Topic: Well got 4 Hydrans done for SFC1, working on light maps for EAW and OP.  (Read 951 times)

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Offline Khalee1

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All frigates done up SFB style. Fusion beams red Hellbores green
They are the Hunter class frigate, Saracen frigate leader (Fusion beam Version),Scythian CVE,and Crusader Frigate leader, Mixed weapon Version. Working on the Hellbore version.

So who wants to host them for me?.


Offline Dizzy

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I always wondered how the submission process worked on battle clinic where I think most of all the models made so far are hosted.

I want those ships khalee. Do you have more screens?

Offline Khalee1

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Nope sorry no screen shots yet, but a update got breakmods done for all of them, and still tweeking them a bit getting the hard points down. All of the hydran fleets will be represented So you can change textures if you want.

all the frigates and varents will be in one folder too, plus ill do the same for the other ships, as there is not a whole lot of differance between them texture wise, and it make it easyer to keep trac of them.

Think I got two or three more varents to do then Im done with the frigates, going thru all my ssd books to make sure I get them all. So just a little longer to wait for them.