Topic: Kill Thread  (Read 25797 times)

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Offline Riskyllama

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #200 on: August 17, 2005, 03:05:13 am »
Well its not a kill, but I got my capture merit badge to shin32. He gave me an awesome fight and would have pushed my I-CSF off the map in his K-D5DR but spent too many marines on hit and runs and didnt notice my capture team beam over as I began running toward the border. It took every trick in my book to pull it off, good flying and good hunting to ya!
Everything is sweetened by risk. ~Alexander Smith

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #201 on: August 17, 2005, 03:42:41 am »
 :rofl: Poor shin...

Hey Dib and Reejr, AWESOME Games last night. So sorry bout your DWL and C7, Reejr, you had it coming. And Dib, that was a crunchy CNH. I'll have another please!  ;D

Offline Soreyes

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #202 on: August 18, 2005, 03:13:20 am »
The Kitty High Command is Stunned..... Soreyes Got Another PvP kill. With the Help of the smartest AI help I have ever seen.

Drafted Raus who was in a R-NHK, and a R-SUE that was his AI help. I was in my Z-DWD with a L-MP as AI help.

First things first. Took out the R-SUE and started after Raus. After a few phaser shots and a few Plasma and Drone exchanges . Raus caught me with a enveloping R or S torp that took my Shields down to almost nothing. In the mean time the L-mp was sniping away at Raus which gave me a chance to recover a little bit. After a few more minutes of stalking each other, I finally got behind Raus and started to chase him down with a LV-2 Tractor set up. When I got to with in range 7 or 8 Raus did something that I was not expecting. He did a 180 het right into me :o  At range .85 I let loose with six type 4 drones that all hit. I moved off and the L-MP came up and started to put some Phaser  Fire through Raus's down Shield. Raus then Cloaked and went to speed 1.5.  I flashed cubed him and hooked a tractor on but was way to close to launch drones. I let him loose and attempted to flash cube him two more times, but could not get the mines to go off when I ran over them. :banghead:  I moved off to try again when out of nowhere the L-MP came up and smacked Raus with two ESG's and a alpha strike with it's phasers. With that Raus came out of his cloak, and I came in with a over run and put 6 more type 4 drones into him. Raus went boom and almost took me out by giving me 54 internals when he blew up.  A Very Good game there Raus. I'm sure you will blow up my ship a few times before the end. ;D

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #203 on: August 18, 2005, 03:27:43 am »
I don't know where everyone is, but I have been having a blast with lots of stable 3v3's and 2v2's. Tons of fun...

Well, with the few that have been on... the battle has raged in several key spots with certain chances for PvP... and there seems to be an endless list of Coalition casualties. Nice to see they can't get enough...

Where is everyone? Wth the few we have, we sure are having fun...

Offline Soreyes

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #204 on: August 18, 2005, 03:30:39 am »
I don't know where everyone is, but I have been having a blast with lots of stable 3v3's and 2v2's. Tons of fun...

Well, with the few that have been on... the battle has raged in several key spots with certain chances for PvP... and there seems to be an endless list of Coalition casualties. Nice to see they can't get enough...

Where is everyone? Wth the few we have, we sure are having fun...

I don't know Dizzy. If there like me right now there at Work  ::) ;D

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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #205 on: August 18, 2005, 11:08:27 am »
Been getting killed at work.   Fricking virus . . .

I MIGHT be on tonight.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Dfly

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #206 on: August 18, 2005, 10:38:10 pm »
A very fun battle that took place Wednesday night was Duck in CNH and LK in SUK vs Dfly in CCY, Risky in CMV and Dizzy in CCF.  Risky got too risky and blew up from heavy firing of the Dread without even a single shot out of his fighters.  Later Duck and LK were hurting, and LK, while protecting the Dread passage off map  unfortunately got a little too shot up to get off the map without getting tractored back across the red line and blown up.  Was a great fun game.

Offline Soreyes

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #207 on: August 19, 2005, 06:47:45 am »
Risky in a I-CCZ, Dfly in some sort of ISC CA, Soreyes in a Z-DWD Vs  R-SUA.......AI

Soreyes dies in a hail of T-Bombs from Risky and Dfly.   Bastards!!!!!!!!!! ;D

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline ShadowLord

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #208 on: August 19, 2005, 07:13:27 am »
If I dont start getting to be earlier -- I will be killing myself.
So many dang GOOD GAMES last night it wasn't funny. (well ok truth to tell only 2-3 but they were long ass games) and I am totally exhausted today.

See everyone tonight -- with luck I might even get to take a nap before I get online but I doubt it.

GG to everyone ..


Offline Dfly

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #209 on: August 19, 2005, 08:07:08 am »
Risky in a I-CCZ, Dfly in some sort of ISC CA, Soreyes in a Z-DWD Vs  R-SUA.......AI

Soreyes dies in a hail of T-Bombs from Risky and Dfly.   Bastards!!!!!!!!!! ;D

nicest part was tractoring Soreyes and pushing him back into the plasmas that were following him.  Made is sooo much easier, and he never saw it coming.  Then it started raining.

Offline Dfly

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #210 on: August 19, 2005, 06:30:54 pm »
Romshin in his CNH was drafted 1 hex deep in the Romulan territory by me in a CCZ.  GG Romshin, those I torps were what did you in.  No ai in mission.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #211 on: August 20, 2005, 02:02:56 am »
U didnt kill him, did u?

Poor kid spent 3x nights in a FF to work his way up to a DN that I was supposed to take away from him.. DAMN U!

Offline Soreyes

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #212 on: August 20, 2005, 10:52:35 pm »
Got a new player earlyer today. MDK flying a K-D7W Vs. Me in my Z-DWD. Got him with a "Death Drag" GG

Earlyer I had a nice little go around with Shadowlord in a K-FX :skeptic: ;D 
Crossed the "T" twice on him and had him hurt. I thought I was doing pretty good untill I found out that During our battle. Shadowlord had to go to his front door to answer the door bell :o ;D  GG :thumbsup:

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline KBF-Reejr

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #213 on: August 21, 2005, 03:54:33 am »
Woo Hoo well we did it. We got Dizzy in his damn Lyran Dn tonight!!!!!! It was a blast fighting him and Chuut trying to run the dv down on the rom planet. And I had a big friend along in his Rom Dn (Lord Halios) to help lure Dizzy into thinking he had the upper hand in the battle. After Dizzy and his friends ran me off all week long trying to retake the planet.....I died lots of made my day to see Dizzy go boom Since I won't be able to get on the server before it ends today I would like to thank everyone who played. I have had one hell of a good time flying and fighting with all who played. The fighting around the rom planet has been a blast all week long. You kitties should never give Chuut any catnip....I don't think he sleeped at all most of this server because everytime I logged in he was always on. Again thank you guys for putting up one hell of a fun server with lots of battles for all. The P v P has been very heavy on this least for me it has been :). Great job to those who ran it and kudos to all the admins on all sides.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2005, 04:09:33 am by Reejr »

Offline Dfly

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #214 on: August 21, 2005, 07:35:46 am »
U didnt kill him, did u?

Poor kid spent 3x nights in a FF to work his way up to a DN that I was supposed to take away from him.. DAMN U!

Actually I allowed his ship to leave, as he was speed 14, 1 phaser1, 1 plasmas, both uncharged, and no repairs left.  But I am glad to have taken away your hopes of destroying him eheh.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #215 on: August 21, 2005, 07:45:30 am »
We got Dizzy in his damn Lyran Dn tonight!!!!!! It was a blast fighting him and Chuut trying to run the dv down on the rom planet. And I had a big friend along in his Rom Dn (Lord Halios) to help lure Dizzy into thinking he had the upper hand in the battle.

I was schooled. That sh*t will never happen again. I can't believe I fired up range zero. What was I thinking?

Offline Dfly

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #216 on: August 21, 2005, 09:57:44 am »
In one monumental battle, Duck in rom CLX along with  Krueg in KLink DX drafted myself in ISC CCX and Dizzy in Mirak HDW.  After more than 1 hour, Duck was tractored at the border and killed, while he had dropped his Neuc and I ran it over, thus killing Dizzy in the process.  I was hurting and so was Krueg, but Krueg felt it prudent to run off the map.

Excellent game all round, well worth it.  And I get to claim a kill on Dizzy eheh.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #217 on: August 21, 2005, 10:24:29 am »
We got Dizzy in his damn Lyran Dn tonight!!!!!! It was a blast fighting him and Chuut trying to run the dv down on the rom planet. And I had a big friend along in his Rom Dn (Lord Halios) to help lure Dizzy into thinking he had the upper hand in the battle.

I was schooled. That sh*t will never happen again. I can't believe I fired up range zero. What was I thinking?

... Man , even* I* don't use range zero in PVP
(well anymore...)
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #218 on: August 21, 2005, 01:18:58 pm »
Woo Hoo well we did it. We got Dizzy in his damn Lyran Dn tonight!!!!!! It was a blast fighting him and Chuut trying to run the dv down on the rom planet. And I had a big friend along in his Rom Dn (Lord Halios) to help lure Dizzy into thinking he had the upper hand in the battle. After Dizzy and his friends ran me off all week long trying to retake the planet.....I died lots of made my day to see Dizzy go boom Since I won't be able to get on the server before it ends today I would like to thank everyone who played. I have had one hell of a good time flying and fighting with all who played. The fighting around the rom planet has been a blast all week long. You kitties should never give Chuut any catnip....I don't think he sleeped at all most of this server because everytime I logged in he was always on. Again thank you guys for putting up one hell of a fun server with lots of battles for all. The P v P has been very heavy on this least for me it has been :). Great job to those who ran it and kudos to all the admins on all sides.

Dont forget the Planet, bases fleetrepair docks and defense platforms  :P

Anyhow you guys flew great, esp Lord Helios suckering Dizzy in, was a ballsy move and if it hadn't worked Helios would likely have died.  Risky moves like that arew the sign of a great captain.....if they work.

<S> to you guys!

Offline LordSaxon

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #219 on: August 21, 2005, 03:09:02 pm »
I was counting on the ISC carrier's fighters still being in repair, but it could have went much worse if Dizzy had launched his PF's before I nabbed him with the level 4 tractor. It took me a minute to finish charging my torps and turn to face him, and luckily Reejr closed in to take his shots while Chuut kept his distance. The $20 for leaving Dizzy to the wolves is in the mail!