Iceman, you are sort of right about that-
I have seen some criticism, but it is very light. Personally, I still like and trust Newegg, but anyone wants to get a glimpse of those who may not, read the feedback in Newegg sort of watches that feedback board, but honest angry and disappointed posts about Newegg are there, too.
I think that when you buy online, and shipping is involved, there's bound to be a headache or two sometime. And, some guy in some company's warehouse is going to pack the wrong item to the wrong guy someday. Good outfits do their best to mimimize this, and bad ones either don't or can't get a handle on it.
On that basis, even if they censor their testimonials (hey, it's THEIR website), my gut feeling is that they're not only safe to deal with, they're priced better than most.
There are some other good online merchants with solid reputations, but they ALL have negative, critical letters posted against them on sites like or the like. Caveat emptor.