
What do you think so far (bare in mind this is only an early alpha)?

A Good Start
7 (36.8%)
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0 (0%)
Going in the wrong direction
0 (0%)
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1 (5.3%)
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Topic: Star Trek: Trader new game project  (Read 15386 times)

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Offline Kenjar

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #40 on: June 12, 2005, 01:34:51 pm »
For all of you who don't have force feed back joysticks, this option will disable the error your receive. For those of you with force feedback joysticks, it doesn't work anyway.

Patch 0.051 for demo

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #41 on: June 12, 2005, 02:22:24 pm »
That gets it running.. but I'm erroring out immediately after I select an era ship.. I assume that there are no models with the demo and that's where it's dying?
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

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been too lazy to update it!  Check Battleclinic!

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #42 on: June 12, 2005, 04:19:53 pm »

Offline Kenjar

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #43 on: June 12, 2005, 04:24:02 pm »
version 0.05 alpha of the demo
a patch for all of you without force feedback joysticks because I forgot to disable it in the code. 0.05 to 0.051 patch.

Offline Kenjar

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #44 on: June 12, 2005, 05:07:12 pm »
I really like this concept and will definately ggive this game a try, but personally 'cause I can't speak for everyone else, but I would like a Star Trek game with everything . ALL the weapons, ALL the ships, ALL and I do mean ALL the races. The ability to have a couple of hundred years to start with ENT(pre TOS),TOS,TMP,TNG and beyond. We all talk about what we'd do IF the source code was ever released and now here's Kenjar, creating a brand new game from scratch and from what he's stated so far,it would seem he would have the capability to accomplish most of what we've all wanted.
I went to your site Kenjar and read that news blurb of yours, and I agree, to an extent about gaming purists. So I ask ya why limit your concept to just smugglers ? Pretty much as I think about this (and please there is no offence meant) I'm looking at this as Han Solo in the Trek world. By all means keep the ability to CHOOSE to be a smuggler, but also incoporate the ability to play all the races. So say hypothetically you and I are playing on-line. You're a smuggler trying to reach Fed space and I'm playing a Fed starship on patrol along the border. Then instead of AI scenarios that ya spoke of, I have to stop you, I have to arrest you etc. But you make a run for the neutral zone, I in my stupidity violate the neutral zone to catch you, but lo and behold, here comes (again for example) Sandman in his Klingon D-7 and here I am pants down in my lil border cutter, your off and running and I'm in the S***er. Now to me that would be REALLY interesting. Or ya jump through the wormhole near DS9 and someone pursues in a runabout and  low and behold on the other side you come face to face with the Dominion's polaron beam up close and personal.  :rant:

Ok I'll hush up now. Like I said I really am looking forward to trying your game, but if ya can put everything into this game that ya want, why stop at just smugglers ?

I agree completely, that would be an ideal situation. But what you are talking about there is an MMORPG, they require servers to be paid for, supported and maintained. I don't plan to spend more then 3 years on this project so I sad down and asked myself "What can I actually achive?". It might just be another AI controlled universe but at least you dno't have to pay a monthly fee just to play it. There will be a multiplayer part to the game, but I've only planned to be what Bridge Commander should have been because it's only combat was very simple. I hope to match that, with all of nanoFX's enhancements and all the advantages of a DX9 graphics engine.

But that's not all, I spend almost 4 hour today reorganising the code so that if, for some reason I found myself in a position where I could not continue, someone else would be able to pick up where I left off. I've added a section for plugin's as well. Now these will nto work in the same way as BC, you will need the source code, but all you'll need to do is type in your little addion as another subroutine then under "Init_Game" just type in Gosub xxxxxx_plugin, you can disable exsisting subroutines simply by typing rem before the gosub command. I could have started this project over six months ago, but I've been researching languages. C+ is frankly expensive and a bloody pain in the ass, the same is true for Java 2 except for the expensive bit, and delphi as well as visual C, or basic really are not that easy for an every day person to use. On the other hand I did like the idea of using a BASIC programming language. It is easy to learn with real language words like "Print" and "Goto" plus BASIC has been around since before the Atari 200 so plenty of people have heard of it or debt with it. I personally learned on a BBC Master. DarkBASIC takes this common sense language to the next level with commands like load object "starship.3ds",1 to create a starship on screen complete with textures, bump mapping and light maps. And with futher commands like "position object 1,x,y,z" it really is an easy language to use and dirt cheap at £40 pounds for the download version. So while at the moment I might be designing it to be a han solo smuggler type of game, though I personally like to think I am basing it more on the Elite Frontier and X series games, once I've finished someone else will be able to add what they like with most of the foundations already laid.

Also, the idea behind my game is to present another point of view other then starfleet. All we've ever had is the well off human perspective. It is all very well pichard preaching from the bridge of the federations flagship but what about the marqies? Or the people living on the edge of federation space being killed off by unknown aliens and stange space phanomina. It is about as far from the idealistic earth that startrek preaches to us all the time. The frontier of federation space seems more like a 3rd world country then the dream that is force fed by Pichard and Kirk.

Of cause you don't have to smuggle, the real idea about smuggling is an excuse to cross into other empires space, after all in the StarTrek films they are always going on about how illegal romulan ale is, yet they seem to have enough to keep any klingon deligates happy don't they? Someone has to be smuggling the stuff don't they? But as I say, the choice is yours, the only choice I don't present to you is the joining of starfleet. Though I do hope to have people running missions for them.

The other aspect I hope to include is that of hiring crew. In starfleet crew is assigned or you have a large constant pools of officers and crew mates to get, it prob isn't the same for civilian traffic, didn't they say in Enterprise that all the cargo haulling people where leaving to join starfleet? I want to include things like reputation points as well, for instance, if whenever you get in a fire fight you end up loosing half your crew then your reputaion is going to take a hit and people are not going to want to join your crew, but if you manage to keep your entire crew alive in most fights or only loose a few then your reputation will be higher. I want to add things like if you buy internal upgrades like secuity fields to keep your crew safer from boarding and hull breaches then your crew will be more likely to stay alive. I want to add things like having the option to make your secuity fields leathal (on contact and bouncing weapon fire back at the originator (which is against federation law)) then you will suffer less losses due to boarding but will run the risk of starfleet finding out and fining you.

I know money is techniqelly no longer in effect in the federation, but the producers of star trek have never managed to clarify what actually replaces it. Civilian captains must obtain their transports somehow. Also how does trade take place between the different empires? So the only logical thing I can do is create some kind of currancy. Unless someone else can come up with a system of cause I am open to ideas.

So basically, I am making this because I am sick of the one sided story that star trek always gives us. You will have a choice, will you always do the moral thing? Or will you act like a friengi? Will you smuggle goods between the empires or put in an honest days work? Will you spend lots of money looking after your people, and making them happy or constantly upgrade your weapons, shields and warp drive reguardless of their well being? This will be a game that reflects your personalilty, I can't and won't tell you how to do so, I just want to lay the options in front of you, and later on, another modder can come along and put his or her options in front of you. All I am giving you is my view of life after first contact, when the code is released, you can come and give your own.

leathal secuirty fields

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #45 on: June 12, 2005, 06:31:39 pm »
This reminds me of several DS9 episodes.  Will you be including some of the shadier places and characters from DS9 in the game?

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #46 on: June 12, 2005, 10:45:29 pm »
I just converted a ship, but every time I try to view it in the model viewer, I get an error message that says "Runtime Error 105 - File does not exist at line 27" after I type in the path to the model and hit enter.

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #47 on: June 12, 2005, 11:07:09 pm »
WTG Miles, hiaus my butt, you da man ! And Kenjar I see your point entirely, Like I said I'm stoked about your game I was just curious about the other stuff I mentioned. As for your last post with all the puter jargin.........I'm clueless LOL but i dod get your gist. +1 to you for your endeavors.

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

Offline Kenjar

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #48 on: June 13, 2005, 02:33:59 am »
This reminds me of several DS9 episodes.  Will you be including some of the shadier places and characters from DS9 in the game?

At the moment I have no plans to add known star trek people into the game, though I will have to add deepspace nine personal at some point as well as the station because unlike starships they don't move around all the time. Though as a trader you will be more likely to deal with Quark then Sisco, unless of cause you brake then law, in which case you might well find yourself under the guns of the defiant, then in it's holding cell, unless of cause you've managed to get your hands on some black market upgrades.

The other system I hope to include will be a crew RPG skill system that allows for bonuses when repair or getting power out of the engines. The more battles you are in, the better your shield and weapon responsies will become though targeting and defense. You will still controll all these features but there will be a 1% up to 15% bonus for that system. Be warned tho this can also get into negitives, up to a max of -50% because it's much easier to be crap, then to be the best! So check who you are hiring, if he's ex-starfleet, then he's going to automatically gain a 5% bonus, if he's some rich gits inexperianced son who has paid YOU to give him some experiance, it's going to be and automatic -50% so don't put him in charge of the engines or weapons, or shields, post him as the secuity cheif and work hard not to get boarded. I also intend that these people can be killed off. So if you have a very experianced crew install extra secuity and shielding around the bridge to keep these people alive longer. The other feature I hope to add is old age, if you have a crew member who's terrian and 80, then you're going to want him to retire, or he might just drop dead for no reason. Of cause the older a crew member is when you hire him the more experiance he will have. So if you are planning an 80 year voyage in the to the gamma qaudrent in the TOS era, you might want to have a young crew.

The other point someone made, is that the game will be covering a great many years. Even the captain can't be immortal so you will be able to take a wife and have kids eventually, so you can train up your son as the first officer ready to take over from his father... any loyailty bonus points that you as the origininal captain enjoyed can be transfered to the son.

Offline Kenjar

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #49 on: June 13, 2005, 06:28:10 am »
Kenjar I have an offer for you from  My real life freind who is a 100% geek who offers webspace hosting and gaming servers for free, i will allow her to use my account and post shortly all the details of what she can offer you over a long run for little to no expence other than you let her get a copy of this engine for outalance to expand this past 3 years.

I'm not quite sure what your friend is offereing, this game isn't an MMORPG so it won't need decicated servers. The multiplayer aspect of this game will be programmed into a 2nd game engine and I will offer a server program for people to run on their machines, I will also see what I can  do about writing something for the linux servers.

If you could get your friend to e-mail me at dforemanuk@gmail.com and explain what is being offered a little more clearly I'd be greatful. I should warn you now though that my cash flow isn't very good at the moment, this project has cost me the best part of £210 now though game engine plugin's, animation and 3d modeling software. I'm not willing to commit myself to anything else at the moment. The only other warning I feel I must give, is that if she is meerly looking for the first sneek peak at the soruce code, I'm not releasing it to anyone unless they are A) helping me with the game, B) I find myself no longer able to develope the code, or C) the final game is released. But I will be granting no exclusive rights to anyone, this is a GPL project.

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #50 on: June 13, 2005, 08:10:43 am »
Will we be able to mine resources like with Freelancer? That would be cool...also salvage. This is turning out very gnarly. :rwoot:
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Offline Kenjar

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #51 on: June 13, 2005, 08:33:09 am »
I think I will cover the basic's, trading, piracy, bounty hunter (except when working for the federation you need to bring them in alive when possible, anyone else just kill them) mining (nebula, astroid, planetary rings), salvage, and the sale of long range servay information, assasination (though these will be rare), and running missions for each empire such as transporting starfleet/ romulan/ klingon/ personell, going to the aid of another vessal in distress, scanning missions and salvage missions where you get paid rather then get technology.

I might also add in the ability to sell goods to developing planets against the prime directive, though this is a capital crime and you will run the risk of being caught and put away for life. If this happens you will only be able to carry on in the game if you managed to bring up a son or daughter, or have married a crew member.

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #52 on: June 13, 2005, 10:07:43 am »
It sounds like you want the basic feel of the game to be somewhat similar to the Sid Meier's Pirates! game.

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #53 on: June 13, 2005, 02:32:40 pm »
I don't know I've never played it but if you want a sample of what sort of game I love download Elite III Frontier II First encounters, I've played Elite since 1988, and have loved it since the beginning. It's shareware now, but still a good game in my book, though not very advanced in graphics. The game has been released as shareware so it's legal.


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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #54 on: June 13, 2005, 03:26:22 pm »
If you can get a hold of the original Pirates! game, play it.  It was originally made for the Commodore 64, but it was ported to almost every computer and video game system that existed between the years 1987 and 1993.  It's kind of hard to find since it was made in 1987, and Sid Meier is still one of the top dogs in the gaming industry so don't expect to just download it for free (legally).  His recent remake of Pirates! is, in my opinion, even better than the original, but it's still being sold for $50, which is a little too steep to just pick it up to see what it's like.  Anyway, it's sort of an open ended adventure RPG, but it doesn't have any of the traditional RPG elements like HP, party members, etc.  It also has elements from several other genres such as real-time ship to ship combat, turn-based land battles, sword duels, and the remake includes ballroom dancing.  The main point of the game is to sail from island to island in the Carribean, trade goods, recruit crew, plunder ships, attack settlements, and win the heart of some wealthy governor's daughter.  You can be a privateer for the English, French, Spanish, or Dutch (you can do privateering for more than one at a time and even turn on the nationality that you've been helping), or you could side with no one and attack whomever you see (you'll have trouble finding a friendly port that way, though).  You can be an honest trader or plunder goods,  receive letters of marque, promotions, land, and titles from the different governors; hunt down infamous pirates; rescue long lost family members; discover lost cities; and ,of course, search for buried treasure.

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #55 on: June 13, 2005, 03:57:57 pm »
I just downloaded that First Encounters game you linked to and I'm having trouble getting it to work.  I can get the little intro with DOSBox, but that's as far as I've gotten.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2005, 04:55:01 pm by Mr_Tricorder »

Offline Magnum357

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #56 on: June 13, 2005, 04:13:22 pm »
Hey Kenjar, I'm having trouble running your demo.  Every time I click on the .exe file, it gives me a choice to go to Darkbasics website.  Am I doing something wrong?
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Offline Kenjar

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #57 on: June 13, 2005, 11:22:24 pm »
I just downloaded that First Encounters game you linked to and I'm having trouble getting it to work.  I can get the little intro with DOSBox, but that's as far as I've gotten.

Download this file http://www.m3fe.com/~paulr/misc/jjffe/jjffedownload.php?file=ffewin28a5.zip it allow the game to be run under windows without the need for dosBOX. If this doesn't work you can also try the previous version http://www.m3fe.com/~paulr/misc/jjffe/jjffedownload.php?file=ffe/current/winjjffe28b.zip then just press fire, or 1,2, or 3 for different starting locations, ship configurations and credits.

Offline Kenjar

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #58 on: June 13, 2005, 11:26:52 pm »
Hey Kenjar, I'm having trouble running your demo.  Every time I click on the .exe file, it gives me a choice to go to Darkbasics website.  Am I doing something wrong?

try running it with patch 0.052 http://www.battleclinic.com/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=2551.0;id=447 and let me know at dforemanuk@gmail.com if you have any more problems, providing you full system specification, cpu, ram, video card, and video ram, as well as the OS you are using.

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Re: Star Trek: Trader new game project
« Reply #59 on: June 13, 2005, 11:42:17 pm »
Glad I could help. :)

If you want to use this ship, be my guest...it's the X-303 from Stargate, but should make a good civ. transport. :thumbsup:

Thansk for the offer, I am warey of using models from other sci-fi shows, I'd like to keep it all trek, your model is just too well known, it's the same with babylon 5 models as well. Again it's a great model, and would show off the engine nicely, but I'm going to try to keep this thing trek-exclusive for now, but I have downloaded it, and will use it if in six months I've failed to get the models I need. Thanks again though, it's a great model.