Topic: Kill Thread  (Read 25822 times)

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #140 on: August 08, 2005, 01:37:20 pm »

 . . . after all they aint worth VP and that way I can push the limits..

Hmm, remove PvP VCs, get better PvP . . .

I haven't made any kills; but I sure didn't mind staying and fighting out 1v2 odds this time around (couple times, kudos to the tight wing/flank flying I'm facing too... managed to bloody some noses out there but I usually get forced off due to superior tactical movement from my foes) and I'm enjoying the hell out of it.  I do see VC points for kills being useful for campaigns... I'm with Shadow on that, I would go hunt large prey just because... but a break once and a while is obviously good too :)

Looking forward to more... I'm open for challenge/dueling as well so long as it doesn't conflict with my orders at the time and my pp total holds up for replacements ;)
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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #141 on: August 08, 2005, 01:48:57 pm »
Hey I turned into and let DH blow up my CAY just because I'd rather someone who flew a damned good match get the satisfaction of the kill.

I think that's just about honor and respect.

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #142 on: August 08, 2005, 08:42:36 pm »
I haven't made any kills; but I sure didn't mind staying and fighting out 1v2 odds this time around (couple times, kudos to the tight wing/flank flying I'm facing too... managed to bloody some noses out there but I usually get forced off due to superior tactical movement from my foes) and I'm enjoying the hell out of it.  I do see VC points for kills being useful for campaigns... I'm with Shadow on that, I would go hunt large prey just because... but a break once and a while is obviously good too :)

Looking forward to more... I'm open for challenge/dueling as well so long as it doesn't conflict with my orders at the time and my pp total holds up for replacements ;)

I have to agree.  I've had a couple of silly 2v1 w/ me in a CL vs humans in a DN and a wing.  I had the PP, it doesn't hurt the team, so I really just wanted to hang around and play for the heck of it.  I made a mental note that my goal was X (kill the little ship, cause an internal on the big ship, or just see if I can get a drone to hit...didn't matter).  Seemed to make it a little more enjoyable.  I will say the lesser "ban" penalty for dieing vs staying encourages sticking around.  Don't think the 50% "cost" does, but after the first week...most player have enough PP to replace whatever they had.  I'm sure my opinion would be different on the last point if I was flying an uber-dread and only had 60K in the bank.

But I have to agree w/ the above...a little variety is good (admittedly I tried that same line on my wife...didn't go over well :mischief: )

Offline likkerpig

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #143 on: August 08, 2005, 09:58:35 pm »
WOO-HOO I got a kill!
Soth's Rommie something or other fell to the esg's of Likkerpig's mighty CWLP!

Ok, Soth's het failure might have had something to do with it...

I'm coming to get you Krueg! Send all your minions first if you want, but I'll make you pay for what you did!
(hmph, 2 days in a police frigate because you ruined my nice war destroyer..... JUSTICE WILL BE MINE!)
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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #144 on: August 08, 2005, 10:09:46 pm »
Mutt in a Mirak CD+ and myself in a Mirak CVA faced Soth in a C8K and Kaz in a D5L.  It was bloody, and it lasted about 4 mins.  Scratch one Klink Dread and 1 Klink light cruiser.  GG guys

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #145 on: August 08, 2005, 10:20:48 pm »
I think that is the first time I've ever seen a CD+ on the winning side of a kill thread post.   :notworthy:

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #146 on: August 08, 2005, 11:42:46 pm »
Risky in a ISC light cruiser I had a Mirak MCC with a mirak drone frigate (AI) took down Throg in his Klingon C5K with a D5D (ai) helper. Was a very fun game. GG to both.
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Offline ShadowLord

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #147 on: August 09, 2005, 08:21:22 am »
Sigh no battles for duck last night - had last week off work -- and played  a ton -- go back to work on Monday get home and find out cable is off in the whole area.. Look for me tonight boyos.. Battles to be had!

Rom Duck

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #148 on: August 09, 2005, 01:50:10 pm »
I haven't made any kills; but I sure didn't mind staying and fighting out 1v2 odds this time around (couple times, kudos to the tight wing/flank flying I'm facing too... managed to bloody some noses out there but I usually get forced off due to superior tactical movement from my foes) and I'm enjoying the hell out of it.  I do see VC points for kills being useful for campaigns... I'm with Shadow on that, I would go hunt large prey just because... but a break once and a while is obviously good too :)

Looking forward to more... I'm open for challenge/dueling as well so long as it doesn't conflict with my orders at the time and my pp total holds up for replacements ;)

My X-goal is usually to score equal internals unless I'm outmatched, in which case I just try to get a few before I'm chased off... little stubborn I guess.

I have to agree.  I've had a couple of silly 2v1 w/ me in a CL vs humans in a DN and a wing.  I had the PP, it doesn't hurt the team, so I really just wanted to hang around and play for the heck of it.  I made a mental note that my goal was X (kill the little ship, cause an internal on the big ship, or just see if I can get a drone to hit...didn't matter).  Seemed to make it a little more enjoyable.  I will say the lesser "ban" penalty for dieing vs staying encourages sticking around.  Don't think the 50% "cost" does, but after the first week...most player have enough PP to replace whatever they had.  I'm sure my opinion would be different on the last point if I was flying an uber-dread and only had 60K in the bank.

But I have to agree w/ the above...a little variety is good (admittedly I tried that same line on my wife...didn't go over well :mischief: )
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Offline TraumaTech

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #149 on: August 09, 2005, 09:11:25 pm »
Had alot of PvP tonight. Lost a pair of D5D's but was able to redeem myself as LordHelios. Destroyed Dizzy's CWLP, TT's BCp and Llama in a droner, not sure which. Great Battles all, looking forward to more <S>

heya saxon.......i am presently in a BCPp ,and it is my first one still.however you did get my cwlp  gg

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #150 on: August 09, 2005, 09:14:19 pm »
killed tonight.......soth in d5d   raus(i think proper spelling) in rom fast cruiser(ffh i think) and someone but i forget  :)

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And the kid is still alive
« Reply #151 on: August 10, 2005, 08:18:19 am »
Ok quick story here..

My 13 year old son, has been watching me play the game on and off for years. For whatever reason on this server he has started to sit down beside me and watch the PVP games. Anyways  I have had a few ships die to players as of late. All good games ya know the kind where you can win or loose based on one move or one mistake.

Well last night he watches a 3v2 games where we were forced to fly off the map vs DH and Frey (VGG guys) -- then he watched me play a 1v1 vs Paladin Fed CF vs My FFH_K. Game was very close and I thought I had Paladin with two fully loaded S torps (we were doing a Mexican standoff at about range 7 ) anyways he WW and my world goes to pot.

I die., game ends..

The punk ass kid looks up at me and says
"You sure die a lot as a Romulan"

Sigh -- he lived I didnt even smack him (considering he is only 2-3 inches shorter then me probably a smart move on my part) ..
Bastard Kid I am going to get him up and running for a server and put a bounty on his head!!

Rom Duck

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Re: And the kid is still alive
« Reply #152 on: August 10, 2005, 09:00:21 am »
Ok quick story here..

My 13 year old son, has been watching me play the game on and off for years. For whatever reason on this server he has started to sit down beside me and watch the PVP games. Anyways  I have had a few ships die to players as of late. All good games ya know the kind where you can win or loose based on one move or one mistake.

Well last night he watches a 3v2 games where we were forced to fly off the map vs DH and Frey (VGG guys) -- then he watched me play a 1v1 vs Paladin Fed CF vs My FFH_K. Game was very close and I thought I had Paladin with two fully loaded S torps (we were doing a Mexican standoff at about range 7 ) anyways he WW and my world goes to pot.

I die., game ends..

The punk ass kid looks up at me and says
"You sure die a lot as a Romulan"

Sigh -- he lived I didnt even smack him (considering he is only 2-3 inches shorter then me probably a smart move on my part) ..
Bastard Kid I am going to get him up and running for a server and put a bounty on his head!!

Rom Duck

That was me, not Paladin   ;D
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: And the kid is still alive
« Reply #153 on: August 10, 2005, 09:02:07 am »
Ok quick story here..

My 13 year old son, has been watching me play the game on and off for years. For whatever reason on this server he has started to sit down beside me and watch the PVP games. Anyways  I have had a few ships die to players as of late. All good games ya know the kind where you can win or loose based on one move or one mistake.

Well last night he watches a 3v2 games where we were forced to fly off the map vs DH and Frey (VGG guys) -- then he watched me play a 1v1 vs Paladin Fed CF vs My FFH_K. Game was very close and I thought I had Paladin with two fully loaded S torps (we were doing a Mexican standoff at about range 7 ) anyways he WW and my world goes to pot.

I die., game ends..

The punk ass kid looks up at me and says
"You sure die a lot as a Romulan"

Sigh -- he lived I didnt even smack him (considering he is only 2-3 inches shorter then me probably a smart move on my part) ..
Bastard Kid I am going to get him up and running for a server and put a bounty on his head!!

Rom Duck

Classic.   That story sounds so familiar.   My nephew practices on his Playstation2 games so that he can trounce me when I visit.   He always seems amazed when I can keep up or do better than him when he first gets these games.   20+ years of being a gamer certainly helps.

Great story, Duck!!!   ;D
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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #154 on: August 10, 2005, 09:04:32 am »
Best way to shut em up is to let them do it themselves and see how damned hard it is, hehe.

Kill: What a time to logon! I see 44,4 get hit in the news. Its an ISC hex... Hrmmm... down to 49. Must be a base deepstriker. Who's online... Ahhh! Mrogue in his DN!


GG Mrogue. You got the short end of the stick. I hope that base was worth the pp...  ;D

btw how did frey and dh team up? Was it a 3-way?

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #155 on: August 10, 2005, 09:09:46 am »

btw how did frey and dh team up? Was it a 3-way?

it was t00l
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline ShadowLord

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #156 on: August 10, 2005, 09:50:07 am »
I do so many pvp ya all just blend in together in the general enemy pool..

Sorry for getting some names wrong at times -- it has nothing to do with rum and cokes//scotch or my particular brand of smokes..


PS Diz when the kid does start to play I will be sending you a PM to ensure you know JUST WHO to tow into the rocks!~!

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #157 on: August 10, 2005, 11:48:21 am »

PS Diz when the kid does start to play I will be sending you a PM to ensure you know JUST WHO to tow into the rocks!~!

Just make sure you dont tell me AFTER. ;)


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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #158 on: August 10, 2005, 05:57:26 pm »
Got Helios' K9RB 1v1 with an ID. GG Saxon.

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Re: Kill Thread
« Reply #159 on: August 10, 2005, 10:13:37 pm »
kYTARGH, fRANK AND mAZEPPA, oops caps, ALL paid for their Deepstrike raid against an ISC base.

Your crew is currently being sent back in boxes. Sorry we didnt have one big enough for each crew, so we are using multiple boxes...