Topic: Oh, I just have to rant!  (Read 1252 times)

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Offline drb

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Oh, I just have to rant!
« on: June 26, 2005, 01:37:05 am »
Hoi Folks,

 I spent the better part of my afternoon cleaning the rugs I have on my deck, with a carpet brush, down on the ground floor of the building, by the dumpsters, so I would not disturb my downstairs neighbours with the extra silt and other crap that has graced our place due to a construction site across the street. Having finished with the rugs I swept the deck before putting them back in place. It was as I placed the third and last one down, broom and dust pan in hand I hear the sound of water hitting the rail and surface of my balcony. Thinking that the guy upstairs should exercise more caution when watering his plants, I yell up, "Hey, thank you very much, but we could do without that!"

No answer, and the water is still coming down from the inside of the rail so I reach up with the broom and tap on his rail, "Hey, 1402!"

That is when I caught a whiff of the "water," it was piss, dog piss.

Before I go any further the rugs were at the other end of the deck.

I go up and knock on the door, the dog is the only one home, down to the super's; off duty. So I leave a note on the guy's door,"Your dog's waste is landing on my deck!"

 At 1:35am something slides through my mailslot in the door, making a racket, I leap out of bed, he, 1402 turns back around the corner to tell me it wasn't his dog that did it, as he didn't have access to the deck all day. The dog is a black lab of the size that would match a piss of the amount I saw pour off his deck onto mine, then on the person's below me. I tell him that he is rude to make the noise he just made at this time of night, he continues to tell me it could not have been his dog. I tell him I saw it happen and that he will hear from the landlord.

Folks, I know what I saw and smelt, one stream of piss, falling from the inside of the rail. When it hit the top of my rail it splashed in all directions. If it came from above his deck I would have seen it fall when I leaned over to tap his rail with the broom.

So, to disturb my family at 1:30 in the morning just to call me a liar, has really pissed me off.

End of rant, for now.

I am taking suggestions.

Take care

« Last Edit: June 26, 2005, 12:00:06 pm by drb »

Offline Sirgod

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Re: Oh, I just have to rant!
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2005, 08:24:01 am »
Dang man, I find that a carefully layed 2 x4 against the back of someones head usually get's the point across. Then again, I'm the more sensitive guy around these parts.  ;)

Seriously, I'd make one more try to Work this out with the guy. If It doesn't work, then I'd get in touch with the super. If that still doesn't work out, then I'd Call the local police each and every time his dog did that.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline drb

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Re: Oh, I just have to rant!
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2005, 10:24:01 am »
Hoi Stephen,

 I would have tried to work it out with the guy, as I actually feel sorry for the dog that has to use it's living space as a bathroom. I know the dog is really in a bad way when it has to do that. However, I have found sun dried stool and seen other wet spots before, I just lacked solid proof that it was his deck that was the source, almost certain, but never witnessed it as it was happening. He lost his chance to deal with me instead of the management when he shows up in the middle of the night calling me a liar. So the way I see it the guy is a slack @ss who does only what is convenient for him and is willing to put his dog in that really bad situation. Again a lovely black lab who by virtue of his breed alone deserves the greatest respect and care. I mean the dog was considerate enough to go on the side of the deck I wasn't on.
 BTW he knocks on the door again this morning wanting to apologize, I did not accept, but told him he does not deal with me but with the landlord.

Take care


« Last Edit: June 26, 2005, 11:59:32 am by drb »

Offline Sirgod

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Re: Oh, I just have to rant!
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2005, 10:29:35 am »
Dang man, sorry this happening to you. Still, like you said Old Friend, It's the dog that is the one I pitty. as a dog owner myself, you have to take responcibility for them. Shoot, I wish you the best of luck dealing with this guy, and Rant away Bro. I know I've had a few rant's here myself.  ;)

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline drb

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Re: Oh, I just have to rant!
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2005, 03:02:33 pm »
Hoi Folks,

 I saw the building super when I took the recycling down. The guy from 1402 had already spoken to him "cap-in-hand."
I asked that no drastic action take place, but, that the guy must tend to his dog's needs before "it" lands on my deck.
  So, we will see what happens.

Take care


Offline Bonk

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Re: Oh, I just have to rant!
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2005, 08:41:33 am »
"sun-dried stool" - :rofl:

Ain't apartment living grand!  ;) sigh...

Sorry, no helpful suggestions at the moment... other than perhaps with enough beer consumed  and the right winds you could build up enough pressure to hit 1402's balcony yourself? hehe... (j/k of course)

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Oh, I just have to rant!
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2005, 10:18:01 am »
Long time no see DRB! You did the right thing by going to the super. If I had been in that situation, I would have left one of the "stained" dresses, ermmm, sorry, that's Clinton.   ;) One of the stained rugs with the smell and showed it to the super as proof of your neighbor's lying about the situation as I have not met a dog that can piss upwards or horizontally at distances of feet and not inches, yet...  ;D

You can file a complaint with the animal services of the police there? I've seen them on tv and in New York if any animal is abused by it's owner, the owner can and most likely go to jail and the animal is placed in a shelter and given health care and time to be adopted by a new owner. Abuse of animals carries a nice fine with it as well. Here in Westlake Hills animal abuse is NOT tolerated either. My guess is that animal is not being abused per se, but... Living in those conditions can be counted as abuse or maltreatment. In Austin you HAVE TO provide proof of living space for whatever dog or pet you want to adopt before animal services will let you adopt a pet. Living space and space to go to the bathroom, and your deck is not that dog's urinal, thank God that he did not have diarrhea!  ;D

Offline Sirgod

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Re: Oh, I just have to rant!
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2005, 10:42:03 am »
By the way DRB, how goes the Music stuff bro?

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline drb

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Re: Oh, I just have to rant!
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2005, 01:47:48 pm »
Hoi Folks,

 The rugs were actually never hit as we rolled the up when we were not using the deck, a policy that I'm glad we follow. The guy did come around, and admitted fault, and has said it will not happen again. If it does, the super, and the SPCA will be contacted. The dog is really great as a neighbour, its the twit owner who goes "clubbing," as they call it here, leaving his poor beast behind to fend of itself.
 I gave him hell though. He told the super he lost sleep over the ordeal, I didn't though, cause I could rant here, and prompty went to sleep, well vented and knowing it would be sorted out.

 WRT the music, I haven't written any verse of late, but when my wife a daughter were here, (they have moved in with my family in New Brunswick, as we try to sort out our not so good money situation. This way child care can be handled by my Aunt and Uncle, who are good people, while my wife and I try to get work. So my daughter will get to spend a great deal of time on a farm, in a beautiful location, well away from Toronto. Really it is a good situation and early reports are that my little girl is enjoying herself, despite missing her Dad) I was always making up songs on the spot about what we were doing, sometimes I would borrow a melody, sometimes one would just come out of the blue. So fear not, life is good, I have good things to say about it and in a good way too.

 The really cool thing is that I read to my daughter everyday from 5 mos until she was born, it has paid off because she has understood everything we say to her, and she follows instructions to the letter, when she thinks it is a good idea, and when she wants something else she has a very complex way of communicating to us. She is more than a parent could ever hope for. She brings out the best in us, and is currently doing exactly what I asked of her during this tough time. I am a very proud Dad. With luck I can find some work soon. I miss them dearly but I will do what I have to. I can't help but think how much better this situation is compared to what my brother just went through, he had to go to Sudan for about a year, leaving his young family behind. If he could do that I can do this. Compared to Africa I'm just next door.

Take care


Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Oh, I just have to rant!
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2005, 03:05:52 pm »
I thought when we last talked you were coming to the states to live and work? What happened?

Offline drb

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Re: Oh, I just have to rant!
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2005, 06:24:46 pm »
Hoi Jack,

The trip to the US was to visit my wife's family there. Alas, due to many reasons (top of the list are a tax SNAFU, it took awhile for the Feds here to figure they messed up, they did eventually, long story I will not go into, and employers who either would not pay on time or not at all, and employers who were breaking laws in other ways that had us getting out of there, this list goes on...)  the trip was postponed. Her family runs a seasonal business in the Boston area, if not in Boston itself I really can't remember right now, and there is a fine school there of the tradition I am interested in, but the likelyhood of both of us being able to work south of the boarder was slim at best and that is what we really need. We just watched my brother and her(my wife) sister (they are married) try to do that very thing in NY state, with no luck, she was allowed to work he was not. I think things were really messed up after 9-11 as far as trying to do anything in the States, even if you are Canadian with a perfectly clean record as my wife and I have and my brother's family as well, the boarded just got shut down, and we didn't think we wanted to go through what is required to be able to live and work down there nor did we have the time.

 We couldn't do it on our own in Toronto. So now I'm here and the rest of my family is back east. I will give it my best shot here, I am working toward something I really believe in. If I don't try, I will regret it. If it doesn't happen, I will happily go back east to my family and live out the rest of my days knowing I did my best, but it wasn't to be.

 They (doctors, military and civy alike) said I was disabled, and cut me loose Jan 16 2001 forever, well I got better, I told them I would with or without them. I delivered my daughter Feb 20 2004, in my apartment bathroom, with the help of my wife of course, so I am a happy man. If I can learn how to communicate to others what I did to correct my spine, well that would be icing on the cake, so to speak. If not I go home and live well and happy until it ends. I am in a win-win situation right now. Heck, there could be a dream job waiting for me in one of the most beautiful places in the world if it doesn't work out here as Bonk informed me a few hours ago. 

How are you doing?

Take care


« Last Edit: July 01, 2005, 09:30:26 pm by drb »

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Oh, I just have to rant!
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2005, 09:17:40 pm »
You really have changed my man, there is a certain light and peace in your words and thoughts nowadays.  :gg: I haven't slept well lately, is why my typing and spelling have suffered today, not to mention my train of thought, but I'll let you know, most of it is for the better though.

I'm glad you are back online with us. If ya need some Indian Spirits, you know us security freak Yanks are here to help.  ;D I can understand after so many latinos and latinas flooding our southern border, and then you Canucks had that wacko with the  chainsaw and knife or axe, I forget which. It was very embarrassing for us Yanks because our border patrol let him walk right in. I mean WTF? Hey officer, that's not blood on my chainsaw, that's red paint! I've NEVER seen a chainsaw get red paint on it before, and I imagine that border patrol station isn't staffed by our finest upstairswise, if you know what I mean?  ::)