Topic: Beta Patch 534C,A very humble opinion.  (Read 1189 times)

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Beta Patch 534C,A very humble opinion.
« on: July 04, 2005, 04:00:34 pm »
Ladies and Gentlemen of this August Forum,Since I found out about it,last week,before the Fourth of July weekend,I have been playing S.F.C.III with the 534C Beta Patch that I downloaded from StarTrek Gaming Universe. I played the General Campaign as a Klingon and I'm currently playing in the Conquest Mode as a Klingon,as well. Now,The people who worked on this Patch put their respective hearts and souls into this work and while I'm extremly appreciative of their hard work and am enjoying using this Patch,I must point out two things I've noticed while playing where the 534C Patch is found wanting. First of all,The gap between the Prestige you win in the Conquest Mode Missions,like "Convoy Raid" and how much a new ship,like a "Vor'cha" actually cost is "Grand Canyon Sized". This also relates to the second thing I noticed. When I was playing "To Hunt Ones Blood" the last mission of the "Klingon General Campaign",I found that I couldn't afford a "Negh'var" even though I should have been able to. There were plenty of them to choose from,I just couldn't afford one because the Pestige I had just wasn't high enough to allow me to buy one. And,At that stage of the game,I should have been able to. In my"very humble opinion",I think that the people who worked so hard on the 534C Beta Patch should work on fixing this "Prestige Problem" if they decide to create a newer version of said Patch so that the "Battle" will be worth the "Victory". Thank You,very much,for your time,Ladies and Gentlemen. Joseph L. Rand(