When fighting with this ship, if she gives you critical hits from behind, you would have given the phrase "Rectal Breach" a whole new meaning.
So does that mean the lid pops up when it shoots urinal cakes ? And can your enemy badger you into submission by complaining that you always leave the seat up ? ANd is it's sister ship the USS Bedet' (sorry can't spell French)
On the urinal cakes, sure, why not? On the point of my enemy badgerring me into submission by complaining that I leave the seat up, only if my enemy is a woman with PMS and a mean disposition. And about the sister ship...can't speak or spell French either, but I know what you were trying to say, so sure, why not? As long as the father ship can be the U.S.S. Plunger, the brother ship U.S.S. Draino, and the mother ship U.S.S. Tidy Bowl.
*takes a bow*