If bases are destructible, why have a 50 DV hex... And these days.... 50 DV hexes are quite much, dont you think?
I was also thinking the way we have done business in the past may be better done differently concerning base/planet DV's. What if you set it up so that owning a planet or base hex (if non-destructible) is all about controlling higher DV hexes around it and not just the high DV hex of the planet/base wich should be lowered. I think this may alleviate the tired age old problem of running the same planet or base mission 50 times. It is terribly monotonous and boring.
My suggestion is this: If you have the planet/base DV at 50 and you want to keep the same total DV number, lower the base hex to 15 (or even less) and spread the remaining 35 DV's around the 6 adjacent hexes.
This could introduce new tactics... You could even introduce new ownership rules; if a planet is captured, you also need a LoS and have ownership of x amount of surrounding adjacent hexes controlled as well for VC purposes.... or whatever.
Just some ideas. 50 DV is a killer. And I loathe running so many of those damned base/planet missions over and over. If those missions where as diverse as the plethora of patrols, it wouldnt be so bad. Its just not fun.