Topic: I'm getting a vasectomy!  (Read 2770 times)

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Offline KAT J'inn

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I'm getting a vasectomy!
« on: June 30, 2005, 06:29:28 pm »
Why me?


Well, I just got back from “vacation.”  Please note the sarcastic quote thingies.

It all happened about two months ago . . .    There I was at Shopasauraus Rex’s house.   She had just told me to get comfy in the Lazy-Boy.  She had filled me with pizza and had brought me a beer or four.

Obviously . . . something hideous was afoot.

So sometime in the middle of watch Pam Anderson’s body parts jiggle in my favorite “Best of VIP” tape . . .  She asked me a question.

SR: J’inn?

J’inn: <mumble> Mmmmm bouncy.

SR: J’inn?

J’inn: <mumble>

SR: Yer not listening are you?

J’inn: That’s a great idea honey.

SR: So . . .  Wanna go with me to my cousin’s wedding in LA?

J’inn: That’s a great idea honey.

SR:   And would you like to bring along my 2 year old niece?

J’inn: Mmm-Hmm You betcha.   <mmmmmmmmm> bouncy.

SR: And would you like to stay for a few days and take her to Disneyland.

J’inn: I agree completely!!

SR: Yer the best honey. Have another beer!

J’inn:   Mmmmmm hair . .  Lips . . .  Legs . ..    Explosions. . . . guns . . .   I’m HORNY!!!

SR: I have a headache.  Here have another beer.

J’inn: Mmmmmmm beer.

So . . . anywho . . .   Imagine my shock and horror a few weeks later when I find out what I agreed to.   But I was stuck.  And besides . . .  It’s LA and SR has sworn to handle all baby issues.   So how bad could it be??

Well I’m glad you asked.   Allow me to consult with my journal . . .


Wake up at 3:00 AM _)#*#&)(#&#^#&*^#&*^#&* to drive to get the cute little baby.

Get baby.   Baby ain’t happy about being woke up at 3:30 AM.   There is a lot of crying.  SR tells me to shut up and stop crying so much.

Noxious fumes come from the back seat on the way to the airport.   The Little Monster has started chemical warfare.

Pull over to side of road while SR cleans up baby.   Fumes over powering.   I have to go into the woods off the road to avoid barfing. <so I got a weak tummy stfu!>

Get to airport.  Get on plane.  No problems. 

Man I hate airplanes.   Thank goodness the little brat slept the whole time.  Ahh nothing like slipping a little whisky into the bottle.   <note to self. commit suicide if SR ever sees this>

Need to by Motrin STAT!.   Back thrown out from carrying luggage.  Still hear the painful giggles of the Sky Cap when SR told him that we didn’t need his help as she carried THE MONSTER and her purse.

I, on the other hand, was in a losing battle with a $3.00   &*(#^&^#*(&^#&*(#(^(#(&* Cart her two 50 pound bags.  My 10 pound bag. A  few bags with baby stuff . .. all of which weighed more than the baby. And of course . . .  The empty suitcase that would be used to haul back the fresh kills . .. .  Lord Help Me.    And the ()*#&*()#&&^##(&* baby carseat!!

Haven’t slept in over 18 hours.   Groggy.   Things seem weird.   I could have sworn that SR and her sister are babbling something about going to the Orange County Swap Meet a/k/a Hell on Earth.  But I am sure SR wouldn’t do that to me.

Dinner with SR’s extended family.   They are all Chinese.  We go to an authentic Chinese Restaurant.  I quickly learn that authentic means kiss yer intestines goodbye!

The older Chinese people there decide to play a quick game of Make the White Boy Barf.  Boy did they have a party with that!!  Everything still had a head on it.   Pigs feet?  Why sure.  Pigs guts?  But of course.  BLLECH!!!

Several times I look over at SR and her sister and ask them what the hell is that on the plate.   I get scared when they just look at me and shrug.   I also note that they don’t eat it.

This is bad.   Very bad.

Pass out in bed.

Wake up at 2:00 AM.  Spend the rest of the night in bathroom praying for a quick death.

DAY 2 . . .


Frantically look for sharp objects with which to slash wrists.  Fail in search.

Two year old is very unhappy.  Although it is hard to tell the emotional state of a creature that can only say the word “NO”

A lay on the floor, full out, crying and kicking tantrum ensues.   Nevertheless . . .  SR still makes me go to the Swap Meet.

Arrive at Orange County Fairgrounds after driving about 10 miles.   Trip takes two hours.   I HATE CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC!!!   Diaper supply critical.   My nose hairs have now completely burned off.

The Swap Meet.   If you have never been to one . . . don’t go.   It’s a carnival for adult women.   Stall upon stall upon stall of cheap crap and fried food.   MILES OF IT!!!

Shop Rex decided to check out each and every stall.  Baby now begging for a quick death.  I’ve given up all hope of salvation.  Besides it’s hard to think of death when you are carrying about 50 pounds of goods.  I just kept thinking of Mules for some odd reason.

Maybe I would get paid off in sex . . .. .

SR quickly informs me that with a baby in the room that I could forget it.  I swear I hear a snicker come from the stroller in front of me.

Finally, the official at the Swap Meet ask SR to leave.  Apparently she has scared the hell out of too many of the shop keeps with her bargaining skills.  Well that and it’s closing time.  I hide my face as it takes a few burly security guards to convince her that the party is over.

So then it’s back to the room for a nap . . .  Sadly, LA traffic has other ideas and we get back just in time to get ready for the Wedding Reception.

I throw a tantrum again.   This time SR ignores me.   The MONSTER simply looks at me and shakes her little head ruefully.   Apparently my technique is off.

So off to the reception . . .

It’s in Chinatown.   I walk in and it was an EF Hutton moment.   HEY WHO INVITED THE WHITE BOY!!  Was said by the crowd.  Well at least I think it was.  They were all speaking Chinese.   So it was either that or, where’s the chicken feet, we wanna see him barf!!

Well the Reception went well.  Gosh SR has a lot of really really good looking relatives.   Some with obvious upgrades.   I kept asking here “Are those real!!”   She was getting a tad peeved.  But hey, I’m sunburnt and delirious from sickness and lack of sleep.  Food was good.  Whatever it was.


Wake up in bathroom.   Look in mirror.  Gosh I think I’ve lost 20 pounds.  Although the hotel is a tad miffed over all of the flushing.   Darn California water shortages and all.

So today is the day . . ..


We get there.  Parking . . ..   One arm one leg.    Tickets . ..  One Arm one leg . . . .  Water . . .  BwhaHAHAHAHHAHHA!!!   Food??   Snort!!  You better bring your gold teeth.

Baby Thing has now said NO 1000 times.   I’m developing a twitch.

Dear lord it’s crowded.  Let’s see . . .

25281097456   Screaming Babes
56483939833   Crying Babies
72373490900   Women whose arses are so wide that they can’t get into the rides
78363787800    Fat guys who are celebrating Deodorant Optional Week
89737896300   Hot Girls who I feel guilty about looking at because they are so young
1 Shop Rex
1 Baby From Hell
1 Suicidal J’inn

I now have third degree sunburns.  Baby has gone nuclear.  SR swears there is a gift stand she has missed somewhere.   I’d kill for a glass of water but the lines for water have signs that say “APPX WAIT TIME FROM THIS POINT 4 DAYS”

Hmmm.   I remember my Dad saying “Yeah well people in Hell want ice water”   Location of Disneyland confirmed.

6:00 PM . . . begging to leave.  Literally.  SR tells me that life would not be the same if the little )^#)*&^#*#^&*( didn’t see the fireworks at 9:15 PM.

I hear a snicker from the stroller.

9:15 PM

Baby is out cold asleep.   SR sez . . awww isn’t that cute.  I guess we could have gone home earlier.     I wonder if California has a death penalty.

Okay .. .  I’ll admit it . . . Damn good firework display.

Baby sleep through the whole thing.

I point out if the baby can sleep though that she can sleep though my 10 second in bed performance.   SR tells me that I’m much louder that fireworks and much more exciting . . .  I’m being BSed.   And I know it.

We get home.  On cue . . Baby wakes up to play . . .    The “NO” Game for an hour followed by the POOP game.


Outlet Mall day.   Need I say more.

However, SR decides that she needs to get her hair done.   THIS IS MY CHANCE!!!  My chance to actually sit by the pool at the hotel and drink beer.   THANK YOU LORD!!!!

Baby snickers.   That’s not good.

So we go to the hotel and baby is out cold.   So she sez . . .  I can’t wake little snook’ems up.  You watch her here in the room while I go to the hair place. 

ARRRGH so that snicker meant no pool.   Well fine.  I’ll watch cable and drink beer.  HAH!!

SR leaves.   Door closes.  Baby wakes up!!


J’inn read this.   J’inn say this.   J’inn do this.  J’inn get this.   Man she is related to SR.  No doubt.

But hey, it’s not that bad.  I’m drinking beer.  Kid is playing.  And then it happens . . . .

J’inn I have to go to the potty . . .


SO I grab her and hoist her under one arm like a Football Running Back and head towards the bathroom.  I get in just in time for her to say . . .

I don’t have to go anymore.


Please let it be number1.  Oh please oh please oh please.



Run to cellphone and frantically dial.

SR: Hello.


SR: My hair is wet. Handle it.


SR: <to hairdresser> It’s my boyfriend.  He’s upset because he has to change the baby’s diapers.

Hairdresser: That man needs to grow up and take care of his baby.  Why if that


SR: Stop screaming.

Hairdresser: Girlfriend give me the phone.


Hairdresser: <insert rapid fire bitching>

J’inn: It’s not my kid!!

Hairdresser: <insert more rapid fire bitching>

J’inn: I AM J’INN!!!  J’INN don’t change poop!!!

<insert sound of another 50 cc of diareahha and gas slamming into babies diaper>

J’inn: HELLLLLLLLLLLLPpppppppppppppppppppp!   I want my Mommy!!

Hairdresser:   Pathetic.  Men. <more bitching at me>

SR: Okay okay, stop picking a fight with the hairdresser she is nice. <whisper> And I don’t want her to get mad and mess up my hair.

J’inn: Oh heaven forbid that!!  Now what about YOUR niece Poopasaurus Rex!

SR: Don’t call her that.

J’inn: Ms. Stinkybritches?

SR: J’inn!!!!

Baby: I got Poop.

J’inn: NO ()#**&(#*()#&*()# kidding!!

SR: J’inn!!!!!!!!!!!

Baby: <crying>

Well . . . . SR got home . . . pissed.   And handled the situation.

I swear I hear another snicker from the fertilizer machine.

As punishment . . . .  We went to The Citadel . . ..  It’s an outlet mall.


Did you know there is a place call Legoland?   Yup.  It’s an amusement park based on Legos.   Yup. Seriously.

I was there.   ALL DAY!!!


The flight back.

Ticket Agent:    Ummm.  We kinda over sold your plane from Denver to DC.

J’inn: Accck

Baby: <snicker>

Ticket: But you can get to Denver just fine.

SR: Oohhh there this mall there and . . .


Ticket Agent: Gosh that’s ahrd to tell with the holiday weekend coming up.

J’inn: ARRRRGgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh

So off to Denver we go . . .

While there I use adversity to my advantage.  I break several Federal Regulations by threatening a ticket agent with the Babies’ backside.  I get us on a plane to Baltimore.  Hey, it’s close enough.

Odd thing about airlines.   It’s seems they often don’t have room for you but they have plenty of room for your luggage.  How do I know this . . . well . . .; . all of it went to DC.

So . . .   It’s dark.  I’m in Baltimore.  And all of our stuff is in DC.  Including . . . . the &*^#$*(#^*(&^#&*( baby car seat!!

Well I find a rental car place that actually rents baby seats. My credit card cries for mercy as the auto rental place sees that I am desperate and jacks up the price accordingly.  This of course lead to a fight between SR and I.

J’inn: Does she really need a car seat?

SR: YES!!! All babies have to be in them.  It’s the law.

J’inn:   Laws! Ptui!!  Like they matter.

SR: You are a lawyer!!

J’inn: Whatever.  Hey lets say she’s a 15 year old midget.  Yeah that’s the ticket.


J’inn: Hey she’s short. The COPS will never see her.


J’inn: Hey, I’m driving so what do you care.

SR: <guttural attack snarl>

J’inn: YIKES!!  Alright alright!!

So . .. in the end.   I’m tired.   My nose has ulcers.  My lungs are shot.  I have radiation burns all over my face.  And my liver is  booze deprived..

I’ll get AoTK up soon.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2005, 12:12:35 am by KAT J'inn »

Offline Capt_Bearslayer_XC

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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2005, 07:23:42 pm »
So it was the same old, same old, eh? ;D

BTW, welcome back, now get back to work. ;)
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Offline Green

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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2005, 07:56:18 pm »
LOL ... I'm pulling Mrs Green in to read that one Jinn ... Great story ...

Edit:  She read it and noted "yeah, I remember taking care of other people's kids and coming home and doing a double dose of BC pills"
« Last Edit: June 30, 2005, 08:08:12 pm by Green »

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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2005, 08:15:17 pm »
Dante wrote of Hell in the Middle Ages. He had no idea you would actually go through it in the 21st Century...

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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2005, 09:43:05 pm »
Vasectomy? But you don't get pregnant.  Surely you can get a decent pre-nup.  Besides, it is only money...what is taht compared to some quiet time in Studio Apartment.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2005, 11:14:41 pm »
Whatever happened to the old "The Dog ate my webmap" excuse?

Get to work Slacker!!!!


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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2005, 11:22:35 pm »
Can we call you Uncle J'inn now? ;D

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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2005, 11:49:57 pm »
Funny part is J'inn is I can see the fireworks at Hell from my house, they started about two weeks ago and will continue past the fourth. I have to drive (and walking is probably faster) by the citadel on my way to work.

good thing the car you rented did not have a luggage rack on the roof, image how much the store would have changed then.
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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2005, 12:51:32 am »
Priceless Will  :rofl:

But it will get worse and you may well have to get that vasectomy to avoid the real thing!!

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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2005, 06:11:56 am »
Priceless Will  :rofl:

But it will get worse and you may well have to get that vasectomy to avoid the real thing!!

   had to bring in wife to read this it was so funny.....we were both in tears laffing when i noted a sadistic ,evil maniachal kinda quality to her laff.I enquired about it,and all she would say is"coming to a theatre near you" <---insert evil snicker.i shrug, and continue on with reading forum wondering"what's with her",  dam,life is good,least i have beer and or rum whenever i want it.That J'inn fellow " LOLl"  the poor smuck

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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2005, 09:30:53 am »
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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2005, 09:52:10 am »
And everytime I think about maybe wanting to marry I read one of your posts And It cures me of wanting to marry ever. Thank you for showing me the snigle life is the best life. ;D

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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2005, 10:12:17 am »
As Spock said, wanting is not the same as having....
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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2005, 10:27:36 am »
always remember: toddlers can *smell* fear   :flame:
I was never here, you were never here, this conversation never took place, and you most certainly did not see me.

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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2005, 11:27:18 pm »
I've been pondering this for awhile, and it is going to be physically impossible for J'inn to get a vasectomy.  The only way for a man to get a vasectomy is to have testicles, and from all I've read from him, SR has his in a safe deposit box at a cryogenic unit until she decides she wants a baby.
   Therefor, unless he is a skilled thief, he can't get his balls without her help. ;D

NPR is a lot like NASCAR.  Two hundred miles an hour in a circle, and you end up right back where you started with nothing but lost time for the effort.

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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2005, 01:08:10 am »
I've been pondering this for awhile, and it is going to be physically impossible for J'inn to get a vasectomy.  The only way for a man to get a vasectomy is to have testicles, and from all I've read from him, SR has his in a safe deposit box at a cryogenic unit until she decides she wants a baby.
   Therefor, unless he is a skilled thief, he can't get his balls without her help. ;D

Well he is a lawyer, which puts him outside the warmblooded mammals... do repitilian's have testicals?
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Offline GotAFarmYet?

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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2005, 02:38:34 am »
I've been pondering this for awhile, and it is going to be physically impossible for J'inn to get a vasectomy.  The only way for a man to get a vasectomy is to have testicles, and from all I've read from him, SR has his in a safe deposit box at a cryogenic unit until she decides she wants a baby.
   Therefor, unless he is a skilled thief, he can't get his balls without her help. ;D

No, No, and No!

He left them in a store one day, if you remember the story. They fell off when the SR made him carry a purse. I don't remember him getting them back since then. Here is the Pic that went with that story.
People always said they wanted the government to listen to them and now the government is listening, taking notes and names...and coming to see you soon!

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Re: I'm getting a vasectomy!
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2005, 08:30:57 am »
Jinn, I am very dissapointed now, after that horrific flushing of your manhood for a week, you should have had enough anger issues built up to kill those mercenary commanders last night with your bare hands, sigh.
RE-VER-SE: To move backwards, retrograde; movement that is not forward in nature.
