Upcoming convo on voice comms:
Chuut: Meow Baby! Signing on for the night
Green: Hiya Chuut
Soreyes: Chuutster!
Mog: Meow!
Lyrkiller: Hi Chuut!
Matsukasi: You Bring Donuts?
Kroma: Hiya Sweet Thang!
Chuut: <Sputter> Um....Hi all, so what are we doing?
Hexx: I'm about to crack this enemy starbase for the Glory of the Lyran Empire!
Chuut: Cool, what hex number?
Hexx: Um not sure, but its the one on the Romulan front, nasty sucker! Been at it for 2 hours, but I think I got the upperhand now!
Chuut: Cool,.........what area again Hexx? I don't seem to see.....
Green: Chuut come over to chat channel "B" we don't want to bother Hexx on such a crucial mission.
Chuut: Roger *click*
Chuut: Ok, here now whats up and what is all that laughter?
Kroma: Notice Hexx isn't on the player list?
Chuut: What about that base he was assaulting?
Green: Mog and Likkerpig took that out 90 minutes ago right after the server burp.
Chuut: After?
Mog: Well without a DN its bloody hard to take out a Starbase as a Lyran, and Hexx had ours online before the crash!
Likkerpig: But once the server went down Mog jumped into the STL and we didn't have much trouble.
Chuut: Ahhh, so why didn't anyone tell Hexx?
Green: Hexx didn't want to give up the DN, as he was sure he could take the starbase, got 3 of us killed winging with him trying it.
Chuut: Ahhh, Kinda like when we didn't let him know when the server started, till he found out a week later.
Matsukasi: Well thats some sleazy lizard's fault for getting drunk and losing 10 CWLPs that got posted on the kill thread, even Hexx couldn't miss that!
Kroma: Not true! I am not sleazy! just a bit adventurous!
Lyrkiller: I got Die Hard in mission, he wants to know if Hexx is still tying to take that base <Snicker> What should I tell him?
Kroma: Tell him in another 10 minutes he and t00l owe Mat and I another case of guiness!
Lyrkiller: Will Do!
Soreyes: Maybe we should tell Kreug and see if we can get another wager going with the Klingons?
Matsukasi: They got donuts?
Everyone: <Snicker>