Topic: What on earth was I thinking ?  (Read 1390 times)

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Offline OlBuzzard

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What on earth was I thinking ?
« on: July 10, 2005, 05:34:33 pm »
I found a stock model of the Galaxy Class from a copy I had on my old hard drive ..


( 'nuf said ! ?)

What on earth was I thinking ?

 :banghead: :smackhead: :banghead: :smackhead:

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh well ..  looks like I will spend a few days recreating Aztecs, and all that good stuff to retexture the Armada !

It's amazing mow much more detail goes into one of these models when properly done.  Even my work  ( and it leaves a LOT of room for growth ) still is more detailed than the stock stuff.)

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Offline E_Look

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Re: What on earth was I thinking ?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2005, 08:49:45 am »
Well, in defense of the stock modelers, they were probably under orders to produce models that would run on all sorts of and all sorts of older systems.  Remember, SFC3 came out a little while ago now.  I'm sure if any SFC came out today, the stock models would be more detailed than in SFCs 1, EAW, OP, and 3.

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Re: What on earth was I thinking ?
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2005, 09:15:29 am »
OH ...  with out a doubt you are exactly correct.  I meant no offense to those who did the work  .. ( although I can see how it may be taken that way ..   SORRY ! )

But .. I guess the point I was making was the dramatic difference between the stock stuff ....  and the ones done in the average MOD or re-textured or remodeled ships done by those making contributions to the "modeling community".  I had forgotten that difference until I found the stock model for the Galaxy class ...  then compared it to the one that I DL'd.
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Re: What on earth was I thinking ?
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2005, 09:52:59 am »
I have no idea whether or not this is the case, but it is possible that the stock modelers were not very well-versed with Star Trek before they were given the task of making the models, and therefore may not have had such descriminating eyes that we all have for ship models.  This, in addition to time constraints, file size constraints, and performance constraints, makes it very difficult to produce models that live up to the high standards that we, as fans, desire.  To my knowledge, none of us here follow such tight constraints that the stock modelers followed, so we have much greater freedom to produce models that meet our expectations.

Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: What on earth was I thinking ?
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2005, 10:02:24 am »
Most of it had to do with the files ... ploys ..  and generally making sure it would run on the many different systems out there.

That was the point  E-look was making ..

The models had to be recognizable ...  yet simple enough to run on simpler computers with a minimal amount of hardware and an appropriate OS.


I really was only pointing out how much of a difference the two were.  I had forgotten just how "basic" some of those models (and their textures) were ...  Until I actually requested a "stock" model of the Armada or the Galaxy.  WOW  what a difference.

I can still use the stock model for a map (so to speak)  but there are so many differences between that stock model and what I needed .. 

( I hope ya see what I mean !)

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Re: What on earth was I thinking ?
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2005, 10:12:17 am »
If you were around during the last month and saw the PotD's, you would definitely know the difference.  For a while, the entire site was run by one person, so he had to priorize what had to be done, so the PotD section suffered greatly.  There were a few recently of the stock Galaxy, and then one of the Galaxy from Trekmods that is going to be used in greenvalv's upcoming mod.  Now greenvalv's the new PotD guy, so things should definitely improve in that area.

Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: What on earth was I thinking ?
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2005, 10:38:03 am »
YUP ! 

Now add to that the graphics card issues into the mix !  OH and lets not forget WinBlows XP !

OY !

It's enough to drive a game developer to utter madness !

 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
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Offline E_Look

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Re: What on earth was I thinking ?
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2005, 10:20:17 pm »
Yeah, all, I knew you were cool.  I just wanted to make sure the stock modelers got their deserved due.

I stll think they did a SUPER job starting with the K-D7 from SFC1, and I personally liked very much the much maligned Gorn CA.  I think they were both very good jobs of commercial modeling.