Topic: The Straight Scoop from Charlie Daniels on Gitmo  (Read 981 times)

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The Straight Scoop from Charlie Daniels on Gitmo
« on: July 11, 2005, 08:18:32 pm »
The  Straight Scoop from Charlie Daniels

I've just returned from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Naval Air Station base where we  did three shows for the troops and toured several locations around the  post visiting with some of the finest military personnel on planet earth.   The kids seemed to really enjoy the shows and especially liked "This Ain't  No Rag, It's A Flag" and "In America". We had a great time with them.

We  saw Camp  X-Ray, where the  Taliban detainees are being held only from a distance, but I picked up a  lot of what's going on there from talking with a lot of different people.

The truth of the matter is that this operation is under a  microscope. The Red Cross has an on site presence there and watches  everything that goes on very closely. The media is not telling you the  whole truth about what's going on over there. The truth is that these scum  bags are not only being treated humanely, but they are probably better off  healthwise and medically than they've ever been in their lives. They are  fed well, able to take showers and receive state of the art medical care.  And have their own Moslem chaplain. I saw several of them in a field  hospital ward where they were being treated in a state of the art medical  facility.

Now  let's talk about the way they treat our people. First of all, they have to  be watched constantly. These people are committed and wanton murderers who  are willing to die just to kill someone else. One of the doctors told me  that when they had Taliban in the hospital the staff had to really be  careful with needles, pens and anything else which could possibly be used  as a weapon. They also throw their excrement and urine on the troops who  are guarding them. And our guys and gals have shown great restraint in not  retaliating. We are spending over a million dollars a day maintaining and  guarding these nasty killers and anyone who wants to see them brought to  the U.S.A. for trial is either out of their heads or a lawyer looking for  money and notoriety. Or both.

I  wish that the media and the Red Cross and all the rest of the people who  are so worried about these criminals would realize that this is not a  troop of errant Boy Scouts. These are killers of the worst kind. They  don't need protection from us, we need protection from them. If you don't  get anything else out of this soapbox, please try to realize that when you  see news coverage much of the time you're not getting the whole story, but  an account filtered through a liberal mindset with an agenda.

We  have two fights on our hands, the war against terror and the one against  the loudmouthed lawyers and left wing media who would sap the strength  from the American public by making us believe that we're losing the war or  doing something wrong in fighting it. Remember these are the same people  who told us that Saddam Hussein's Republican guard was going to be an all  but invincible enemy and that our smart bombs and other weapons were not  really as good as the military said that they were.

They  also took up for Bill Clinton while he was cavorting around the Oval  office with Monica Lewinsky while the terrorists were gaining strength and  bombing our Embassies and dragging the bodies of dead American heroes  around the dusty streets of Somalia. It's a shame that we can't have an  unbiased media who would just report the truth and let us make up our own  minds.

Here  I must commend Fox News for presenting both sides much better than the  other networks. They are leaving the other cable networks in the dust.  People like being told the truth.

Our  military not only needs but deserves our support. Let's give it to them.

The  next time you read a media account about the bad treatment of the Taliban  in Cuba, remember what I told you.  Been there done that.

Footnote: I got an e-mail from a  rather irate first cousin of mine the other day who has a daughter who's a  lawyer and she seemed to think that I was painting all lawyers with the  same brush. Please understand that I'm not doing that at all. That would  be like saying that all musicians were drug addicts. There are a lot of  good and honest attorneys out there. I happen to have one of them. But it  seems that they never get any airtime. It's always the radicals who get  their opinions heard, who fight the idea of the military tribunals and  cite The Constitution and the integrity of America as  their source of justifying  their opinions. Well, first of all The Constitution says "We the people of  the United  States", it doesn't mention any other  country.

And secondly as far as integrity is concerned, I don't  think some of these folks would know integrity if it bit them in the  posterior.

What  do you think? God Bless America.

Charlie  Daniels

P.S.  send this to everyone you can...the truth needs to be told. THE REASON A  DOG HAS SO MANY FRIENDS IS THAT HE WAGS HIS TAIL - NOT HIS  TONGUE.

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Re: The Straight Scoop from Charlie Daniels on Gitmo
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2005, 10:34:17 pm »
I agree with you 100%.  I'm glad that it's not just me and a good number of my friends here at Texas A&M, well-known for being one of the most conservative campuses in the nation, who feel this way.  I don't trust any other news network, and I still keep on my toes when I listen to FOX (mainly because I've learned that you can't take anything said in any news for granted).  We've treated these mass murderers far better than they deserve, and for people to say that they're being treated unfairly is a slap in the face to humanity.  It seems like recently people have started to become disillusioned with the liberal media.  More and more people are no longer believing everything they hear, read, or see in the news and are starting to think for themselves.  I think that's why the Democrats are in the horrible state they're in.  Their most powerful ally, the liberal media, is beginning to lose control over what people believe.  I really hope this trend continues.

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Re: The Straight Scoop from Charlie Daniels on Gitmo
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2005, 11:23:33 pm »
Good one Indy.  ;) :thumbsup:
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