OK, I just finished the game. Scion and Keria are pretty tough... though fighting Scion THREE TIMES (WTF?) got a little monotonious. Keria was better, but the only way for my Watchman to beat either was a lot- and brother, I mean a LOT- of 'drive-bys' using Force Push and Force Speed. Run up, shove them accross the room, and run off before they could counter attack.
I'm wondering: How did you build your character? Did you go the two-weapon route? The final fights were tough for me too, and I'm wondering how our experiences compare.
The end is rather abrupt; I was at least hoping that my hero would get to do a bit of obligatory post 'save-the-galaxy' face-sucking with Visas, my pick of the 'alien babe of the week' co-stars.
Yeah, I would've liked a wrap-up sequence. I hope that instead of another ten-year skip, KoTOR 3 ties into this one more directly than this one did to it's sequel so some of the loose ends and unresolved plotlines can be explored there. I got the definite impression that were intending such a thing, but one never knows what'll make it into the next edition.
I really did want to help HK hunt down his...poor imitations.

I did like Visas, but my big problem with the game is that despite an obvious attraction, you couldn't put the moves on Mira.

SPECIAL NOTE FOR LA'RA- Even up to the bitter end, Handmaiden STILL refused to speak to me!
The only time that she would say something other than 'I have nothing to say to you. Leave me.' was during the mandatory storyline events.
I have to admit, I'm wondering what the hell you did.

With the possible exception of Mira or Bao Dur, she was the character that opened up to me with the least effort. Probably has a lot to do with our respective dialogue choices.
Also, I was rather depressed not to learn every bit of the backstory- but that just means I'll have to play again to do so.
Yeah, me too. I found out a great deal of it, but didn't realize how much I might be missing until I lost a save and ended up picking a different dialogue option with Atris. She revealed something I'd been wondering about after that and I thought to myself 'how much more information is lurking in there'?
Awesome game. It does have it's flaws, but I'm exceptionally happy with it. In many ways I thought it was superior to KoTOR 1, though the unpolished ending and the plot holes make me judge both about equally with KoTOR being the 'really good, nothings really wrong' type of game whereas KoTOR 2 was more of the 'masterpiece but with bigger flaws' type.
I certainly liked the characters in KoTOR 2 more than those in the first, with the possible exception of Bastilla, and of course those who also joined your party in this one, no matter what name they were going by. Heh.