Topic: FSD: Lyran OOB  (Read 19429 times)

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Offline KHH Jakle

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FSD: Lyran OOB
« on: July 06, 2005, 08:50:57 pm »
Year would be Y168 (5 on the shiplist - please refer to that and not the generic era for availability of refits/variants)

Fleet List is based on the Lyran Red Claw Fleet of that year (early General War)

BC, CC, 4xCA, 5xCL, 5xCW, 5xDD, 5xFF, BT, 2xDDG, CF

You have 1850 in BPV points to purchase ships  & refits.

Please note that refits are typically denoted by a '+', 'p' (phaser) or 'pp' (phaser and power pack).  Anything else denotes a variant.  You are buying the refit when you pay for a CWp over a CW.

Refit availability: the '+' refit is uniformily available and can be purchased for all ships
                        the 'p' refit is not widely available at this point.  You can purchase it for the BC and CC only.

You have the option of substituting any of the above ships with a variant of that class. (There is not a huge volume of variants in this year - but you do have the option)

You have to buy at least 6 ships, but may not exceed 18. 

FSDD will be Team 'B', meaning that Scenario 1 will be your Base Assault Mission and Scenario 6 will be your Base Defense.  The Base in each will be a Battlestation w/fighters.  Please keep this in mind when breaking your force down into your 6 groups.

Please let me know if you have quesions with this process.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2005, 06:31:26 pm by Jakle »

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2005, 12:47:49 pm »
FSD going to give it a go, or no?

If SoV isn't interested in doing another one anytime soon after ours, KHH will go against you with Mirak...

Offline Mutilator

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2005, 08:41:14 pm »
We will probably have to put it off till August when I get resettled. TT and Warp are busy with RL things. Movers are packing my computer tomorrow  :'( so Ill be down for a while.
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2005, 08:59:13 pm »
Roger that - we'll keep the light on for ya

Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2005, 01:54:33 pm »

hey u sfc maniacs keep the light on for the Greek soldier ,too.I beleive ill have the time from  November to play sfc again as currently im very busy guarding the Greek Islands from the Turks!

p.s:Mut count me in

p.s:Have nice vacations all!

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2005, 01:59:35 pm »
Are both of you members of NATO?

If Turkey invades Greece, who do we declare article 5 on?

Offline Nomad

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2005, 06:17:30 pm »
I thought it went....

Germany went to get Turkey slipped on Greece and broke the China.

Offline KHH-MiniMe

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2005, 08:16:08 pm »

hey u sfc maniacs keep the light on for the Greek soldier ,too.I beleive ill have the time from  November to play sfc again as currently im very busy guarding the Greek Islands from the Turks!

p.s:Mut count me in

p.s:Have nice vacations all!

Oh jeez   :-*

Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2005, 02:44:33 am »
I almost forget Congradulations to SoV for winning the championship!

Hey Minime i missed u,too !  ;D

p.s btw im currently in Rhodos Island in south east borders with Turkey and im lucky im able to go out of the base every second day so... its more like vacations for now  8).And when we r talking about Rhodos Island we r talking about a lot lot hot women from all Europe (specially U.K) in the streetbars dancing nake and getting drunk and getting... :o .Ah and  a week ago there was a big big U.S boat here with 6.000 U.S marines getting some days off from the war in suddenly all bars in the island were playing R&B and Hip hop ... :dance:

Offline KHH-MiniMe

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2005, 05:16:54 am »
I almost forget Congradulations to SoV for winning the championship!

Hey Minime i missed u,too !  ;D

p.s btw im currently in Rhodos Island in south east borders with Turkey and im lucky im able to go out of the base every second day so... its more like vacations for now  8).And when we r talking about Rhodos Island we r talking about a lot lot hot women from all Europe (specially U.K) in the streetbars dancing nake and getting drunk and getting... :o .Ah and  a week ago there was a big big U.S boat here with 6.000 U.S marines getting some days off from the war in suddenly all bars in the island were playing R&B and Hip hop ... :dance:

European women eh? Are these the type that don't shave their pits?

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2005, 08:09:14 am »
Don't knock it...

besides, after being on ship for a few weeks, it's alllllll goooooooooood....


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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2005, 10:36:44 am »
Woohoo, hairy pits!

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2005, 11:43:05 am »
Mut - please see the original OOB listed in the first post of this thread.  This is now accurate for our Mini-Camp.

Please ask any questions in this thread.  Thanks!!

Offline Mutilator

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2005, 03:58:46 am »
Is this the entire ship list that we have to work with?

"BC, CC, 4xCA, 5xCL, 5xCW, 5xDD, 5xFF, BT, 2xDDG, CF"

I see some other ships with Y168 are these off limits because Red Claw never had them?

168   Lyran   DN   L-DN

168   Lyran   CA   L-BCPp (This one for clarity can we buy only one of these or only one BC?)

125   Lyran   CA   L-CALF

165   Lyran   FF   L-DW
166   Lyran   FF   L-DW+

168   Lyran   FF   L-DWp (I did see note on p refit only avail for CC and BC just see it on a few others)
168   Lyran   FF   L-DWPp
168   Lyran   CL   L-CWp
168   Lyran   CL   L-CWPp
168   Lyran   FF   L-FLGp
168   Lyran   CL   L-CWp
168   Lyran   CL   L-CWPp

168   Lyran   CL   L-CWL (leader variants?)
125   Lyran   CA   L-CAL

These are just some that I see that I am not sure are pickable or not. Just want to ensure I get them right.

And finally do I pick ships as per PBR rules for command and support ships?

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Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2005, 09:58:13 am »
Mutt - excellent questions.  I'll try to answer them each in turn.

The 'P' and 'p' denote refits.  One is the Phaser Refit, the other is the Power Pack refit.  I am afraid right at this moment, I am unsure which is which.  I can check to verify when I get home.

For the BC - you can only buy the one that is available.  The '+' refit is available, as well as the Phaser refit.  So, you can either buy a BC, or a BC+ or ...whatever the BC is with the + and phaser refit.  That is a gap in my understanding of how FS implemented the different refits.  I'll get you an answer back today.

Now, the way I am approaching the Mini-Campaign OOB's is taking the year (in this case Y168) and looking at the actual availability of refits.  IN Y168, the Phaser refit was just becoming available, so I am limiting it to the Capital Ships in your Fleet Pool (the BC and CC). 

One additional problem is that FS used the first possible year of availability for his shiplist, so while on the shiplist some ships show available, when consulting actual refit availability in SFB, you find that it was only available to a limited degree.

The DW was still new construction in Y168.  Most were assigned to the Home Fleet.  None were in the Red Claw Fleet as of this year.

There was no L-DN available to the Red Claw fleet in this year.

I think I should make a single CWL available (so 1xCWL, 4xCW), but let me confirm and get back to you.

I believe the FLG is a police flagship?  Police ships are not listed with OOB and are excluded.

I'll have to get back to you on the CAL/F.

For the record, I am working on a more formal Mini-Camp resource.  Ultimately, every race would have a single OOB to choose from for each of 4 different years.  It would be a generic OOB, reflecting sort of an 'average' across all borders.  However, since that is not ready yet. I am using the whatever is on the border of your opponent.

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2005, 10:44:41 am »
From what I can tell ,Firesoul has his own method of reckoning
where it comes to the power and phaser refits (he seems to have reversed the
dates in op+)
From what I can tell from the SFB stuff I have
There should actually be ships with power refits that do not have phaser refits, FS has it the other way around- technically it seems the Lyran ships are wrong (though easily correctable)
Of course FS (and presumably many here) know more about SFB than i do so maybe I'm missing something.

Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2005, 10:46:22 am »
I'll take a dive into the OP+ shiplist and compare it to the SFB stuff later tonight, after we wrap the SoVvKHH mini camp.

Offline Mutilator

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2005, 05:05:31 pm »
From what I can tell ,Firesoul has his own method of reckoning
where it comes to the power and phaser refits (he seems to have reversed the
dates in op+)
From what I can tell from the SFB stuff I have
There should actually be ships with power refits that do not have phaser refits, FS has it the other way around- technically it seems the Lyran ships are wrong (though easily correctable)
Of course FS (and presumably many here) know more about SFB than i do so maybe I'm missing something.

Yeah I concur with this. The BCP+ use to be the better of the two between it and the BCPp. Probably others as well but that is the one FSD noticed and commented on a lot when 4.0 came out.

From Jakle I believe the FLG is a police flagship?  Police ships are not listed with OOB and are excluded.

Yes it is, and excluded is fine do not think we would select one anyway, it was just an example from the Y168 for my own clarity. Everything else you posted is cool and should give me the ability to make some initial ship selections once we figure out what the venue will be IE base defence or other style missions.

 I"ll let you make a decision on the CWL we would likely use one if available. No DN is cool  we would waste good points on one of those superior Lyran dreds anyway  ;D

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Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2005, 05:23:24 pm »
oh - you had another question:

"And finally do I pick ships as per PBR rules for command and support ships?"

PBR is not in effect until you assign your purchased ships to the 6 different scenarios.  Don't worry - with the ships available in your OOB, it's virtually impossible to end up not being able to form PBR compliant groups.

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: FSD: Lyran OOB
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2005, 05:42:28 pm »
ok - Lyran refits and OP+:

For the BC: FS lumped the phaser and + refit together, so you can either buy the BC or the BCp+.  There appears to be no BC+

For the CC: Apparently the CC has the phaser refit built in, and only gets the shield refit with the '+', so you can disregard the phaser refit for it

This being the case, you can get the 'phaser' refit for one of the CA's (CAp).  That also includes the '+' built in.

1 of the 5 CW's will be a CWL.  There is a standing rule for the F&E OOB's that for the War Destroyers and War cruiser squadrons, one is the leader variant.  Since you have 5, only one of them is.

Regarding the CAL/F - that is the Lioness Heavy Cruiser.  It is evidently in some product that I don't have - quite likley the 'Ships that Never Were'.  There is no reference of it in the OOB source, so consider it unavailable.