The Kitty High Command is Stunned..... Soreyes Got Another PvP kill. With the Help of the smartest AI help I have ever seen.
Drafted Raus who was in a R-NHK, and a R-SUE that was his AI help. I was in my Z-DWD with a L-MP as AI help.
First things first. Took out the R-SUE and started after Raus. After a few phaser shots and a few Plasma and Drone exchanges . Raus caught me with a enveloping R or S torp that took my Shields down to almost nothing. In the mean time the L-mp was sniping away at Raus which gave me a chance to recover a little bit. After a few more minutes of stalking each other, I finally got behind Raus and started to chase him down with a LV-2 Tractor set up. When I got to with in range 7 or 8 Raus did something that I was not expecting. He did a 180 het right into me

At range .85 I let loose with six type 4 drones that all hit. I moved off and the L-MP came up and started to put some Phaser Fire through Raus's down Shield. Raus then Cloaked and went to speed 1.5. I flashed cubed him and hooked a tractor on but was way to close to launch drones. I let him loose and attempted to flash cube him two more times, but could not get the mines to go off when I ran over them.

I moved off to try again when out of nowhere the L-MP came up and smacked Raus with two ESG's and a alpha strike with it's phasers. With that Raus came out of his cloak, and I came in with a over run and put 6 more type 4 drones into him. Raus went boom and almost took me out by giving me 54 internals when he blew up. A Very Good game there Raus. I'm sure you will blow up my ship a few times before the end.