Topic: First Steps  (Read 21487 times)

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Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #60 on: July 27, 2005, 09:26:18 am »
Excellent stuff as always, Jaeih. Maybe I'll catch up to your level someday. Here's hoping!
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline kadh2000

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #61 on: July 27, 2005, 11:19:30 am »
I tend not to read your stuff not because it isn't good but because I don't have any interest in Romulans.  I just finished this one from start to finish and am really enjoying this character piece.  Wonderful personalities all around, even the bit players are distinctive.  Thanks for giving us such good stuff.
"The Andromedans," Kadh said, "will never stop coming.  Not until they are all destroyed or we are."

Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #62 on: July 28, 2005, 03:17:50 am »
You left me on the edge of my seat here. In the words of a certain black clad spectre that haunts these boards "Gimme more!"

Is everybody quoting me now?!


He's is right though. But before i'll type that, let me say I just love your solution. I never thought you'd achieve a credible result and not severly punish our star. kudos to you. To bad there isn't a 6 to give. Now Gimme More!

ps.: Hey CaptJosh, don't forget my ubercool scythe and the ever present hourglass. I never leave home without them!
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #63 on: July 28, 2005, 07:11:14 am »
Thanks guys for all the rave reviews! I'm really glad you're enjoying this story so much, as in case I hadn't told you, I'm very proud of this one and it's definitely my best work so far. I'm still trying to finish Kestrel, but as I started that about 5 years ago (yes, I was shocked at how long it is too!) it's going to be a mismatch of my rather simplistic writing style of back then--augmented by rewrites a couple of years ago--and my latest style for later chapters.
It's coming along, but slowly. I hope to have it finished by the end of summer, and it'll be posted on Scottish Andy's site.

As for the whole "Gimmie More"... wait a few days.  ;D
"I'm just observing. You know, making observations."
"Great. We'll stick a telescope in your head and put a dome over it, and we can call you an observatory."
Paris and Rory, from "The Gilmore Girls."

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #64 on: July 29, 2005, 01:19:11 am »
The guv finally had time to read all that you've posted sinse I've been without a roof.

This is a great work. The whole story, the look into normal starship life, I find that I'm enjoying this immensely. And that's dispite the horrid English-European butchering of the American language. ;) Manoeuver!? Metre? Gah!

The interactions and the insights into Adrea's mind are great. Thank you.

I wait for more.
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

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Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #65 on: July 29, 2005, 09:52:57 pm »
The "American" language? I'm sorry, what language to they speak down south again?


I know!

It's... wait for it...

Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline CaptJosh

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #66 on: July 30, 2005, 12:17:48 am »
Y'all might want to ask a brit about that. They'll tell you that whatever it is we use to tawk down heah, it's not English.

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world;
those who understand binary and those who don't.

Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

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First Steps - Chapter Eight, Pt II
« Reply #67 on: July 30, 2005, 09:52:35 am »
Hi all, as requested, here is your "more". But be warned, this is the last "more" you'll have for a while, as here comes the final installments of the much loved, soon-to-be-lamented-for-not-having-any-more, First Steps.

Chapter Eight, Pt II

Time: 1345 hours.
Location: Junior officer’s quarters, E Deck, USS Illustrious.

Andrea hurriedly returned to her quarters after spending the morning and her lunch talking to her various friends as they had appeared and disappeared from the Rec. Deck. She only had fifteen minutes until the captain arrived and she wanted to make herself look presentable. Specifically, she wanted a quick shower.

Dashing into her room and stripping off her "blue pyjamas"--the almost universal derogatory phrase for the most recent style of Starfleet uniform--she grabbed a robe and headed into her shared bathroom. A quick glance revealed that Rachel wasn’t there so she locked the door and dived into the shower, deciding on a sonic rather than a wet one. Five minutes later and she was back out. Another five minutes later and her usual ablutions were taken care of too.

Due to the cramped nature of quarters this close to the centre of the saucer, Andrea had the added inconvenience of her closet being accessible only from the bathroom and not her own room as the outer cabins were arranged. Grabbing her old uniform from the floor, she walked into hers and rushed her decision on what to wear. Since this was an allegedly "informal, friendly chat" she didn’t want to wear her uniform, but neither did she want to wear something that showed off her shapely figure, on the premise that Bates could think she was trying to distract/entice/seduce/flirt with him. Sure that time was now running out, she grabbed her favourite ‘at home’ outfit--a thick, comfy, chocolate brown turtleneck sweater and some well-worn but much-loved dark blue denim jeans, and threw them on.

She padded back into her room barefoot just as her door chime went, making her flinch slightly. With a nervous sigh she called out, "Come in."

After pressing her door chime, Captain Leo Bates barely had time to let his hand drop to his side before the door slid open to admit him. Schooling himself to maintain a non-protocol oriented mindset, he stepped inside Lieutenant--no, that’s ‘Miss’, he quickly corrected himself--Brown’s quarters to come face to face with a very attractive young woman. She was wearing her long, dark brown hair down around her face instead of her usual arrangement of a single, glossy ponytail, and had on an outfit that just screamed "girl-next-door".

Hoping to break the ice, he greeted her with, "Why Miss Brown, I see you dressed for the occasion!" and smiled his "friendly-neighbourhood-married-man" smile.

It didn’t quite work as she looked down at herself, suddenly self-conscious, but she pushed past it. With a small smile of her own and what seemed to be a look of remembrance, she nodded and said, "Yes. Well, you did say it would be informal, ah, Captain."

He could tell she wasn’t sure of the protocol for this situation, so he made it easier for her. "No ranks for the duration, Miss Brown. Call me Leo."

He’d surprised her with that, as her eyes widened in disbelief that she could ever call him anything other than ‘Sir’ or ‘Captain’, but she nodded again. "Ah, okay then... Leo," she tried it on for size, and apparently liked it. Responding in kind, she said, "You can call me Andrea."

"Fine by me," he replied. "Shall we?" he asked, and gestured further into her small room.

"Oh, yes, of course. You can have the chair, and I’ll..." she trailed off, looking around for another chair that she knew didn’t exist, before finishing brightly, "...I’ll sit on the bed."

So saying, she sat on her standard-issue double bed facing him, then pulled herself fully onto it and wrapped her arms around her knees. She regarded him from over her arms with those deep blue eyes of hers, saying nothing while he seated himself. He noticed for the first time that she was barefoot, and that she liked to paint her toenails. The fire-engine red looked good against her pale skin and dark blue denims, but seemed a bit out of character for what he knew of her--although he admitted to himself that he didn’t really know that much right now.

Once seated, Leo had been about to launch into his usual spiel when he noticed her making to speak. Pausing to give her the opportunity, her nerve apparently deserted her and she stayed silent. Noting the little incident for future reference, he asked, "So, Andrea, tell me about yourself. Now, I don’t mean about your Academy grades and specialisations, or who your family is," he told her. "Tell me why you joined Starfleet, or what you like to do when off duty. I want to know about you."

Andrea, who had been about to tell him exactly what he’d dismissed, had to think hard for a moment before settling into what she thought would be the right groove. "Well, Cap--Leo," she began, making the obvious slip to which he just smiled, "I’d never intended to join the Star Fleet, originally. I actually had no idea how I wanted to spend my life beyond a desire to protect people," she said somewhat stiffly. "I had considered getting a law degree or joining some kind of police force, but nothing I looked at on Earth really caught my attention in a ‘you must do this!’ kind of way. Once I started looking off-planet I began to see careers that suited my fancy to a better degree, but even then I didn’t consider the military. I was looking at colonial police forces on planets settled for thirty years, or frontier marshalling on planets at the edge of Federation space. They looked like exciting and worthwhile jobs, protecting people just beginning to build lives for themselves and taming new worlds."

Leo leaned back in his chair and let her talk, hearing her get more enthusiastic as she did. He matched what she was saying against what he knew of her from her personnel file. Her desire to protect people must come from her parents, he decided. Mother, Jade Seymour, prosecuting attorney for Cogley and Cogley’s Edinburgh branch. Father, Samuel Brown, police sergeant, Borders and Lothian Police Force, Scotland. Killed 2257 trying to rescue occupants of an out-of-control flitter. It seems likely that’s where she got her own absolute sense of right and wrong from, too. He listened with interest as she continued.

"So, while these things did seem exciting, they also looked amazingly dangerous. Pirates that could appear from nowhere and haul off unprepared colonists as slaves, Klingon raiders, Mira`Kzinti and Andorian renegades..." She shook her head, dismissing these options. "The survival odds didn’t look too good. That’s about when my best friend Heather--Lieutenant Heather Millar, Alpha-shift helm officer for the USS John Muir," she elaborated with obvious pride--"told me that she was applying to Starfleet Academy."

Leo watched her eyes go wide with wonder. She had repositioned herself against a wall with a pillow for support and her hands were gesturing freely as she leaned forwards, elbows on her cross-legged knees. He noticed that her face and whole body seemed to be very expressive with the way she moved, and he smiled at her enthusiasm.

"So I looked into it as well and found a ton o’ stuff that interested me, bigtime. I began to see myself as Starfleet Officer Andrea Brown, defender of the Federation, protector of frontier colonies, forcing the ruffians of deep space to toe the line," she told him, grinning widely. "All this data was basically reaching out and grabbing me in a way that nothing else ever had, and it drew me in completely. I was sitting up and taking notice and I decided there and then that I was going into Starfleet. Now, I wasn’t too sure about those really short skirts they made the female officers wear at the time, but I think I may have preferred them to these silly outfits they’ve got us wearing now," she commented, gesturing at the uniform Bates wore.

He grinned at her and replied, "I have to agree with you there, Andrea. I preferred the older uniforms myself, but apparently the Federation Council decided that, as ambassadors for a peaceful galactic superpower, Starfleet officers should look more refined and less intimidating." Leo rolled his eyes and saw Andrea doing likewise. They both looked at each other and grinned again.

Bates continued, "Starfleet didn’t really want to, but the Pacifist Bloc had gained more political clout in the peaceful years since the Organian Treaty was put in place, and Starfleet had several hundred front-line starships to put through a Fleet Modernisation refit... and so here we are."

"Looking like we just rolled out of bed," Andrea put in.

Bates chuckled. "Just so."

"What about you, si--Leo?" she asked. "Why did you join up?"

Since she seemed genuinely interested and not just making polite conversation, he decided to answer in kind. Their conversation passed back and forth like this for over an hour and covering such topics as future career plans and the responsibilities of command, until Andrea finally nerved herself up to ask the questions she’d been holding back since this morning.
"I'm just observing. You know, making observations."
"Great. We'll stick a telescope in your head and put a dome over it, and we can call you an observatory."
Paris and Rory, from "The Gilmore Girls."

Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #68 on: July 30, 2005, 09:54:04 am »
Chapter Eight, Pt III

"L-Leo, I, ah, don’t know if it’s appropriate to ask this," she said, still having trouble actually calling him by name, "but I really want to know."

Here it comes, the Big Decider. Conscience or Regulations, he told himself, and was not disappointed. "Go ahead and ask, Andrea."

"Well, I was wondering about the punishment detail you set me," she began, surprising him slightly with the angle she took. "Although double shifts is a hardship for me even if I do manage to train myself to fall asleep instantly, without an official reprimand in my file the duties you’ll have me do can only help my career." She paused to look him right in the eye. "Why did you do that? You could have assigned me all sorts of crap details, and yet you gave me this. Why?"

Bates sighed inwardly. She’d seen through it all right, but what he said was, "I’d hardly call a two week punishment shift under Commander Donally’s personal tutelage as an easy time of it, Miss Brown. You will be worked very hard indeed and expected to know all the procedures and details of each station’s subsystems by the end of the first week. I personally think that this will serve to make you a far better officer than scrubbing the photon tubes with a toothbrush ever will, don’t you think?"

She looked confused by that, seeing the sense of what he’d said but not getting the answer she’d expected. "Uh, aye sir," she replied quietly, then went on to say, "About my actions during the incident, Captain, I’d just like to personally assure you that it was not my intention to break or subvert the chain of command."

"I realise that, Lieutenant," Bates said, slipping back into the safety of formality. "That is why there is no official reprimand in your file, and why you’re not an ensign right now."

"I was just trying to do the right thing!" she blurted out.

Another sigh from Bates, this time an audible one. "I know, Andrea, I know. But you ignored the regulations to safeguard a friend. An admirable quality, but it wasn’t your place to do so. You have to learn that the regulations are there for a reason."

"How do you do it, sir?" she asked urgently, needing to know. "How do you balance doing the right thing against following the regulations?"

"Why do you believe they are separate, Andrea?" he asked back. "There are those who put firm faith in the wisdom of the rule makers and believe that following the Regulations is the right thing to do."

"Not all the time, sir!" she almost pleaded. "Ted didn’t deserve to get--"

Bates cut her off gently. "Yes, Andrea, he did."

She wavered, altered her stance. "Well, yes, he deserved to be taken to task, but that’s what I did! I’m 100% sure he’d never have let it happen again after the way I chewed him out. I wasn’t protecting him from the consequences of his actions, sir, I was waking him up to them! Why did Commander Donally have to make such a huge deal out of it and demand he be punished further?"

"Andrea, Commander Donally did nothing more than the regulations demanded of her."


"Listen to me!" he commanded her. "The commander was quite within her rights to expect the resolution she got out of it, and you have to realise that. What you also have to realise is that there are a lot of different command styles out there that you could encounter in the course of your career, not all of which you’ll agree with, but as long as they have the Regulations to back them up they are all just as valid as your own."

As Bates paused there to let that sink into his young officer’s mind, the young officer herself was grappling with this inevitable changing of her perceptions. Andrea, for her part, felt that this speech was all too familiar. She did realise, now, that Bates was right. What’s more, that people who fell back on the Regs for everything likely had a more valid command style, as seen by Command themselves, and that didn’t sit well with her. She’d have to start refreshing her memory on the Regulations, the better to know which ones she could bend or break and get away with.

Regulations be damned, she thought in defiance. I’m going to follow my own conscience, otherwise how can I look myself in the mirror each morning?

Bates watched Andrea’s face as his lesson finally sunk in, seeing comprehension but also a stubborn determination forming behind her eyes. I know that look, he thought to himself with equal parts of pride and frustration. I’ve worn it myself countless times. But here and now is not the time for a Lieutenant JG to be deciding this.

"Andrea, I can see what you’re thinking and you are right. It’s just the wrong time for you to be thinking it." She looked up in surprise at his words, and he continued. "These are the issues that a commander grapples with, sometimes daily. In your situation and at your age, my first instinct in dealing with what Johnson did would have been to chew him out, too. However, as a command officer, I know that what he did was serious enough to warrant following through on.

"It does look like you have good judgement, but when it comes to the regulations, you need to follow them. Chewing someone out is a privilege given to senior officers who have done their time and earned their rank by gaining the experience with which to make fully informed choices. You don’t have that experience and as a result you opted for an informal reprimand instead of following procedure because you were swayed by your own identification with the culprit.

"Not only that, but you only saw those lives nebulously, the danger to them as an abstract thing that was bad. The consequences to Johnson’s career were more real and immediate to you than those lives, and in that you were dead wrong. Until you actually have those people under your command, with their lives as your direct responsibility, you cannot make decisions that affect them directly like the way you decided yesterday.

"That is why the regulations exist: To train young, inexperienced officers who encounter situations that they are ill-equipped to handle--even if they don’t realise it themselves--to pass it on, up the chain of command to those officers that do have the experience to make that decision. When you screw up in your duties--and don’t kid yourself, it will happen--and you’ve gone by the book, you can look your CO in the eye and tell him so: ‘I did was I was supposed to do, maybe more, and it still didn’t work’, and they will be satisfied with that. If you have the right kind of CO, they may even go over it with you to figure out why it went wrong and what you could have done--if anything--to make it come out right. If you go off on your own and it blows up in your face, that’s it. You’re history, out of the Fleet, and maybe into a penal colony depending on how serious it is."

He stopped there to assess her reactions and saw that he almost had her. He just had to find one last telling argument--and suddenly he knew just what to say.

"Andrea, you may be out of the Academy but you are by no means finished your learning or your training. I don’t mean technical advancements and new policies either. I mean your junior years of active duty are non-stop training for gaining your own command, be it a division, department, ship, base, or whatever. Think of it as a constant assessment that, if you fail it, forever denies you an independent command. You have to see how things work from all angles to be a good commander, not just your own views. Once you have your grounding in the Regulation way of doing things Starfleet will be far more willing to cut you some slack for your more out-of-the-box methods--if they work--as long as your judgement has been proven sound. If you go all loose-cannon on them right from the start and are deemed wrong too many times, Command will be unwilling to trust you with anything more than your own console.

"The higher-ups recognise instinct and intuition as valuable and sometimes necessary traits in commanders and they will back you up if your instincts prove sound. That is what you must develop, Andrea. You have the potential, just make sure you learn from all sides and don’t believe that the sum total of your knowledge on a subject is the be all and end all of it. Keep an open mind."

Andrea had went back to hugging her knees as the captain talked, his words sinking in and being absorbed hungrily by her mind. So that’s what it’s all about, she thought to herself, feeling gratitude that the captain had seen fit to explain all this to her. She didn’t doubt his word, though she was honest enough to realise that the same words coming from Donally would be met with far more scepticism.

Admittedly, I don’t believe the XO would ever take the time to explain this to anyone. She doesn’t believe in the flip side of what the captain is saying, and so doesn’t think that such an explanation is even necessary. But the captain sees potential in me! she cheered herself on with a large dollop of excitement. He’s letting me in on the secrets he’s learned himself. He’s safeguarding me! she realised in a sudden burst of insight. He’s using his own experience to recognise something in me that he wants to see grow. He prevented me from taking any official censure and used my punishment as a way of helping me in my career by developing new skills!

The realisation gave birth to a huge burst of warmth for her captain, that he would do this at all, either for her or any other officer he felt worth the effort. It must have shown on her face as he leaned back in his chair and folded his hands with a real smile on his face. "That make sense to you, Andrea?" he asked.

"Yes sir," she replied with a genuine smile of her own, and managing to say ‘sir’ without feeling hopelessly formal about it. "Thank you, Captain, for taking the time to explain this to me. I really appreciate it, and I’ll remember what you’ve said."

"Good, I’m glad to hear it," Bates replied, then checked his wrist chrono. A slight, wry expression contorted his features as he did. "Well, our little chat overran the time I allocated to it, but I’m glad it did. I have to get back to running my ship now, Andrea. You still have almost an hour before your next shift. I suggest a final trip to the Rec. Room as it’ll be the last time you’ll see it for two weeks."

She grimaced slightly, but acknowledged the truth. "Okay, Leo. And again, thank you," she said as she pulled herself forward off her bed and stood beside him. They stood eye to eye. On an impulse, she offered him her hand. Bates grasped it immediately in a firm but restrained grip.

Clearly, a man in control of his strengths, Andrea thought with an internal smile.

"I look forward to seeing you on my bridge, Lieutenant," he told her.

"Aye, sir. I look forward to being there."

The captain left her quarters and she watched him go with a comforting thought.

No matter what else happens on this cruise, I now know its going to be a lot of fun, and very... educational.

She grinned to herself, then hunted around for some shoes so that she could enjoy her last off-duty moments for some time among her friends.

The End...For Now!
"I'm just observing. You know, making observations."
"Great. We'll stick a telescope in your head and put a dome over it, and we can call you an observatory."
Paris and Rory, from "The Gilmore Girls."

Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #69 on: August 01, 2005, 03:00:53 am »
Is it too soon to ask for an encore? I'd like to see what happens next. Which is always a good thing, cause it means i've really enjoyed the "book". So any chance for a new adventure for our babe?
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #70 on: August 02, 2005, 08:44:06 am »
Thanks Grim, I really appreciate that as it means I've done a really good job with this story. Rest assured, I have the outline for the next Andie story, but I am trying to finish Kestrel first. It's been hanging around for 5 years now. It's quality is not up to the time involved (as most of those 5 years I never touched it), but I want it finished and finished well.

As a teaser though, the next story has a working title of Klingon Incursion. Stay tuned for that story's debut hopefully by the end of the year. I don't like releasing stories before they're complete--ref. Kestrel.

As for the rest of you, what do you think of the end of my story? Was it believably and plausibly concluded? Was Bates' "little chat" accurate, did it make sense, or what?

Let me know. I'm interested to see if you think it actually sounds like something a seasoned captain would say.
"I'm just observing. You know, making observations."
"Great. We'll stick a telescope in your head and put a dome over it, and we can call you an observatory."
Paris and Rory, from "The Gilmore Girls."

Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #71 on: August 02, 2005, 09:27:43 am »
Thanks Grim, I really appreciate that as it means I've done a really good job with this story. Rest assured, I have the outline for the next Andie story, but I am trying to finish Kestrel first.

Ok great & no thx.

As a teaser though, the next story has a working title of Klingon Incursion. Stay tuned for that story's debut hopefully by the end of the year. I don't like releasing stories before they're complete--ref. Kestrel.

fcking tease ;) :D You know I love everything Klingon :D

As for the rest of you, what do you think of the end of my story? Was it believably and plausibly concluded? Was Bates' "little chat" accurate, did it make sense, or what?

Let me know. I'm interested to see if you think it actually sounds like something a seasoned captain would say.

Well I'm excluded but lemme awnser you anyway -> To me that was one of the best parts of the story. I not only found it credible, it made Bates sounds as a veteran who wants the best of his crew. Which was what you aimed for. Kudos
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline Andromeda

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #72 on: August 02, 2005, 02:28:30 pm »
It sounded great to me.  I liked the whole thinkg.  It left me sad that it was over.
this sig was eaten by a grue

Offline CaptJosh

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #73 on: August 03, 2005, 08:40:48 am »
I have to say that the informal chat sounded authentic enough to me, based on the established style of the Captain in question. It didn't leave me wondering where it came from and it didn't seem unnatural. Well done.

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those who understand binary and those who don't.

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #74 on: August 04, 2005, 11:21:26 pm »
The "American" language? I'm sorry, what language to they speak down south again?


I know!

It's... wait for it...


Silence You!!! ;D
Just be happy that we allow you the gift of being the 52nd State in the Union! Next after Canada, of coarse, and just before Iraq! Can't help it if you don't know proper American, y'all being one of the two countries in the world to call soccer football when the the rest of the civilized world, including Canada calls it soccer!
The Quasi-Brit that worked at my store left for another job (hopefully he WILL find one soon...) recently, and I'm suffering Brit-bashing withdrawal! Horibble addiction! He wasn't much of a Brit, though... Good teeth, no accent, small nose, lived here most of his life... Just happened to be born there, really, but he sure claimed it so.

Another great instalment, my friend. All my orneriness aside, I am enjoying your story very much. Please continue and bash my country all you want. It sucks anyway...Oh my...the CIA just pulled into my ya
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #75 on: August 04, 2005, 11:31:37 pm »
Damn, just reread your last bit there and am greatly saddened to belatedly realize it's over! I greatly enjoyed! Few stories get me thrilled enough to re-read, and this time it paid off so I won't be asking for more tomorrow... :-[ 

My personal comment: Can't wait to see Andrea make Captain...
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.