Well my steak finnally came to an end this morning! Went for over 8 years without a hangover but this morning was greeted by one. I drank alot of water last night but I think I'd have had to stick my head under Niagra Falls to have prevented this one. Luckily I had a backup prepared at the hotel and put 800 mg of Ibuproperin in my system, followed by another 400 2 hours later. There was a third way to get rid of the hangover available as well if necessary in Capt. Jeff's home remedy

Yes I said Hotel, I took the weekend off, and my buddies and I decided to rent a room in downtown Charlotte NC for the 4th weekend, so we wouldn't have to worry about driving anywhere. I started off the day about 5 o'clock with a Talisker at the hotel cigar bar

, followed by several Newcastles

and was catching a nice buzz by 6,then moved over to the sports bar to get a bit of in the stomach as well as some more beer

Agave then showed up to join the company, until then It had been me and Doc Psycho (An old GDT member) and the docs wife. Agave suggested we go up to the room for a bit, I agreed as I had some Blue Moon stashed in the hotel fridge, but upon entering the room I found out that they had something else in store. I hadn't mentioned my birthday but they hadn't forgotten and presented me with a bottle of Caol Ila. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

It tasted Soooooo good! Anyhow after a few scotchs I was feeling good and we proceeded to drink our way through downtown Charlotte

with some other friends who joined us. There were a lot of hotties out and about. Chuut might be 38 but he still has some degree of charm as I was able to convince a few of the young ladies in their twenties that an older man had some noteworthy qualities as I hit the dance floor and enjoyed their company. We then moved on to the next place but Chuut was getting more and more drunk

and got hit on by a redneck woman in her 50s that wanted to take him home. An attractive 50 year old would have been ok, but I'm not sure this woman had all her teeth, and despite my thinking about the advantages of such a condition as per chapter 7 of "Die Hard's" Guide to Loose Hos", I decided I wasn't drunk enough for that, and politely excused myself. I was drunk enough to hit on a hottie who was surrounded by 4 guys. I remember turning to Agave before I approached her saying "Back me up if these guys start kicking my ass", then boldly going in to make my move. She turned me down however, saying she was flattered at my boldness, but one of them was her husband. They were actually all pretty cool so I gave them my number and told them we'd have to meet up sometime again for drinks. At that point it was time to go back to the hotel.
Was a very fun night, my friends once again making my birthday a special day for me. And I raise this glass of Caol Ila (yes still got some left) in their honor!