Topic: First Steps  (Read 21466 times)

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Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

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First Steps
« on: June 09, 2005, 06:52:08 pm »
Hi all.

At the request of dear old Commander La'ra, I'm posting my latest and best (IMHO) story here for your delight and delectation. I'm too tired right now to think straight, so I'm just copying Scottish Andy's layout (cause it looks prettier than the generic layout) and letting you have it.

Please please please give many and copious feedback, and let me know what you think of it. Read on, enjoy, and go see the rest of my stuff at Andy's site,!

First Steps

By Jaeih t`Radaik


Here begins the Starfleet career of 22-year-old Andrea Brown (later Yushikara). This is my first (of many) Andie stories and is just a 'feeling out' one, trying to get a handle on the characters created and fleshed out by La'ra. Only Andie and Bates are mine, and Bates was just a name. Kudos to La'ra for giving these people life.

Additionally, this story first appeared as a vague idea in my head based on Andie getting into trouble with her new first officer and her new captain defending her. A short brainstorming session with La'ra later and I had an outline and the characters. Unfortunately, I fell into a becalmed region of writer's block, only recently to emerge. Suddenly an explosion! A starting point, leading to an opening scene! Two new stories started and an unfinished one humming along. Look for the first chapter of a completed and revised 'Kestrel' at the end of September 2005.
"I'm just observing. You know, making observations."
"Great. We'll stick a telescope in your head and put a dome over it, and we can call you an observatory."
Paris and Rory, from "The Gilmore Girls."

Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

  • "I'm the unknown Commander, who makes the Empire look so good."
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Re: First Steps
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2005, 07:04:26 pm »
Chapter One

Date: 27th June 2272
Time: 1424 hours
Stardate: [19]7426.36
Location: Junior officer's quarters 5B13, Miranda-class light cruiser USS Illustrious

The intercom chimed for her attention and Andrea rushed from the shower to answer it, grabbing a towel on the way. As it was a wet rather than a sonic shower she was now dripping water onto her nice new carpet.

"Lieutenant Brown here," she gasped into the intercom, tucking her towel in so that it held more securely and using another to enclose her sopping wet hair.

"Lieutenant, I have a call here from someone who claims to know you. Are you talking to a Lieutenant Heather Millar at present, or should I tell her you're... busy?" The lewd sneer in Sergei Malinkov's voice was readily apparent but even though it was barely a month since she'd first met him, Andrea knew that he was just teasing her. She also knew from that sneer that there were no senior officers on the bridge right then.

It seemed like everybody on board was on maintenance duty.

Regaining her breath, she coolly replied, "I'm never too busy for an old friend, Lieutenant. You, however, can sod off."

"Ooooh! Get up on the wrong side of someone's bed, did we?"

That hit a sore point, but Sergei wasn't to know that. Forcing some joviality into her voice, she said, "Can it, clown, and let me speak to my friend. Patch her through to my terminal screen, okay? And don't listen in, you lech!"

"Now, is that any way to speak to a superior officer? I don't know... cadets these days... tut tut. Transferring though now."

"Thanks, Sergei."

"Say 'Hi' for me. Is she cute?"

"Shut up, you nitwit!" This time the smile in her voice was real.

He finally fell silent and her screen lit up with the smiling face of her best friend Heather Millar. The last month had been so hectic and crowded that she hadn't been able to spare more than a passing thought for the other woman in all that time.

It is so weird not seeing her after four years breathing down each other's necks! Andie thought in amazement, while feeling a pang at not having her friend beside her.

"Hi Andie...  hey, nice outfit!" she commented on seeing her friend's attire, and laughed. "Ah see ye were expectin' mah call, and dressed for the occasion."

Andrea grinned and greeted her friend. "Hi Heather, how's it goin'?"

"Oh, tis goin' great. We've got the John Muir all shipshape and Bristol-fashion, as they used t' say, and Ah finally managed tae scrounge up th' time tae give ye a call," the other Scotswoman said, looking pointedly at her long-time friend.

Andrea blushed and ducked her head in acknowledgement of the hit. Still, a half-hearted protest pushed its way out. She also noticed, as always happened when she talked to a countryman with an accent, her own Scottish burr came out on top of her usual precise diction. "Heather! Ah've bin busy!"

"Aye, nae more so than Ah'll have been, Ah'll wager." Despite the stern cast of her face, Heather's warm brown eyes couldn't conceal the smile they held.

The stern look itself dissolved into a snort of laughter when Andie said, in a tone of long-suffering martyrdom, "Yes, Mother. I promise to call more often from now on." Then she grinned. "Ah am sorry for no' callin', Heather, but ye ken whit Ah'm like. It's guid tae hear fae ye, tho'."

"Aye, an' you an' a'. So, how goes things wi' you?"

Andrea leaned back in her chair and sighed.

"That guid, eh?" Heather put in before she had a chance to speak.

"Yeah. We're barely a month intae the shakedown cruise, an' we've had tae fix tons o' stuff!" Andie groaned, stretching in her chair. "Fortunately there's nothin' major, but there seems tae be an endless list o' quick fixes that need tae be done. Ah've jist spent all mornin' runnin' around after a few glitches in the helm console's programmin', an' it's still no' fixed. That's after runnin' after it all yesterday too! As Ah said, nothin' major, but ye want the bluidy thing runnin' right now, don't ye?"

"Aye, cannae have ye warpin' through a star now, can we?" Heather joked.

"Mmmm-hmmm. Tae top it all' off, Ah'm goin' on duty in about an hour-and-a-half. Ah'm gonnae be bluidy knackered when Ah get back tae bed, Ah tell ye!"

"Aye, 'tis a pain, bein' on shakedown. But at least ye get tae ken yer systems like th' back o' yer hand. Ah think it's a trade worth makin'--sleep for a' that know-how."

Andrea nodded, reluctantly agreeing with her friend. "Aye, Ah suppose it is. It disnae feel like it right now, but once we're past this stage an' Ah can get a full night's sleep again, Ah'll be mair inclined tae agree wi' ye. And of course, the first time Ah actually need that know-how in a tight situation Ah'll be thankin' mah lucky stars!"

"Aye, that's exactly whit Ah meant. Of course, Ah can also say that wi' a smile on mah face 'cause our shakedown's jist been completed, an' we've got our orders for our first mission!"

Heather could not contain the excitement in her voice, nor had any reason to. Andrea's face lit up with a big smile for her friend.

"Why, ye lucky cow! On both counts!" she exclaimed, laughing. "Consider yersel' resented, again on both!"

Heather grinned and basked in her friend's good-natured envy. "Sour grapes, little girl," she gloated before adding, "an' it's probably against some Regs tae call a superior officer a 'cow'."

Andrea sputtered in outrage at that, and Heather burst into a full-throated laugh at the other woman's antics.

Recovering herself--somewhat--Andrea squealed, "No fair! Jist because ye graduated above me--"

Still grinning, Heather broke in. " 'Jist because' disnae cut it, lassie!"

Giving up her--mostly--fake outrage, Andie ruefully agreed. She had always been competitive, making up for what she lacked in actual skill in sheer determination. Unfortunately--for her--Heather was just as determined...  and smarter as well. She had graduated fourth in her class at the Academy, in the 97th percentile--a full four percent and five places higher than Andrea.

Getting above that magic boundary of the 95th percentile meant your rank upon graduation was full lieutenant. The mark was awarded not just for mere technical excellence or high exam scores, you had to be a certain type of person too--an explorer rather than a warrior. It was this quality that earned you a berth aboard the pride of the Star Fleet: a Constitution-class starship. Heather had fought hard for every course credit she received and so Andie could not grudge her friend her richly deserved award. She knew that Starfleet was right about her, and as much as she wanted to explore she was more of a policeman herself.

No slouch herself, graduating above the 85th percentile meant that Andie had graduated as a lieutenant (junior grade) and got a berth on a front-line starship. Still, Andrea was jealous of her friend. Only the best of the best were given the chance to serve aboard a Constitution straight from the Academy.

"So, d'ye ken where yer headed?"

"Aye, we're off on a deep-space exploratory cruise on the far side of Metron territory. Our last port of call is Deep Space Five, then it's nothing but unexplored space!"

"That's brilliant, Heather! Ah'm so happy for ye Ah cannae say. This is why ye joined Starfleet in th' first place, and yer getting' tae do it on yer first posting!" Andrea shook her head in wonderment. "Yer livin' th' dream, lass. Ah dinnae ken where we're gonnae end up but Ah doubt it'll be as excitin' as where you'll be!"

"There are other kinds o' excitement in this galaxy, Andie," Heather warned. "Be careful what ye wish for!"

"Yeah, yer right. Wi' all this weaponry on board we're gonnae be on border patrol somewhere, now that Ah think about it. That's mainly what Mirandas do, after all."

"Aye, well you be careful no matter where ye go, little girl. Ah'm afraid Ah've got tae go now," Heather said. "The Muir leaves spacedock in a couple o' hours, and Ah've things tae do."

"Yeah, me too. 'Twas good t' talk wi' ye, Beanpole. Take care o' yersel' too, and don't get transferred to Security!"

Heather grinned again at their private joke, and at Andie's use of her old nickname. "Ah'll take that 'Beanpole' remark outa yer hide next Ah see ye, Shrimp!"

She leaned closer to her visual pickup and said, "Blessed Be, Andie. Ah'll see ye in five years or so."

"A' th' best, Heather. Ah'm holdin' ye tae that!" Andrea replied.

Lieutenant Millar nodded, smiled again, and then the platinum-blonde's face disappeared to be replaced by the Federation Seal.

"Be careful, lassie," Andrea murmured at the closed connection.

Time: 1914 hours
Location: Bridge, USS Illustrious

"How about now?"

Commander Donally looked up in surprise at the muffled yell that swept over the bridge she'd just stepped onto. A quick scan revealed that there was no one else on it, which added to her confusion. Stepping around the command chair she finally located the source of the other voice and the very person--she assumed--that she had come to see.

The lower half of a female officer was sticking out from the access panel into the innards of the helm console. Before Donally could address her, however, the officer yelled again.

"Damnit Gransh, are you there?" A pause. "If I have to get up and check this myself, Ah'm gonnae--"

The emerging accent tinting the increasingly angry-sounding voice confirmed Donally's assumption, so she finally spoke.

"Is there anything I can help you with, Lieutenant Brown?"

A resounding thud from inside the console echoed around the instantly silent bridge, and the figure below her began to wriggle out of the access panel. The commander thought about saying it wasn't necessary for the woman to get up, but Brown was a new officer and she'd be all eager to show that she was on top of everything. A comment would only make things worse and confuse her, so Donally stayed silent and let Brown get up.

Just then, a Tellarite in a technician's jumpsuit came running out of the port turbolift. Still doing up his outfit, he obviously hadn't expected anyone else to be on the bridge. Donally made the obvious connection he had just visited the bridge toilet facilities and returned her attention to the officer in front of her.

Andrea--painfully aware of her rumpled and dusty appearance--finally scrambled to her feet to stand at attention, even making an abortive attempt at a salute, which faltered and died half way up.

The Tellarite, now close enough for his poor eyesight to make out the ship's first officer, skidded to a breathless halt beside his companion-in-mischief.

Eileen Donally let all this happen without a further word from her, finally giving an "At ease" when the two stopped fidgeting. The little scene she had walked into had amused her a little, but no one could tell this from looking at her.

Addressing the lieutenant, Donally said mildly, "There was no need to get up, Mr. Brown. I was merely asking you if you needed any help with your current task."

Andrea blinked, thinking, Well why couldn't you have told me this while I was still on the deck, you arse! I just made a fool of myself!

What she said was, "Ah, sorry Sir. I mean, thank you Sir. I... ah... we were just... Crewman Gransh was helping me fix my console, Commander." Andrea was blushing furiously, embarrassed at looking silly and for being patently unable to make a simple report to a superior officer because of it.

"I realise that, Lieutenant," Donally said, almost gently. "Is it fixed yet?"

Gransh chose this unfortunate moment to try and explain himself.  "Commander! I was helping Lieutenant Brown track down the source of the data acquisition errors, but nature exerted its pull over me and I had to--"

"Thank you, Crewman," Donally broke in before the Tellarite could expound any further. "I assure you, I can determine the course of events quite clearly. Now, have you managed to repair the console? The log," she explained, "shows that you've been working on this little problem for the last two days and have only succeeded in eliminating what wasn't causing it."

Andrea blushed again, even though it wasn't a rebuke. Commander Donally's whole demeanour seemed to automatically prompt that reaction. Pushing past it, she replied, "Sir, I think we got it this time. I just need to check the diagnostic readouts from the test program."

"Very well then. Lets look it over together."

"Yessir," Gransh replied. "I'll put the output up on the main viewscreen so that we can all see it." 

They all watched as the lines of the diagnostic logfiles scrolled past. Andrea and Gransh knew what they were looking for, but Donally had to keep referring to their own logs on her PADD as her eyes caught normal lines that resembled the error code.

The log scrolled to the end. They hadn't seen an error.

Unable to suppress all her excitement, Andrea ordered, "Mr. Gransh, have the computer run a search of the logfile for all error messages encountered so far."

"Aye Sir." A seconds' pause. "It's clean, sir!"

"I told you, Gransh! I knew it! I--" Suddenly remembering the first officer's presence, Andrea clammed up.

Ignoring--for the moment--the junior officer's outburst, Donally asked, "So what did you do that fixed it, Lieutenant?"

"Ma'am. As you've read from our maintenance log, we'd tried the usual trouble-shooting procedures all the way up from checking that the cables were plugged in properly to high-end computer diagnostics, and all to no avail. What we've done for the past three hours is test every single cable for conductivity. We managed to isolate the problem down to one optical data line that had been deeply scored during installation.

"Apparently, entirely dependant on the path the transmission took through the fibre-optic cable, random bits of data were being stopped, distorting the data passing through. That was why some of the test cycles came through clean and others were buggy.

"I had just replaced the damaged data line with the one we'd tested to make sure it was clean before you arrived, sir."

"Excellent. Good work, Lieutenant, Crewman. I'll enter this into the logs myself." Before turning to leave, however, she levelled a stare at her two charges. "You are an officer and a crewman working together on the bridge of a starship. Cut out the informality, as it breeds sloppy habits. Clear?"


"Clear, Sir!"

Commander Donally nodded, then assumed her position on the command chair. "Both of you are dismissed from bridge duty; I can handle it from here. We are, after all, just station-keeping in Earth orbit. Get yourselves cleaned up, then report to your next assigned task. I believe it's in the sensory. Snap to it!"

"Yes, Ma'am," Andrea responded for both of them, and lead the crewman to the turbolift.

'Cut the informality'? Ah wiz jist talkin' tae th' man! Andie thought angrily. That woman's so damn stiff she must starch her panties!

The turbolift doors closed but they waited until they were at least a deck down before they even looked at one another. Remembering a more pleasant conversation from earlier that day, Andie summed it up for both of them and damn the protocol regulations.

"She's a stuck up cow!"

Gransh merely snorted.
"I'm just observing. You know, making observations."
"Great. We'll stick a telescope in your head and put a dome over it, and we can call you an observatory."
Paris and Rory, from "The Gilmore Girls."

Offline Lara

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2005, 07:56:43 pm »
Intersting start. I will need to see more of the people before commenting.  (that was a not so subtle hint to get on with it).

Regards, Lara

Offline Sethan

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2005, 11:48:27 pm »
Good to see you posting here again, Jaeih :)
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. --Aristotle

Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2005, 06:15:53 am »
I'll be keeping my eyes on this!

Small points that leap into my mind:
  • I got more of a redneck feeling on Brown than a Scottish (but that can be because of my lack of knowledge).
  • I like the immagery you picture (not just because of the naked woman ;))
  • She's a policeman/warrior? and shy? what a rare combination

Anyways these are not as important to me as the overal feeling i get from reading this so I'd love to see more. GIMME
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2005, 10:00:34 am »
You know how I feel about it, especially after the lengthy review I gave you. ;D  Still, it's always fun to read it again. 
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2005, 04:59:02 pm »
Lots of thanks Guys and Gal!

(Hi Lara! *waves*)

Grim: Yes, La'ra has told me that the way I wrote it does bear a striking resemblance to the way he writes is Arkansasian and/or Deep South accents, but what you need to do is imagine them speaking it very quickly, as opposed to the slow, lazy drawl associated with the Confederacy. Also, try and remember Scotty's way of speaking. Jimmy Doohan did get it down pretty good, most of the time. If not, try Mel Gibson's Braveheart. Listen to the accents in that movie, as there were tons o' real Scots acting in that.
I'm glad you like the picture I paint! *grin*
Yes, she's a shy policeman/warrior. That's the way she's wired, but she's personally shy about her sexuality, and in normal situations, remember she's just out of the Academy on her first posting, and very inexperienced and green. You need a little time to find your sea legs!

Sethan: Heeeey! Long time no see! How is Surviving the Fire coming along? *grin* How are you and C. doing? Say "Hi" for me and give her my best.

La'ra: Thanks, as always, for your continuing support. I appreciate it. *smile*

Lara: Fear and frett not, as there is literally tons of character development and interaction in this story!

And so, in line with my sister's request, here is part two (much earlier than I would normally have given it).

PS. Do any of you guys read Andy's website? Lara, you're a guest author, for crying out loud! Why haven't you read my stories there?

Chapter Two

Date: 2nd July 2272
Time: 1718 hours.
Stardate: [19]7426.8
Location: Bridge, USS Illustrious.

Captain Leo Bates smiled in sheer delight as he observed the young officers manning their stations on his bridge.

His fully functional, brand new, state-of-the-art bridge.

Everything was finally working according to how the factory specs said they should, without any glitches. Thus the most frantic, urgent, and downright irritating part of the shakedown was over. The crew could now go about modifying those factory settings to ones that were more suited to the 'personality' of their own ship, which would begin to reveal itself to them over the next couple of months--and indeed, wouldn't stop for years.

Despite the fact that ships of the same sub-class were as identical as modern Federation science would allow, the vessels that now sailed among the stars instead of under them were every bit as quirky and individual as their wet-navy forerunners.

Bates sighed in near-bliss as he looked forwards to putting his ship through her paces over the next two months of trial and error, allowing them to eke out every last bit of upward tuning from each shipboard system. Whether it be modifying the shape of the warp field for more efficient engines, altering sensor configurations for better eyes, or tweaking the food synthesiser so that it might produce coffee that had at least passed by a real coffee bean once, there was always something new to try.

He had just dug himself out from under a mountain of 'paperwork'--cunningly disguised as a small electronic device--dealing with all the tedious crap of the last month. He'd left Commander Donally with the conn less than halfway through the first watch so that it wouldn't be waiting for him at the end of the day.

Six painfully long hours later and he had managed to turn the mountain into a molehill, and then rewarded himself with an early dinner in the mess hall with his off-duty crew. He had given friendly nods and smiles to whomever greeted him, the better to show that the Captain was not an ogre or someone to be terrified of. New crews, especially ones with a high percentage straight from the training schools, needed such reminders. He liked to be seen by his crew and rarely took his meals in either his quarters or the ship's observation lounge, except on official ship's business or if he actually needed time alone.

Anyway, the observation lounge annoyed Bates.

Well, that wasn't strictly true. The lounge itself was fine, but even after barely a month the often-spectacular view usually left him feeling slightly disgruntled. The large, curving high-bay windows at the rear of B Deck did offer a fantastic view aft of the ship, but he found that a large portion of it was framed--or obliterated, depending on his mood--by his vessel's weapons bridge.

The photon pod itself didn't really bother him. Despite being a scientist by nature and by training, it reminded him that the peoples of the Federation only had the luxury to enjoy such awesome natural beauty because of the security he and his Starfleet comrades provided with the very weapons that spoiled his view.

However, bearing in mind his scientific background, he did often wonder how he ended up in command of a warship.

Bates sighed. That wasn't really fair, either to his new ship or the Federation. Starfleet doesn't build warships, and long may that tradition continue. Even with all the little empires out there that don't like us--not to mention the Klingons breathing down our necks--we still haven't given in to it. This class of ship is the closest we've come and even she and her sisters have full scientific and diplomatic capabilities. But she's designed to go toe-to-toe with the more manoeuvrable Klingon ships and beat them at their own game. Only time will tell if we've got it right.

Bates gazed out at the stars flashing past on the main viewscreen, frowning at the chain of thought that had interrupted his good mood.

The stars streaked past...

Bates' eyebrows shot up and his mouth opened slightly as the idea sprung on him.

The 'windows' are programmed to edit out the unnerving subspace distortions so we can 'see out' without throwing up. Why not program the observation lounge windows to edit out the roll bar too, even at sublight? Leo smiled, his humour restored. It'll be far easier than fixing the stars, and I'll have my view back.

The captain leaned back in his chair and activated his log recorder. As he entered the details of his request for engineering to look into, a grin once again creased his face.

Yes, he thought to himself, this is where the fun begins!

Gods, this is boring.

Despite managing to hold it off for nearly an hour, the fiercely-resisted thought finally fell out of her mind and landed with an almost audible crash in her ears. She winced reflexively, but managed to restrain herself from looking about.

It wasn't just today either. Since completing the 'bug-hunt' part of the shakedown, it had seemed like nothing of any importance or interest had happened while she was on duty. Events like finally getting under way, starting to form-fit their warp field--even the discovery of an interstellar asteroid that necessitated a course change around it--had happened during the Alpha-shift's watch.

Hell, even the Gamma-shift had detected some freighters last night! This is not what I was expecting, Lieutenant Andrea Brown thought to herself as the ship headed towards its operational shakedown area. I bet Heather's having a lot more interesting time than we are...

When the captain spoke up behind her, Andrea couldn't help but give a guilty start.

I'm sorry Captain! It's not boring, I didn't mean it! I'm honoured to be on your bridge, please don't fire me!

"Mr. Brown, status report."

"Ah, n-nothing new to report, Captain." Andrea's voice shook a little at first, but quickly firmed up as her training reasserted itself and she checked her board. "We are still on course for Starbase Twelve at warp factor eight and will arrive in twenty more days as planned. No new sensor contacts or navigational hazards detected, sir. Previous contacts have not diverted from their established courses and are where they're supposed to be."

"Thank you, Lieutenant. Mr. Rockford, how are the power systems handling the load?"

Andrea settled back into her seat again, only half-listening to the answer that the engineering crewman gave, and pondered her new CO.

It looks like this may become a regular thing, she thought of the captain's appearance during her shift. He seems less like a captain than a... teacher. Maybe a guide--or welcomer? Asking questions we actually know how to answer to... what? Build our own confidence? Get us comfortable with our roles? Get us comfortable with him?

She looked around now, unembarrassed, at the rest of the bridge crew. Everyone seemed calm, relaxed, alert, focused. The atmosphere on the bridge was, if not downright friendly, then at least  congenial.


Lieutenant Bertschinger at science noticed her looking around and gave her a friendly nod, which she returned with a smile. The motion caught the attention of her companion beside her at the navigation console, who looked up and glared balefully in her direction.

Andie stiffled a grin and glared right back into the ensign's beady eyes, her own open slightly wider than normal to disconcert her 'assailant'.

Garn snorted quietly in amusement and averted his eyes before mumbling, "Unfair, human! You know how much I hate that."

Andrea smirked and bobbed her head as she returned her eyes to their normal dimensions. She always won their staring competitions like that. Garn had told her last month--during the seemingly unending bug-hunt when they had been teamed up several times--that the eyes of humanoids always reminded him of a week-old Tellarite corpse. He'd gotten used to them at Starfleet Academy, but Andie found that she could tease the Tellarite in this way. Garn got his own back by calling her "Monkey-Girl", which bugged her for a reason she couldn't fathom.

Garn returned his attention to his console so Andie went back to her musings, gazing at the starfield on the main viewer after a quick scan of her sensor displays.

This was a bridge she wanted to be on, for all the lack of action. Second Officer Arruntha was following the Captain's lead even when Bates himself wasn't around, so there was no atmospheric flip-flopping whenever he 'popped in'.

It was in marked contrast to the shift she had been relieving. The first watch under Commander Donally had an atmosphere she wanted to wear her jacket into. Donally enforced a strict military protocol in whatever endeavour she applied herself to, and expected those below her to do likewise.

Andrea couldn't see why it was necessary. She looked around again. All stations were manned. Any tasks that needed done were all but eagerly pounced on, and anyone who needed a hand could ask and get it, and all without the enforced solitude, stiffness, and attention to rank that protocol required.

Remembering her sole on-duty brush with the commander a few days ago, the young helm officer couldn't see that happening on the Alpha-shift, even with the captain on duty too.

That has to be bad for your morale, right? Andrea asked herself. Just sitting there, glued to your boards, no idle chatter to help pass the time when you needed the distraction--and Gods, was this ever boring!

Her head came up at that. Maybe that was it! You need to be far more prepared. More... Andrea struggled for the right word. More able to switch from being a bunch of people doing their jobs to being representatives of the Federation, a battle-hardened crew, and such like.

She tried to wrap her head around that, but it didn't quite fly for her. A starship is a twenty-four-seven entity, which can be called upon at any moment to do vitally important or life-saving activities. That's why there are seperate, fully-manned shifts. Admittedly, so far everything of any importance has happened during the Alpha-shift, but that has to be coincidence. Dear Gods, let it be so! Andie ferverently hoped. All--well, most--of the primary bridge staff are on duty then. Most of the ship's business is scheduled to take place at that time, which I suppose only makes sense. Have your most experienced personnel taking care of business. But that makes it seem like the other shifts are only around as place-holders for them. That can't be right, though!

Lieutenant Brown frowned again, her thoughts forcibly dragged back to the lack of activity on her watch. At first she'd been thrilled to find it exactly like the simulators had promised it to be, glad of the chance to ease in to her first duty shift at the cruiser's helm a few days ago. She'd settled comfortably into a watchful routine, determined not to make any mistakes.

It was now five days later, however, and the more she clung to the shreds of her initial enthusiasm the faster it seemed to leave her. Now, two hours into her shift on the third day of uninterrupted, unchanging warp flight and she was almost desperate for anything to happen, as they still had almost three weeks of this plain sailing to get to Starbase Twelve.

The Academy was more exciting than this! Andrea groaned in frustration. In the simulator you always knew something would happen, and you just had to pay attention to your duties, 'play the game' until it did, never knowing what would set off the 'incident'. Time and resources were too precious to waste loading endless groups of cadets into a simulator for hours and have nothing happen to them. But in the real worlds...

In the real worlds, nothing happens more often than not. At least the scientists and engineers below decks have research projects and maintenance work to do. I need a transfer. Either to Sciences, Engineering... or the flamin' Alpha-shift!

The bridge is where it's all meant to happen. The front line, the first to know.

Andrea checked her board again.


She sighed.

This is going to drive me nuts, I know it will.

Untroubled, the Illustrious sailed on.

"I'm just observing. You know, making observations."
"Great. We'll stick a telescope in your head and put a dome over it, and we can call you an observatory."
Paris and Rory, from "The Gilmore Girls."

Offline KOTH-KieranXC, Ret.

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2005, 06:41:22 pm »
Well, the initial verdict is: I like!

I'm not a fan of the peacenik explorer-captains, but Bates was a blue shirt, so I suppose that can be forgiven. He seems sensible enough, for an ex-egghead. ;)

As for Andie, I think I'm really going to like her. Her temperament is very Scottish, frustrating yet oddly endearing. Reminds me of the Scottish half of my family. Besides, I've always been a sucker for women with European accents. :D
"One minute to space doors."

"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."

Offline J. Carney

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2005, 11:23:34 pm »
OK, I've just skimmed through the first section... gotta get some sleep... but I have to say, I'm DEFINATELY going to stay tuned to this one.

First off, a couple of non-story related points: You just COMPLETELY won a fan by simply phrasing this line the way that you did: "you need to do is imagine them speaking it very quickly, as opposed to the slow, lazy drawl associated with the Confederacy." By simply speaking like Dixie was free, you have won my eternal gratitude. :) And, if I didn't know better, I might think that you ripped off your tag line from Lee Major's "Unknown Stuntman." I like it.

Now, on with the show:

The writing... WOW.
I mean, really, really WOW.

The accents are well done if, as you said, you know how to hear them. That alone was enough of a hook to grab me solid... and the 'starches her panties' line made me laugh out loud! Good stuff! The settings reolve so easily into pictures and the characters into living people. Everything flows... it's effortless to read. I wish I could write so well!!!

The characters seem to develop fast. Still, it happens comfortably... it doesn't seem forced in the least. In the first conversation we get a general feel for her, learning her temperment, attitude, intellegence, and a bit of history- and yet it's done smoothly. And I LOVE her attitude. I hope that she gives it a workout over the course of the story... and I feel sorry for any characters that are on the wrong end of it!

OK, hopefully you can find a complement in that somewhere... because it's 2300 local and I've been up since 0300 and I'm dorderline dispondant and probably didn;t say half of what I need to say.

GREAT WORK... and I'm looking forward to reading it in it's entireity!
Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile I caught hell for. - Earl Warron

The advantages of living in the Heart of Dixie- low cost of living, peace and quiet and a conservative majority. For some reason I think that the first two items have a lot to do with the presence of the last one.

"Flag of Alabama I salute thee. To thee I pledge my allegiance, my service, and my life."

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2005, 02:21:48 am »
I'm not a fan of the peacenik explorer-captains, but Bates was a blue shirt, so I suppose that can be forgiven. He seems sensible enough, for an ex-egghead. ;)

Never read 'Theft, Honor, and Family', did you?  This is the same guy that latches onto the Hiv'laposh's sternl and chases her well past the Klingon border.  A lack of storm, bluster, and obvious ego does not always denote a lack of tenacity.

But you'll likely see indications of that in this story. ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2005, 03:15:04 pm »
Hey Guys, many and copious thanks for the responses!

Kieran: I'm glad you like my story, and that Andie reminds you of your Scottish blood. It means I'm doing it right, and people are actually identifying with my characters. Yay me!
As for the peacenik captain, do try to remember this is Starfleet, and a Starfleet of the 2270's after the Organian Peace Treaty. We're not only meant to be the good guys, we're supposed to be the nice guys too! Starfleet captains shouldn't be battle-weary veterans and/or wannabe Klingons with cooler ships. As for who Bates himself is, you should go read La'ra's Necessary Force and Migration, not to mention, of course, continuing to read this little morsel of delight right here!

J.Carney: What can I say but... WOW. That is one of the best reviews I've ever had. Admittedly, I've gone for more technically-oriented critiques, but it is really nice to get such a rave review! I thank you. You made my day.
As to the Confederacy remark, it is more of a catch-all, immediately "I know what you're talking about" term. La'ra not too long ago educated me about how different states have different variantions on the main Southern accent, so it was more inclusive (or vague) than just mentioning a specific state. Plus, it was a whole lot quicker than explaining this all out on an actual chapter post! Besides, I liked Will Smith's Wild Wild West where The Bad Guy wanted to give Britain back her original colonies in the states. You belong to us, boy! Rebellious teenagers, I don't know. *grin*
Also, it's a good job you know better! *grin* Yes, I did indeed paraphrase Lee Major's tag line from a cool show I watched a long time ago in my youth, called "The Fall Guy". The actual line is, of course,

"I'm the unknown stuntman,
who makes Eastwood look so good."

I find I like you, Carney. At least one other knows what I'm on about! So, rest assured that Andie's attitude gets a workout, and lots of really cool, fantastic, brilliant stuff happens in the rest of this story.

I'll post more later, maybe Monday (there are only 8 chapters and I want this to last). Stay tuned!
"I'm just observing. You know, making observations."
"Great. We'll stick a telescope in your head and put a dome over it, and we can call you an observatory."
Paris and Rory, from "The Gilmore Girls."

Offline KOTH-KieranXC, Ret.

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2005, 10:49:33 pm »
Ah, but I never really much cared for the nice guys myself. That's why I throw so much nasty stuff at my characters, to make them mean. ;D
"One minute to space doors."

"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."

Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2005, 05:36:25 am »
Well babe, I haven't got the time to sing the proper praises but rest assured. I continue to find this a thing of beauty
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2005, 09:38:33 pm »
Quite excellent, Romulan.

I have the urge, however, to chase Bates around in a Defiant for a few minutes. Think I'll play SFC3 (with the Generations at War add-on) for a while and beat the piss outta a Miranda. Edit out the roll-bar indeed, sniff.

In all fun, though, I thoroughly enjoyed the read. Though, when I imagine Scottish accents, I immediately begin imagining voices from Highlander...
"Where ya from, Nash?"
"Lot's of different places..."
Any who, I like the concentration on the junior officers. I think a hellova story can be told from mid to grunt-level aboard a ship. I have a first-person story going down here that deals with the early days of Captain Ford. La'ra thought it was an interesting click. Haven't really done much with it in months, though. You might have just given me a kick start, and for that alone I'm grateful.

I'm going to be glued to this story as you play it out. Write on, dear!

--the Guv'
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

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First Steps - Chapter Three
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2005, 04:26:09 pm »
Ah, Kieran, such a masochist... *grin*
Grim, your words do warm my heart. *smile*
Nameless Klingon #2, *wicked grin* I hardly think ragging on a Miranda with a Defiant is a fair fight! And I don't remember anyone called Nash from the Highlander movies. To my shame, I have indeed seen all three... *hides face*
I'm glad my own efforts have spurred you on, it's always a huge compliment to be someone's motivation or inspiration. As for the junior officers, I think it a great idea to tell the story from their perspective. "The Lower Decks" was one of the best ever TNG episodes, and I've always loved L.A. Graf's books as she concentrates on the Chekov/Uhura/Sulu Troika as well as keeping up the Kirk/Spock/McCoy plot lines.
Anyway, speaking of my own efforts, here's the next part of the story. Keep commenting!

Chapter Three

Date: 11th July 2272
Time: 0230 hours.
Stardate: 7427.7
Location: Recreation Deck, USS Illustrious.

"Have you gone nuts?" Markus asked again.

Andrea grinned at her companion and motioned for him to be quiet.

Markus Bertschinger, the Beta-shift science officer, rolled his eyes but complied nonetheless.

The last occupant of the room finally left and Andie turned to her reluctant accomplice. "Okay, now we use the spiral staircase and get down there. It shouldn’t take more than half-an-hour before we’re done."

She started sneaking towards the far corner of the Rec Deck’s upper level, but was overtaken by Markus walking normally.

"I mean really, Andie. If there's no one there, why sneak? And if someone should actually see us, how will you explain that ridiculous pose?"

Markus’ scolding was delivered in a playful tone and Andrea could tell that he was grinning. She flushed pink as she caught sight of herself reflected in a viewport and immediately straightened to a normal walk.

"You’re right, that did look silly," she acknowledged, bobbing her head in embarrassment and wearing a rueful smile as they descended the staircase to E Deck.

"Of course I’m right. I’m a science officer," Markus explained patiently. "I’m paid to be right," he finished with another grin full of perfectly straight, brilliantly white teeth.

Andrea rolled her eyes at him and quoted a line from an old movie she’d watched a few nights ago. " ‘You may be sellin’, but I ‘ain’t buyin’.’ "

Markus didn’t answer directly, but muttered something under his breath about her "obsession with the past".

Having made their way past all obstacles--both living and not--the pair now confronted the objective of this excursion in the middle of the night.

The light cube that Garn always used.

"Okay, we need to get the access panel off and pull chip..." She paused and looked at the diagnostic tricorder Markus had brought with him from the science lab. "Chip D4710-FFGZ2A. That’ll hold the personal settings of the individual users."

"Right. Give me a hand with this, then," he said and they both got down to the fairly simple task of dismembering a games console.

Andie stifled another yawn and knew that she’d be tired for her shift that afternoon unless she slept late, but it’d be worth it to see the look on her navigator’s face the next time he played his favourite game.

Ten minutes later and they had the chip they sought. Now it was Markus’ show, as he had to hack through the game’s not inconsequential safeguards and implant the code script Andie had written herself. As all she could do at this point was wait, she mentally retraced the steps she’s taken to get here.

There was finding out two days ago that it was her Tellarite navigator’s birthday today, and the subsequent urge to spring a surprise birthday message on him. How the urge had been given into upon learning that yes, Tellarite birthdays were celebrated with family and friends, be it private or public, and that there were no taboos attached.
That little research session had also revealed the correct birthday message to use for Garn, regarding his caste, rank, position, and relationship to the well-wisher.

Next came the delivery method. Announcing it over the ship’s PA would be very tacky, but neither could she have it appear on the main viewscreen of the bridge. Numerous ideas kept popping into her head and were summarily dismissed as too overdone, too understated, or just plain too inappropriate. That was when Andrea’s own love of the Illustrious’ Recreation Deck gave her the perfect idea.

It was less than two months since Andrea boarded her new ship, but she loved the Rec Deck more than the bridge. It had helped keep her sane through the bug-hunt and was now the only thing holding off her boredom during this transit to Starbase Twelve for trials and testing.
She had made a lot of friends here from people sharing some of her interests, but it wasn’t until she paid attention to what her shift-mate did while he was here that a plan sprung fully-formed into her head.

She had only started paying attention two days ago, after finally weaselling some personal information out of the Tellarite himself. He had displayed the infamous Tellarite prickliness, but she had persisted and finally got him to tell a bit about himself.

Despite a large number of Tellarites onboard, Garn was lonely. During his Academy years it hadn’t mattered as he still had his own friends to talk to. Here on the Illustrious for only two months, with his friends posted to different ships and being somewhat antisocial even for a Tellarite, Garn felt as if he had been set adrift. He hadn’t went into detail, but said that the feeling was brought on more strongly by his approaching birthday and having no one to share it with.

Andrea had almost laughed it off with a joke about Garn’s public persona, but held off and merely agreed that it was sad. Since then she'd said nothing more about it, letting her tentative new friend think she’d forgotten their little talk.

She was, however, determined to cheer the little bugger up and offer a huge conversation starter to whoever wanted to take it up among the Rec Deck’s population. So, after observing him while he was there and having her plan formed, she discovered that she couldn’t reprogram the games cube herself. She had written the sub-program that would have the cube display a huge 3D holographic Tellarite equivalent of "Happy Birthday, you miserable git!" three feet high in the air directly above it, which also happened to be in the centre of the room.

Andrea grinned to herself again, a grin that turned into another yawn. She’d stayed up late past the end of her shift--which ended at midnight--to do this, then had to wait an extra forty minutes for some rabid European football fans to finally go to bed.
The live broadcast of France versus Greece in the Euro Cup Final had went into injury time, and ended with a thrilling 2-1 victory for Greece as they blasted a second goal past the befuddled French goal keeper to win the coveted Cup for another four years.
Much noise, much backslapping, and much heckling of post-match commentary later, they all finally left.

During that time she’d had to listen to a proud, patriotic, but wounded Swiss science officer expound on his theories as to why all referees should be Vulcan and so questionable decisions would be a thing of the past. Like the one that put his beloved team out of the tournament in the quarterfinals.

She'd never liked football, and even if she had done Scotland’s national team still revelled in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. The centuries may have restored Scotland’s culture from the doldrums of the late twentieth century but they’d done nothing for her football players.

So, Andrea had been caught between grinning and bearing it or punching his lights out. Since she needed him for tonight, and that otherwise Markus was a normal, pleasant guy to be around, she’d opted for the former.

Plus, she’d dragged him away from his research project an hour ago--after he’d refused to help when she asked nicely at the end of their shift. If they were caught at it, he’d said, they’d be in trouble for unauthorised computer tampering.

It was a measure of how good a guy he was that even after that, when later confronted with an Andrea determined to do something nice for someone she thought needed it, he gave in to the spirit of the moment and tagged along.

Andie shook her head and grinned at her Swiss friend. He was concentrating on cracking the game so he could implant her birthday message and so was unaware of her regard. She took the time to size up her companion for the first time. 

He was quite handsome with his short black hair and Abraham Lincoln-style beard trimmed short and with military precision. His brows furrowed over piercing ice-blue eyes, he had a habit of sticking the tip of his tongue out of the right corner of his mouth when he was intent on something that was incredibly endearing. He also had an easy-going, open, and friendly manner that put you instantly at your ease with him.

Although not so inclined, Andrea had no problem admitting that he’d make quite a catch.

Maybe I can set him up with Ensign Alicia Rio from Engineering, Andrea thought, running through a mental list of her unattached female friends. Or perhaps my fellow JG, Melissa Guzzman from Medical. Guys love a nurse, after all, she smiled.

"Are you space-happy?" Markus suddenly asked, breaking her out of her reverie. "You’re grinning like an idiot," he added, and Andrea noticed that even his accent was cute, now that she was paying attention to it.

Andrea waved him off with a "Never mind."

"Nearly done. Then we can put this back together and get to our beds."

"Great. Thanks Markus. It is very good of you to do this, and I really appreciate it."

Markus smiled, almost shyly, and said, "Uh, no problem. If you are free, maybe we could have lunch together tomorr--later today?" the science officer asked hopefully.

Andrea cringed mentally, but scolded herself for it. It could just be an innocent offer, a voice in her head said. What harm could it do to say yes? She knew fine well what harm it could do but shrugged it off. Not putting too much enthusiasm in her voice she replied, "Sure, why not?"

"Great!" he said, and looked straight into her eyes.

Oh yeah. What harm could it do? Andrea thought sourly. Aloud, she said, "I’ll...go keep watch until you’re ready to put it back together."

They were safe from this deck as people had to come in through the gymnasium and swimming pool areas and she'd see them coming through the translucent divider. However, with three huge holes in the ceiling as viewing areas for the upper deck, they had nothing to keep in the sound. If someone came into the upper level, Markus' activities might be heard and that someone might come to investigate. That would not be good.

"Oh. Uh, sure thing. I won’t be long now," Markus replied, sounding suddenly self-conscious.

Andrea nodded at him, then got up and headed back to the staircase to the upper level, her thoughts in turmoil.

Damn! A perfectly good guy--looks like he’s better than most, actually--and he’s interested in me. And I can’t do a damned thing about it! What a waste. She groaned silently. Why did I have to be the different one? Why me?

The Gods--or whoever--failed to answer, just as he, she, it, or they always did. Andie leaned up against the far wall, the weight of her ‘cherry’ pressing down on her shoulders, and waited.

For many things.

Commander Donally had had a hard day and it was only now over, a fact that wasn’t sitting very well with her. For the third time that minute she glanced at her wrist chronometer, and again mentally scolded herself for it. She’d be tired as hell for her duty shift--which begins in just over five hours! she grumbled silently--but she’d had one final task to complete before she’d let herself turn in for the night.

Eileen walked along the deserted night-time corridors of the Illustrious, heading for the fastest turbolift route home from the aeronautics and aquanautics lab on D Deck to take her to her quarters on E Deck. Any other person might have drooped a little, had their uniform rumpled slightly from such a long day, or muttered mild curses or grumbles at a workload that caused them to be up so late.

Not Commander Eileen Donally, though.

Most people wouldn’t have set themselves such a high workload of tasks that simply had to be done, or would have called a halt at 80% and said, "the rest can wait until tomorrow."

Donally was not "most people". The Regulations and General Orders of Starfleet Command and her own adherence to her word dictated her whole life. If she said she’d have something done by a certain time--even if only to herself--then it would be done. Period.

Eileen was also saddled with two jobs: that of First Officer and Chief Science Officer. Science officers were much in demand for exploratory vessels and science/survey ships, but border patrol vessels came fairly low on the list for experienced science personnel. So, while Illustrious did have a full science complement, none of the fresh-faced young ensigns and lieutenants had the seniority, experience, or rank for the Chief Science Officer’s billet.

So, Eileen had stepped into the role. During the Alpha shift, while Captain Bates was on the bridge Donally assumed the science station. When he wasn’t, Donally had Lieutenant Bertschinger stand in for her while she took the command chair. Markus was the most promising of the science department for promotion into the billet.

Until that happy day, however, Commander Donally not only had to oversee all personnel issues, ship operations aspects, and the massive amount of paperwork that involved. Oh, no. She also got to oversee, requisition supplies for, allocate ship’s resources to, and approve all scientific studies and research projects to be run on the Illustrious.

Mr. Spock may have been able to handle all this work with no problems, conflicts, or exhaustion, but Mr. Spock was a Vulcan. As a mere Human, Donally had almost no free time to herself. However, being the kind of person she was it did not bother her too much. Had she the time to consider a social life, she may actually have tried to have one. As it was, however...

It was the many and varied tasks from both her duties that had kept her up so late, but now that was finally taken care of. Eileen was looking forwards to just getting into bed and grabbing four hours’ sleep.

And there it was: the Rec Deck, home to Turboshaft Nine.

Andrea ears suddenly pricked up, bringing her out of her morose reverie. She thought she heard...


Yes, a sliding door opening and closing. Then, definitely footsteps traversing the upper deck. She hurried back to the game cube where Markus was methodically reassembling the processor.

"Markus!" she hissed. "Hurry up, someone’s coming!"

The Swiss’ eyes widened in alarm and he jammed the processor back into its place. Both of them threw finesse to the wind and started slamming cover plates closed and tidying up tools and debris.

Donally’s instincts jabbed her out of her tired state as she heard hushed voices and furtive movement in the room below. Since it was the Rec Deck it was not unusual for people to be in there at all hours. However, the nature of the sounds coming from the lower level immediately suggested "suspicious activity" to her.

She quickened her pace until she reached the open viewing area, then ordered, "Computer, lights, 100%!"

Being prepared for it, Donally’s eyes adapted quickly to the sudden increase. Not so the occupants of the lower room, who were huddled over a games cube and blinking furiously through splayed fingers. A quick look around revealed only the two people in the centre of the room. "Stay where you are," she ordered them as she made her way over to the spiral staircase.

Donally had immediately recognised Lieutenant Bertschinger, but it was a few seconds before she could place the female officer.

Brown, she thought as she decended to the lower deck. Lieutenant JG Andrea Jane Brown, recently graduated the Academy and on her first posting. Various other details from her personnel file sprang to mind, but Donally dismissed them to give Bertschinger an irritated look.

"What are you doing here, Lieutenants?" the commander asked, volunteering no details as to what she thought they might be up to as the pair stood together.

Brown immediately spoke up, while the science officer--to whom her question had really been directed--just looked back blankly.

"Commander Donally! We, ah, we were just... spending some time alone, Sir!"

It was painfully obvious to Eileen that Brown had just picked that thought from whatever passing cloud had carried it. Looking around the room again revealed nothing amiss, however, and both officers were still properly dressed for duty.

What Donally couldn’t see from her position by the staircase was the little pouch of tools and the diagnostic tricorder tucked in behind the game cube, which was taking all of Andrea’s concentration not to look at or try to nudge further out of sight.

The reason for Eileen’s irritation surfaced as she demanded of Markus, "Lieutenant Bertschinger, what of your research project? I was led to believe it was fairly urgent that now was the best time to perform it, and I spent some considerable time juggling the other demands on ship’s resources to accommodate it--and you.

"If now was the best time for it, why are you here ‘spending time’ with your girlfriend?" she asked pointedly.

Donally noted that Brown seemed to relax slightly at that. Probably because she’s not the one under the spotlight, Eileen thought. Markus, however, coloured quite red as he stammered out his response.

"Ah, C-Commander, the project proceeds as planned, but we are in preliminary data collation for the first set of test results. The computer is crunching that data now, and I..." The embarrassed Swiss officer hesitated for noticeable seconds, groping for something else to say, before finishing lamely, "I decided to take a short break with Lieutenant Brown, who... happened past at the right... time."

Donally was about to nod her acceptance, thinking the hesitation the pair were displaying was due to their embarrassment at getting ‘caught’, when Brown spoke up again.

"We were hoping to be alone, Sir."

Eileen looked sharply at her for that and had the satisfaction of seeing her confidence slip a little as she swallowed hard. Brown’s words could have been taken as a none-too-subtle dismissal and disrespect to a superior officer. From the lieutenant’s reaction Donally decided she’d got the point and satisfied herself with a parting remark.

"This room being the most public area on the ship, Lieutenant Brown, next time you may want to consider either of your quarters if it's privacy you desire."

"Yes, Sir!"

"Aye, Sir!"

"Very well. Computer, reduce lights to previous levels." The computer chirped its compliance. "Good night, Lieutenants," she said, climbing back up the stairs.

"Goodnight, Ma’am."

"Ah, goodnight, Sir."

Donally's footsteps receded across the upper level to the turbolift alcove and then the turbolift doors closed, whisking away the ship’s second-in-command. Only then did the pair of them relax.

Andie stared up through the viewing area and said, "I was so sure we were busted there..."

Markus sat down heavily and held his face in his hands. "Oh, mein Gott..."

Unheeding, Andrea went on. "She is just so... so..." Struggling for the right word, she tried a few out. "Officious... no. Well, yes, but... hide-bound... no, not quite... Arrgh! It’s too damn late at night to be a dictionary!"


"What the hell was that, anyway?" she continued. "What if you and I were here, ‘spending time’ snuggling, what business is it of hers? And calling you on the carpet for leaving an experiment to ‘spend time’ with your girlfriend--"

"Damnit woman, will you shut up a minute?" Markus demanded.

Andrea turned to him in surprise. "You don’t agree?"

"No. Well, yes, sort of. Ach, you’re both right, but as usual you’re at extremes. And what the hell was that, telling her to get out? She was all set to leave then you sound off and could have gotten us brought up on charges!"

"What? You’ve got to be joking! And I didn’t tell her--"

"Andrea, you obviously don’t know Commander Donally. I do, I work with her all the time. Trust me when I say that if you had been any more insolent or pushy with her then she’d have charged you with disrespecting a senior officer!"

Andrea made to speak but Markus cut her off. "I’m too tired to explain it all now, we an discuss it at lunch tomorrow. Just let it be so I can go check up on my project and then get to bed. It’s all but three in the morning now!"

Andrea sighed grumpily, not wanting to give it up but relenting nonetheless. "Okay, Markus. You’re right, it is late and we each want our beds. Let’s wrap this up and call it a night." And I cannot wait to hear this explanation! she added silently.

They resumed their tidy-up operation in silence.
"I'm just observing. You know, making observations."
"Great. We'll stick a telescope in your head and put a dome over it, and we can call you an observatory."
Paris and Rory, from "The Gilmore Girls."

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2005, 09:08:01 pm »
Edit out the roll-bar indeed, sniff.

Perhaps he looks upon impediments to his view in the same manner as some hard-headed people regard locked doors on RPGs.

*shifts his eyes about suspiciously*
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2005, 10:44:19 pm »
Locked doors are meant to be broken!

And Jaeih... who ever said life was fair? As it turned out, the Miranda gave as good as she got. I took my custom Defiant (USS Reliant) after a very custom Miranda (USS Callamar). The computer can't match me, but it was a challenging battle!

Have you tried the Generations at War add-on?

It makes SFC3 actually...playable...

As to the post above, I'm tired as hell. I'll read it better my next visit. Nothing makes sense right now.
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2005, 11:59:24 am »
Ah, Kieran, such a masochist... *grin*

Guilty as charged. ;D

And I don't remember anyone called Nash from the Highlander movies.

Why, Jaeih, I'm shocked at you. Russell Nash is, of course,the alias used by Connor MacLeod in modern day New York. Tsk, tsk. You should know that, good Scotswoman that you are. ;D

Now, keep writing. And take a break sometime and drop by my and S'Tasik's story thread, let me know what you think. ;)
"One minute to space doors."

"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."

Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

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First Steps - Chapter Four, Pt. I
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2005, 09:48:16 am »
I'm glad you're enjoying my story, boys, but could you tell me what you think of my characterisations, and if these opeople seem real to you? Specifically, from Ch 3? I want to know if I'm getting this right, after all. :-)

PS. I was told that this post exceeded the 20,000 character limit, so here's part one of Chapter Four:

Chapter Four

Date: 12th July 2272
Time: 1230 hours.
Stardate: 7427.8
Location: Officer’s Mess, USS Illustrious.

Andrea got off the turbolift at the centre of E Deck and walked into the dining area, looking for her erstwhile dinner date. She spotted him already seated at a table, sans food tray. On seeing her arrive he got up and headed to the food slots, so she followed suit.

"Hey Markus," Andrea greeted the scientist expectantly as they arrived at the synthesiser and made their selections.

Hearing the anticipation in her voice, Markus rolled his eyes and gave a small smile. "Good afternoon, Andrea. I trust you slept well?" he asked playfully. "Or were you up all night, imagining all the ways Garn’s face can twist in surprise and embarrassment as a result of your little ploy?"

Maintaining a straight face but unable to suppress the excitement in her voice, the young Scotswoman nodded as she replied. "Oh, I slept like the proverbial baby. Slept the sleep of the righteous. The deep, contented sleep of those with clear consciences," she grinned, enjoying her hyperbole. Deciding to twist her friend’s tail a little, she prodded, "Speaking of babies, Markus, did you manage to put your science project to bed last night?"

Frowning at her flippant reference to last night’s almost disaster--for him at least, if not for her--Markus remained silent as he carried his beef bourguignonne back to the table he’d already claimed and waited for Andrea to join him.

Andrea herself shrugged at his sudden reticence, her own good mood slightly deflated by it, then claimed her own sweet and sour pork and joined him at his table.

Markus was already chewing thoughtfully on his first bite of lunch when Andrea started attacking her own. "So, out with it Markus. Last night is obviously still rankling you, and you promised me an explanation for Donally’s behaviour, too."

There, the Scot thought in satisfaction. There’s no way we can get into a cloying and awkward romantic moment now that I’ve reminded him that he’s annoyed with me. She briefly considered not actually eating anything during Markus’ explanation so that she could immediately refute any silly statements he made, but decided against it. My food will get cold, and judging by last night he’ll want his say without me interrupting.

She scooped up a forkful of steamed rice and vegetables and began crunching on them as Markus swallowed his second bite and began his attempt to educate her.

"What’s rankling me is directly tied in to the Donally situation. Andrea, the thing you have to understand about Commander Donally is... no, scratch that. It basically boils down to this: Just because you don’t see a reasonable explanation for something it doesn’t mean that such a reason doesn’t exist," he stated clearly. "Not only that, but your interpretation of what is reasonable will--on some occasions--simply not matter and that you’ll have to abide by a superior’s decision even when you don’t agree with it."

Swallowing her own food, Andrea waved her fork about as she made her reply. "I know that, Markus," she asserted dismissively. "Starfleet is a military organisation with a chain of command and responsibilities, not a flaming self-actualisation, ‘find-yourself-and-hug-a-Klingon’ seminar."

"Good," he acknowledged with a sharp nod, ignoring her sarcasm. "Do you also realise what we did last night was wrong?" Seeing her about to launch a barrage of repudiations he quickly amended, "Okay, okay, maybe not morally or maliciously wrong, but definitely against the rules of this organisation we’re a part of?"

Andrea subsided into a glowering silence at his rephrasing before grudgingly allowing, "Yes, I do realise that we were breaking the rules, but--"

"No buts, Andrea," Markus interrupted. "That’s all a superior officer needs to hurt or end your Starfleet career even before it’s begun. If you find a sympathetic CO it won’t really matter but there are all sorts of people out there wearing this uniform, with different cultures, mindsets, and codes of conduct, and that’s just us humans and our colonies! Factor in all the alien races and the endless variety that the universe has to offer in terms of social orders and moralities and you can find yourself brought up on charges for any number of reasons! From the all-too-human superior in question hating your guts and wanting you and your career destroyed to an alien being feeling that following all the way through and seeing you punished as the only acceptable solution to such a situation, there are any number of ways to screw yourself over doing crap like what we pulled last night!"

Markus paused there for breath and to let what he’d said sink in to his friend’s mind. He could see the wheels turning as she digested this obviously unwelcome and unconsidered news.

"So, this thing with Commander Donally--" she began, then stopped. Markus took this to mean that she wanted him to spell it out so that there would be no misunderstanding.

"Yes. Commander Donally believes passionately in the regulations and protocols of Starfleet. Couple that to an inflexible personality that will take offence at your rather blunt method of relating to others--such as you displayed last night--and you really are lucky that she didn’t put you or both of us on report right there and then."

He watched as she blanched at that, only now realising the possible consequences of her actions, and set her fork down beside her plate. "You mean that you knew all this, and of Donally’s probable reaction to finding us there, and yet you still let me talk you into doing it?"

Markus sighed. "I thought that Commander Donally would have been in bed, but yes I did know all that. I am just worried that when your little ploy comes to fruition Donally will obviously suspect us and even if she has no proof, if she asks I will not lie. It will damage my relationship with my direct superior and..."

He stopped there and looked directly into her eyes. "I’m just worried about my career, Andrea. If we hadn’t been caught, or if it had been almost any other person than Donally who caught us, I would be fine."

Andrea looked unenthusiastically at her plate and the mound of food she had been enjoying before responding. "I could stop it from happening," she offered. "I didn’t realise how bad it could turn out. I only wanted to do something nice for Garn..."

She trailed off and Markus nodded. "I know, Andrea, I know. Like I said, had it been anyone else it wouldn’t matter."

They sat in silence for almost a minute, picking at their food, during which time Andrea was swinging towards depression and the decision to cancel her surprise. On the other side of the table, Markus was realising something else that was buoying his mood.

"That being the case," he announced suddenly, "we should take our chances. I’m sure the captain will be fine about it, I’ve heard good things about him from the crew who stayed on from their last tour."

Andrea became more animated at his mention of Bates. "I’ve heard that too, and that's the reason Captain Bates got so many newly graduated crew is because he’s a good teacher. ‘Stern but fair’, and all that. I didn’t just blithely waltz into doing this, you know. I thought the captain would be okay with it, or if he had a problem with me I could explain myself to his satisfaction." She slumped back down at her next words, though. "I didn’t expect you to tell me all this, or to have such a horror story for an XO."

"Actually, I’m feeling a lot better about this now," Markus stated brightly in direct contrast to the rain cloud hanging over his friend’s head. "Donally’s overwhelming influence in my day-to-day activities made me forget that she still has to answer to Captain Bates, and he’ll give us a fair chance. So cheer up, Andrea! Remember why you did this in the first place and let your actions and motivations speak for themselves."

"But what about Donally?" she asked plaintively. "We still have to--"

Markus cut her off gently. "Don’t worry about the commander. I’m the one who told you all this stuff about her and I’m realising myself that the circumstances warrant a brighter outlook. Just be sure to treat her with the respect she--or, if you like, her uniform and position--is due at all times, and you won’t have a problem."

While not exactly looking as happy as she had upon coming in for lunch, Andrea was feeling better again. The more she thought of the situation and Markus’ words the more solidly she believed that even if she got into trouble over this, her motives were pure and good and that just had to count for something.

She finally nodded at her companion. "Yeah, you’re right. We’ve got nothing to worry about," she added with a smile.

"Just be good, Andrea," he replied with an answering smile.

Andrea found that her appetite had returned so she reapplied herself to her lunch, devouring it with gusto. Around a forkful of rice and pork, she almost giggled. I can’t wait to see that little bugger’s face when he switches on his game!
"I'm just observing. You know, making observations."
"Great. We'll stick a telescope in your head and put a dome over it, and we can call you an observatory."
Paris and Rory, from "The Gilmore Girls."

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #19 on: June 21, 2005, 06:19:19 pm »
Great story, Jaeih. Puts mine to shame for sure. I do love how you get the junior officers in at the centre of attention and action, so even though I've already read this, hurry up and put out the rest of it!

(Assuming there's anyone else still floating about this forum. Everyone seems to have disappeared...)
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)