut up, t00l. FYI, I tried a CS, a CC, a CD, a BC, and a DNE. For the record: It may take a "real man" to fly early era, but only a masochist enjoys it!

Early Era  totally rocks!!!!

But then again I consider the phaser 3 to be a primary weapon!

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #78 on: July 21, 2005, 11:58:17 am »
I must comment that it's harder for a droner to flip hexes in Early Era combat what with slow drones. I ran into this last night during the AOTK2 early era test. It was actually tough avoiding being killed by Hydran AI. Of course, I'm not used to Early, so that might have something to do with it.

I told you the CD was a dog.
Shut up, t00l. FYI, I tried a CS, a CC, a CD, a BC, and a DNE. For the record: It may take a "real man" to fly early era, but only a masochist enjoys it!

Early Era  totally rocks!!!!

But then again I consider the phaser 3 to be a primary weapon!

Round Nacelles and Yoemen in mini-skirts, what else do you need?
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #79 on: July 21, 2005, 12:03:46 pm »
I must comment that it's harder for a droner to flip hexes in Early Era combat what with slow drones. I ran into this last night during the AOTK2 early era test. It was actually tough avoiding being killed by Hydran AI. Of course, I'm not used to Early, so that might have something to do with it.

I told you the CD was a dog.
Shut up, t00l. FYI, I tried a CS, a CC, a CD, a BC, and a DNE. For the record: It may take a "real man" to fly early era, but only a masochist enjoys it!

Early Era  totally rocks!!!!

But then again I consider the phaser 3 to be a primary weapon!

Round Nacelles and Yoemen in mini-skirts, what else do you need?

Romulan Ale :)
Old Geezer

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #80 on: July 21, 2005, 12:12:46 pm »

Crashing your ship into something and dying doesn't entitle you to claim yo " run missions just as quick as any drone carrying race"

Nope that would be used for a claim that I could fly missions as fast as Hexx   ;D

Thanks, Chuut.   I couldnt' have said it any better.

( ;D  frickin little Lyran runt......let me know when you grow higher than my knee.   Maybe we should put a bell on your collar so I don't accidently step on you  ;D  )
One of the few, the proud, THE GORN!!
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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #81 on: July 21, 2005, 12:24:54 pm »

Crashing your ship into something and dying doesn't entitle you to claim yo " run missions just as quick as any drone carrying race"

Nope that would be used for a claim that I could fly missions as fast as Hexx   ;D

Thanks, Chuut.   I couldnt' have said it any better.

( ;D  frickin little Lyran runt......let me know when you grow higher than my knee.   Maybe we should put a bell on your collar so I don't accidently step on you  ;D  )

Actually we took the bell off so that you might  ;)

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #82 on: July 21, 2005, 02:49:21 pm »
"oooh I'm so tough..I consider the Ph3 a primary weapon"

Uhmm yeah when you've got like 15 of the things..

And I haven't got killed by the AI in... at least 2 servers now.
Maybe 3
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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #83 on: July 21, 2005, 04:28:22 pm »
"oooh I'm so tough..I consider the Ph3 a primary weapon"

Uhmm yeah when you've got like 15 of the things..

And I haven't got killed by the AI in... at least 2 servers now.
Maybe 3
woofles. I thought you ran into an asteroid or something last server...
Life is short... running makes it seem longer.

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #84 on: July 21, 2005, 05:43:04 pm »
The DR I've noticed has also allowed 2 or 3 pilots to hold off 8 or 9 pilots in a hot hex.Given that this game is heavy on the numbers, that makes it a good rule.Chutt has some good points and I think it wouldn't hurt to at least discuss them RATIONALLY which seems to be something that is not gonna happen here.

Offline Braxton_RIP

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #85 on: July 21, 2005, 06:08:17 pm »
The DR I've noticed has also allowed 2 or 3 pilots to hold off 8 or 9 pilots in a hot hex.Given that this game is heavy on the numbers, that makes it a good rule.Chutt has some good points and I think it wouldn't hurt to at least discuss them RATIONALLY which seems to be something that is not gonna happen here.

You can't say I didn't at least try.  *Shakes a fist at the spammers*
Old Geezer

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #86 on: July 22, 2005, 02:12:40 am »

You can't say I didn't at least try.  *Shakes a fist at the spammers*


<Agave breaks out in song>   SPAM! SPAM! SPAM! SPAM!  SPAMMITY SPAM!!   <repeat chorus in best operatic voice>

One of the few, the proud, THE GORN!!
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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #87 on: July 22, 2005, 03:04:39 am »

You can't say I didn't at least try.  *Shakes a fist at the spammers*


<Agave breaks out in song>   SPAM! SPAM! SPAM! SPAM!  SPAMMITY SPAM!!   <repeat chorus in best operatic voice>

I always thought the "Lumberjack Song" suited you better  ;D

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #88 on: July 22, 2005, 09:32:44 am »

You can't say I didn't at least try.  *Shakes a fist at the spammers*


<Agave breaks out in song>   SPAM! SPAM! SPAM! SPAM!  SPAMMITY SPAM!!   <repeat chorus in best operatic voice>

I always thought the "Lumberjack Song" suited you better  ;D

Hey, you were the cross-dresser in college, NOT ME!!

(now where's that picture of Chuut in that pink dress and heels?)
One of the few, the proud, THE GORN!!
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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #89 on: July 22, 2005, 09:57:09 am »

You can't say I didn't at least try.  *Shakes a fist at the spammers*


<Agave breaks out in song>   SPAM! SPAM! SPAM! SPAM!  SPAMMITY SPAM!!   <repeat chorus in best operatic voice>

I always thought the "Lumberjack Song" suited you better  ;D

Hey, you were the cross-dresser in college, NOT ME!!

(now where's that picture of Chuut in that pink dress and heels?)

Hey at least I had a good looking female blond as my date!  and I never wore heels with that outfit, try finding a men's size 13, it ain't easy I'm telling you!

That was one fun party though, all the girls dressed as guys and vice versa.  Kinda like seeing the Clemson football team standing beside their cheerleaders  ;)

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #90 on: July 22, 2005, 10:36:55 am »
 Kinda like seeing the Clemson football team standing beside their cheerleaders  ;)

Now don't get kranky just because that same Clemson football team you're poking fun at beat your sorry ass football team the last several years in a row.    Hell, Clemson whooped your butt last year even after YOUR TEAM INSTIGATED that fight!!   Oh, the shame.   Now, I'm hearing that South Carolina is being investigated by the NCAA for lots of rule violations.    Sounds like Steve Spurrier going have an interesting first year.  Hehehehehe.   Your team gonna suck!!   ;D

Another football note:  checking Panther 2005 schedule - preseason game IN CHARLOTTE vs my Pittsburgh Steelers.   Hey at least it's early enough in the year you won't have to worry about snow.   Hahahahahaha.   BETTIS RULES!!

Clemson University alumni
avid Pittsburgh Steelers fan

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Re: The "Disengagemnet Rule" for future servers, this is NOT a flame
« Reply #91 on: July 22, 2005, 10:40:15 am »

Clemson University alumni
avid Pittsburgh Steelers fan

You trying for a handicapped parking space of something  ;D