Matsukasi has apparently spent too much time "race whoring" and has let alien cultures influence his behavior. When he flew proudly with the Kzin he was known to frequently enjoy Guiness and other fine beers, but obviously he has lowered his standards now that he is away from the advanced Kzinti culture. I'm not surprised their was some effect but MILLER LITE????
Hanging out with the Klingons too much I guess

Mat come back before its too late!!!!!
We don't want you turing into another Likkerpig

Bet he has Clamato in the box too!
If you don't you might find yourself sitting at a bar with Julin, Karnak, and Corbo ordering Bud----Weis---Err , while Scipio and Agave try to get their hands on their beer.

Your friend Chuut