Right I don't give a flying f**k about all the politicking going on in this thread, particularly from certain elements of the political spectrum, but as a Londoner (well, Essex, but my town is connected to the central line of the tube so...) I offer my tribute to the emergency services and those people just passing by kind enough to help out all the victims yesterday, it is a sickening act and the perpetrators will probably never be found but it shows that we are united as one people regardless of race or religion, I'm sure many of the police and hospital workers, not to mention victims were Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Arabs, Africans and so on, as well as white Christians.
In any case, I've taken Sochin's suggestion, or a slight modification of it and made a hospital ship:

Sorry about the small size of the pics, they were taken in MODViewer, anyway, I've had the hospital ship sitting around for a few weeks actually, RogueNine inspired me to do it, but hadn't thought of a good name to use. I based the colour scheme on the HMHS Brittanic during WWI but took some creative liberty with the crosses. The model is a kitbash of the Elohim class Fire Support Cruiser I made a while back, that itself being a kitbash of parts from Wicked Zombie's Constitution, Mars and Saladin, plus some alterations to the saucer shape to give it a more TOS Constitution shape on top, I stripped the Elohim of all weapons except the saucer phasers and whited up the hull and greened up the blue bits, as I said inspired by the colours of the tragic Brittanic.
P.S. my dad was in London at the time but fortunately his tube ride ended a few minutes before the bombs went off and he was at Victoria station which was not one of the locations attacked.
P.P.S. I'll have this sent to RogueNine ASAP as he hosts all my kitbashes, hopefully will have this up for d/l soon, just have to notify WZ and get his permission first...