waiting for Tuesday, then we shall see if the force is with FRO, as OSG really did well, double analysts expectations. Even if the dividends are around the mark and not more, conference call days are great boosts in stock value for most companies anyways.
As for SFL? It is chugging along, but looking back to the date when FRO gave out shares that it owned in addition to cash dividends, I probably should have sold as I lost from 22 a share to 18 plus right now. I take it in stride though, as very rarely does anyone hit a sell at just the right moment for the highest high. stocks may not be as exciting as other types, but at least I do not have great crashes and it's easy to follow, all I have to do is check oil prices and tanker charter rates. Very rarely will you see "cooking the books" or other criminal activities in maritime stocks, as they have business worldwide and you do not want to tarnish your reputation in that manner. Enron? They dealt with America and saw no problems with screwing fellow Americans over.

I hope they all get max sentences.