Topic: U.S.S. Intimidator NX-81889  (Read 2073 times)

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U.S.S. Intimidator NX-81889
« on: April 15, 2006, 10:27:38 am »
U.S.S. Intimidator NX-81889

Owner : United Federation of Planets
Class : Capital Ship
Availability : Limited Availability
In Service : 2372
Out of Service : n/a
In 2371, Starfleet stepped up a few new ship designs. One of these designs was that of the Intimidator.
The Intimidator design developed and evolved off the Sovereign Class.
New weapons, shields, computers, and other systems continued to develop rapidly.
The design was modified constantly to incorporate all the new technology.
As a result the prototype emerged from the dry dock as Starfleet's most sophisticated and comprehensively armed vessel.
The vessel is equipped with a variant of the Type XII phaser array - formerly known as the 'Type X+' for security reasons - which equips the Federation's most powerful Starbases, deep space facilities, Sovereign Class, and the Galaxy Class Dreadnought.
The type twelve has a raw beam power output some 60% more powerful than the Type ten arrays installed on the Standard Galaxy class.
In addition the type twelve has a shorter recharge time and can fire a longer sustained burst, giving each array a combat effectiveness 79.4% greater than a type ten array.
The torpedo armament is similarly impressive.
The quantum torpedo turrets forward of the deflector dish are capable of firing five rounds per second, a greater overall rate of fire than the two main ten round burst torpedo tubes of the Standard Galaxy class combined.
Backup to the quantum torpedoes is provided by six tubes.
Each is capable of firing twelve round bursts.
This gives the Intimidator class the most powerful torpedo armament of any vessel in Starfleet service.
The shield system of the Intimidator class is similarly the most powerful of any Starfleet ship not using the MLSS shielding of the 4th Fleet.
The design was modified just prior to installation in order to increase effectiveness against both high energy tractor beams and phased polaron particles, measures clearly aimed at the Borg and Dominion respectively.
Under normal operation the shield modulation frequencies are under the control of the ships computer system, which continually evaluates incoming weapons fire and automatically re-modulates the shields to give the most effective possible defense.
It is thought that this system will also enable the shield system to prevent beam-through by Borg transporter technology.
The warp engines of the Intimidator are of a new design which eliminates subspace distortion effects inherent to standard warp drives, a feature now becoming common on most Starfleet ships.
The Intimidator class is currently one of the fastest vessel in Starfleet, with a maximum cruise speed of Warp 9.85 and a top speed of Warp 9.98 for up to sixteen hours.
The very high cruise speed is intended to allow the ship to deploy as rapidly as possible to potential trouble spots.
Her Impulse drive system and maneuvering thrusters are the most sophisticated model in production, giving the Intimidator class a maneuverability equal to that of a vessel one quarter its size.
Author : ModelsPlease
Kitbash and retextures : CaptainRussell
Original model : Chronocidal Guy
Hardpoints/Damage Points : ModelsPlease
SFC conversion : ModelsPlease,2bb9962ff8cc79a1a19db8814f370ae6.rar

Have fun !!!!!

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.