As long as that point of view prevails, we will always be at the mercy of Islamic terrorists who hide among and are supported by the "muslims in general."
true, my view isn't perfect. But then again, what would your view be? Should we exterminate the muslims? Seems to me we'd be no better than them.
Certainly expel them - unfortunately, even that won't protect us from smuggled nukes or bioweapons.
The Brits have already solved this type of problem once before, in India with the Thugees. That sort of solution may be necessary here as well.
As to "no better than them" - we are in a war. We didn't want it, and we didn't start it, but we are in it nonetheless. Where there are no muslims, we don't have western terrorists blowing up civilians. Where there are no westerners, we do have muslim terrorsts blowing up civilians (where there are no westerners or Jews to kill, they target other factions of Islam, or governments that aren't extreme enough). When Islam is gone, the killing will stop. If they were to win, and there were no more non-muslims, they could not say the same.
But let's call it quits after your reply? Agree to disagree? Cause I'm not convincing you nor really trying, and I'm not gonna be persuaded by your neither. Let's focus on the fanfiction.
Fair enough. This is really more a topic for the Hot & Spicy Forum.
Speaking about fanfiction, I vaguely remeber reading some of your writing. I rember liking it. Is it still somewhere? Or are you gonna repost it?
Thank you for the compliment.
Surviving the Fire still is somewhere - on the hard drive of the computer on which I am typing right now, in fact. I do intend to repost it, but not until I have finished it.
I was unemployed for the last 2-1/2 years, and had to scramble to make ends meet, so I had no opportunity to write. The story has languished, half completed (though it is done in my head

). I am hoping now that I finally have full time employment (with health benefits!) that I will be able to work on it again.
I have posted the thing three times now, but have never been able to finish it - which was frustrating for everyone. I figure if I wait 'til I finish it to repost it, that will be less frustrating.
I did do a couple of shorts I might dig up, though.