Blowup Dizzy all the time with F-BCFs and F-DNHs...
Luck! It was LUCK!
You wont ever let me live that down... Your skill at dodging drones is second to only me, Karnak. Ask Chuut.

But I was amazed you escaped alive.
Tobin Dax, you are a good guy so be prepared for what RM duties have in store for you. You will likely turn rabid in the end biting friend and foe alike. The lust for victory may so cloud your mind the you will lose touch with what it means to be a good sportsman and community member. Your intensity for winning will erode all reasoning for the most important part of why we play this game... which is to have fun. Above all else, win or lose, it's about having fun and just playing the game. So I warn you... I have seen too many RM's ruin it for themselves and others for the sake of winning. So do me and the Cats a favor and lose.

Be a good sport. You have a chance now to turn it all around.

We are all counting on you (your opponents) to do the right thing, TobinDax.