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NO DONUT WARMER?!?!?!?!?!?!< prepares coup >
I assume allies count towards my kill list then, yes?This has always been S.O.P. in the past.Man, those asteroid hexes are gonna make me soooooooooo fat.
Also of special note are the close up pictures of an ISC Battleship being rammed into a planet in the "Don't fly like Agave section" of the tactics hall.
As if anyone could really fly like me! My unique combination of skills, or lack of skills would be almost impossible to duplicate.
LET ME IN! <Scratches and meows at the door> Several cases of Pacific Northwest micro brews are already on order, if I can't get them in I'll have to send them off to the coalition or something where they won't be appreciated (Rommy ale and bloodwine -ick). I promise not to claw up all the furnature like I did last AOTK. As for marking in the corners... well keep the litter boxes clean this time.Kzinbane
What, no tea to go with my oreos???!!!
Quote from: Mog on July 14, 2005, 09:26:12 amWhat, no tea to go with my oreos???!!!tea . . . with oreos . . . . <shudder>Well . . . there goes my dinner tonight.<YEECH>
Quote from: Kzinbane on July 14, 2005, 12:15:27 pmLET ME IN! <Scratches and meows at the door> Several cases of Pacific Northwest micro brews are already on order, if I can't get them in I'll have to send them off to the coalition or something where they won't be appreciated (Rommy ale and bloodwine -ick). I promise not to claw up all the furnature like I did last AOTK. As for marking in the corners... well keep the litter boxes clean this time.KzinbaneGreen let this one in, he knew the password