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Join the ISC and YOU TOO can have a chance to be used to soak up casualties for the GLORY of the LYRAN EMPIRE!
Bueller?He's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Ferris pass-out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.
Besides having started a thread elsewhere(in an apparently unread subforum), I don't wanna take this thread off topic too long... you can learn all about my troubles over here... http://www.dynaverse.net/forum/index.php/topic,163358080.new.html#new
So, we have 3 committed Frogs and one probable Frog. My, Oh, My, Oh, My, what hards times the ISC has fallen too...I guess we'll have to add one more Frog then.Flicks on the lights of the CSS Khazad-dum and wipes away the cobwebs.
if i'm not a commited already, i am now
Just getting back into this game after 2 years but plan to fly ISC and or Lyran. Wont be able to play for a little bit though as I had to order a copy of OP on ebay as I only had EAW. Can I get access to the ISC sfc2.net forum though just so I can keep up with whats going on? Also, is Pharoah still around? I saw that he was listed as a moderator for the ISC sfc2.net forum and we used to fly together back in the day. thanks