Earlier tonight, scratch 7oo|s H-DN. Thats 4x DN kills in one day for me. I think that is a dyna record...
Yeah I'm sure your 2 wingmen who rescued you from Stinger death share no claim in the kill.

Fact is that while my wings were 30k behind me, I tractored and shot the hell out of your DN by myself and got you down to half hull and I lost maybe, what, a couple of hardpoints? After you finally broke the tractor and launched your fighters, you were threw. So what if my wings mopped up those fighters? The dynamic was this, if they wernt there I couldnt have done what I did not knowing I'd have had backup. So they were integral to insuring your demise. The only question is, where was your escort?
Fact, of the 4x DN kills last night 3 of them could have easily turned tail and disengaged. But they didnt. And of course, you mention I had wings to assist me, well of course I did and in no small part should they not take credit themselves. I am not their spokesperson, however. They may stake their own claim, and their contribution to these DN Kills are no less important than my own.
But who cares about the details. Fact is, I was involved in 4x DN kills last night. Beat that.