Nows your chance to show your stuff.

Star In Next JibJab Video
Web Site Casting For Dozens Of Characters
Jamy Pombo, Senior News Editor
POSTED: 12:29 pm CDT June 2, 2005
BOSTON -- The makers of those video parodies of the 2004 presidential election are now looking for real people to star in the next JibJab video.
In the past, JibJab has called on family and friends when it needed faces for characters in the videos. Now, it is launching a new Web site this summer and is casting for more than 100 characters.
If you are interested, you'll be able to scan a list of "casting calls" and upload your photo for any role you want to play. Since there are only a number of roles available, first consideration will go to those subscribed to JibJab's newsletter.
JibJab will also look for pictures of props they plan to use in the next video. If they use your submission, you'll get a credit at the end of the movie.