Be sure to check out the Dynaverse.Net Repository, the most comprehensive SFC library around !!
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3) Shields (Unchangeable unless you go to Green Alert. The entire shield grid can be turned off for more power. turning off individual shields has no effect on power)
Quote from: Corbomite on June 05, 2005, 01:47:00 pm3) Shields (Unchangeable unless you go to Green Alert. The entire shield grid can be turned off for more power. turning off individual shields has no effect on power)When setting your power priorities you can set a default shield reinforcement with Shift+Scroll Lock. However the shields must be at the maximum targeted reinforcement before using the Shift+Scroll Lock. The best (IMO) way is to set your priorities with maximum possible shield reinforcement and zero speed. Setting an approximate speed after red alert is easy with one mouse click so speed is less important to preset than reinforcement.