Alpha 0.09 has been complied and tested, though I am not releasing any new demo's until 0.1 . This is primarily because I have not yet implimented the new physics engine and collision detection system that I've been working on seperately from the main code. Also I don't want to flood the community with every single build of the software I produce, because people will soon get sick of endless little changes. The biggest change that must be implimented is the ability to fly into soild objects and experiance some kind of reaction, such as a bounce back rather just flying though with the words "collision detected" appearing on screen. In addition to this I also hope to add a scaled solar system into the game so that people will be able to tour earth, mars, jupiter etc rather then flying around in empty space.
So far, the following changes have been made to the software:
Main Source code broken down unto multiple files for ease of modification.
Extra ship data added, hull damage,
New, more realistic Impulse speed and Warp Speed added, as well as TOS and TNG warp scales based on star trek manuals.
Ship now rotates using the "," or "." keys.
Ship movement is now independance of game axis, this allows for more natrual movement and control of the ship.
New modding commands like "MakePlanet", "MakePlayer", "MakeSun" and "MakeButtonBlue" have been added.
System checker has been intergrated into game to aid with troubleshooting.
Model Viewer intergrated into game.
Location and Direction indicators included so later on the player will be able to manually fly to a location.
Player ships can now fly in any direction for as long as they like without flickering and eventual game crashes.
Basic Polygon based light mapping added.
Sun now emitts light rather then receiving and displaying shadows.
Static Three planet solar system added.
Speed indicator added
3 Systems added, Thrusters for fine movement, Impulse for major sublight movement,, and warp mode allowed warp travel within system.
Mouse Pointer enabled
Basic GUI interface built, though some buttons are not working yet.
More effective light and dark shading added.
Render Distance now 5000% futher then before.
Scrolling credit's added.
Unload scene data added.
Skyshphere starfield added.
Astronomical equations and converion data added.
Newton Physics engine started but not enabled.
Collision Engine started but not enabled.