Topic: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch  (Read 10609 times)

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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #40 on: March 09, 2003, 07:14:17 pm »
Well then I guess I can now say I'am a hard core fed player  (not one that plays fed  because they are the most uber)  

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #41 on: March 09, 2003, 08:17:52 pm »


And to all the players bemoaning the fact that they are having difficulty using their speed 80+ AMML cheese ships: serves you cheaters right!  

I am not a AMM fan myself, but to call players that do use this "tactic" cheaters is not called for. "Snag and Drag" is a very old tactic going clear back to SFC I. It is a feature of being able to make your ship to your taste not cheating. Cheating is breaking the rules or exploiting a bug, not making a boat that suits your taste.



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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #42 on: March 09, 2003, 09:10:32 pm »
  AMML user in the current beta is not a cheater. But those that do it in version 1.00 is. They are taking advantage of a typo that was not meant to be (the 35 for damage was suppose to be the health rating). Using it is just as bad as targeting Cloak/auto follow/shuttle follow.



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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch *DELETED*
« Reply #43 on: March 10, 2003, 11:54:34 am »
Post deleted by Firestorm
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Firestorm »


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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #44 on: March 10, 2003, 04:21:04 pm »


Most opponents I faced didn't use the cloak that much, they really didn't need to.They outmatched me in firepower. The problem is that the larger fed ships can't put out the same firepower as the other races.

Like I said, the problem isn't that the cloak works. The feds are underbalanced. Deal with it.

When you come down off your drug induced illusions you might want to edit your post to be something closer to reality.

How you can even imply, yet right out state, that Feds are underpowered you got to be smokin somethin.

They have the most powerful weapons in the game that actually hits the target half of the time, being a Quantum Torpedo set to proxie, no one else can come close to that kind of damage they can inflict.

Wow, have you even played this game, or just hang out here for thrills? The Borg have the most powerful weapons in the game. Proximity setting? Ya, theyr're nice when I want to throw spit wads. As for weapon accuracy? The only ones who suffer there are the romulans.

Basic hardpoints on a sov are 3 fwd firing primaries and 3 fwd firing heavies. Fed heavies are high power consuming beasts. Neg 5 fwd primaries and 2 fwd firing heavies. klingon heavies don't suck up as much energy as fed weapons, have better firing rates, and after a couple of volleys actually do more cumalitive damage than fed weapons. WarBird-5 fwd primaries, 3 fwd heavies. Rom primaries are high energy beasts themselves, and romualn plasma are not quite efficient. But when overloaded they can do quite a bit of damage, especially at close range. Sphere prime- 4 fwd firing primaries, 2 fwd firing heavies, 2 semi-fwd firing heavies, and 2 semi-fwd firing primaries. If you mount them right, the sphere has plenty of spare power to go around.

So lets see, the sov has 6 fwd firing weapons. The neg-7. The warbird-8. The sphere-6 to 10, plus that isn't the borg's most powerful ship.

And of out of all the dreadnoughts I played, the sov always had the least spare power.


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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch *DELETED*
« Reply #45 on: March 10, 2003, 04:54:33 pm »
Post deleted by Firestorm


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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #46 on: March 10, 2003, 05:32:59 pm »

uh, yeah, I been playing since about two months before it hit the store shelves.  

  So you spent a lot of time in this game and didn't learn anything? For the record, I've  played all version of SFC including the the minatures (1st release) so that probably means I know more than you so shut up.  


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Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #47 on: March 07, 2003, 01:34:13 pm »
I am extremely greatful to all parties that worked in providing us (the customers) with a beta patch.  Great job thanks guys!

IMO - For the finish patch two things have occured which are causing me to lose interest in the game, (1) I play a lot of Dyna and PVP battles.  The new random mission map, is more like debris of some kind (asteroid, vortex. sun, etc...) on80% of all missions.  It has taken a tremendous amount of the fun out of PVP battles.  I also believe it has added a sense of un-realism to the game, and I hope its inclusion in the finished patch is greatly reviewed.  Please drop the randomness down tremendously, after all now its a mute point to review the sector you are warping into for a neb, blackhole, or asteroids when you know for sure there will be debris in almost every mission.
(2) On larger more evenly balanced dyna's(GFL and some others) the federation has been casterated, so much so that many players that used to play the federation now feel they stand no chance vs the rest of the races, good pilots and mediocre ones.  I realize there was an attempt to balance, and most Dynas may have so many more ppl playing fed that it was requested for the other outnumbered races.  Please offer a control for the ADMIN to alter this with a percent change for heavies, or primaries or do something else that can be done to alter this balance.  

That is all, and one persons opnion only.  
Thank you for working on the patch.



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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #48 on: March 07, 2003, 04:01:35 pm »

I am extremely greatful to all parties that worked in providing us (the customers) with a beta patch.  Great job thanks guys!

2) On larger more evenly balanced dyna's(GFL and some others) the federation has been casterated, so much so that many players that used to play the federation now feel they stand no chance vs the rest of the races, good pilots and mediocre ones.  I realize there was an attempt to balance, and most Dynas may have so many more ppl playing fed that it was requested for the other outnumbered races.  Please offer a control for the ADMIN to alter this with a percent change for heavies, or primaries or do something else that can be done to alter this balance.  

That is all, and one persons opnion only.  
Thank you for working on the patch.


  I don't mind about 1) as it makes you be careful of your surroundings and make PVP actually more interesting.

  I agree on number 2. with my own additions:

  We need to be able to control the triple fire rate . Put it in one of the .gf files

  Fed needs either new/improve weapons or a BB (Klin can use one too)

  Borg needs work, Have anyone (either alone or in a fleet) ever takes on a Human cube and won? Anyone? Anyone out there?

  What most people don't realise is that while there might be a large number of Fed player on any server, most are green.  There are very few hardcose Fed players. Most new player use Fed as a learning tool and move on to other races once they learn the system.


Alidar Jarok

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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #49 on: March 07, 2003, 04:58:29 pm »
What changes were made to the Feds?


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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #50 on: March 07, 2003, 05:05:35 pm »
Item (1) when flying at impulse speeds of 80+ and launching heavies trust me it doesnt add much to working for weeks to get a ship only to have to eliminate this strategy in leau of ships using speeds sub 50.  That lends itself to a different strategy that plays into stronger slower ship classes, again ships the Federation does not have.  To me it eliminates a great deal of creative playing.  Just my opnion.

  To a later post ....what changes to Federation......  
The federation especially in upper massed ships is extremely outclassed by all races but Roms, after the patch, Id say its now offical, all races including roms.  Also Platforms have extended hit power and accuracy and again it lends itself to planetary conquest best accomplished by the race with the best heavies.    
« Last Edit: March 07, 2003, 05:06:29 pm by Torque »

Alidar Jarok

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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #51 on: March 07, 2003, 05:25:45 pm »
That doesn't exactly answer my question

(Excluding Borg, as they have Huge advantages and Huge disadvantages, so they are tough to judge) It was my opinion that in pre-patch the best race was the Feds.  They had superior hard points and more 360 arcs.

In post patch, Plasma, F Disruptors (and possibly all RDizzies) were improved (along with cloak)

If it's just Roms improving, you can't really call that castrating.

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #52 on: March 07, 2003, 05:39:50 pm »

That doesn't exactly answer my question

(Excluding Borg, as they have Huge advantages and Huge disadvantages, so they are tough to judge) It was my opinion that in pre-patch the best race was the Feds.  They had superior hard points and more 360 arcs.

In post patch, Plasma, F Disruptors (and possibly all RDizzies) were improved (along with cloak)

If it's just Roms improving, you can't really call that castrating.  

I agree that the Romulan ships were at a disadvantage in 1.00 . Those bugs were dealt with well  I think.

I do think that the anti-cloak tech now needs tweaked a bit so a Federation ship does not always get caught with his pants down.

 The whole CA, and DN classes in the Federation hulls need to have their mass boosted so they can carry a larger warp core that will power the weapon suites to higher levels so the current weapons will deal a killing blow.

The volley fire was the killing shot from a Fed ship. Without it the Fed player is hosed. I know this is an old arguement but the Federation Photon has to be a feared and accurate weapon or the Federation ship is a sitting duck, IMO.



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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #53 on: March 07, 2003, 05:54:13 pm »
"The whole CA, and DN classes in the Federation hulls need to have their mass boosted so they can carry a larger warp core that will power the weapon suites to higher levels so the current weapons will deal a killing blow. "

Really think so?
Try using Klingon warp cores first, then using some front and rear weapons and decent shielding, ...  and  see  what is really underpower!  Unless you cut on  the thruster/impulse,,,   and then the sometimes mentioned klingon racial advantage ( ship agility and speed )  goes down the drain in CA/BH versus the need to power up a decent package of weapons. And klingons still have weaker shields and armor.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by kevlar »


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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #54 on: March 07, 2003, 06:25:32 pm »

 I know this is an old arguement but the Federation Photon has to be a feared and accurate weapon or the Federation ship is a sitting duck, IMO.


Okay, you have got my curiosity since I must have missed the old arguement. Why is it that it is the Fed Photon and not, for example, the Romulan Plasma (which originally was that big orange ball of destruction from BoT) which is to be a feared and accurate weapon? It's just that you seem to be of the same mind as that responsible for the original SFC3 design and I would like to understand the reasoning for that because the original design seemed to be wrong.    


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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #55 on: March 07, 2003, 07:08:30 pm »
  Simple. A well placed shot of one plasma H and 2 Plasma M will take down a class IX shield in one shot. Even the AI can do it now with the patch. Even the old triple fired 3 Quantum from a Sov with Leg crew couldn't do that. Couple that with cloak and the Rom have an advantage. And that's with the Warbird. It's worst with a Scimatar.  


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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #56 on: March 07, 2003, 07:47:50 pm »

  Simple. A well placed shot of one plasma H and 2 Plasma M will take down a class IX shield in one shot. Even the AI can do it now with the patch. Even the old triple fired 3 Quantum from a Sov with Leg crew couldn't do that. Couple that with cloak and the Rom have an advantage. And that's with the Warbird. It's worst with a Scimatar.  

Want to bet?

shield 9 stops 52 points of damage

A single quantum torp does 13 damage , 19.5 when fully overcharged.  if volleyed  (what increases damage by 25%), that single q-torp will produce  over  22.875 not counting officer bonus damage ( another 25% if I'm not wrong).

Now i'll quote your "Even the old triple fired 3 Quantum from a Sov with Leg crew couldn't do that".

I'll even be a nice guy and consider that from those 3 torps,  only one produced a  multi-volley. You'll have 22.875+ 2(19.5). End result 61.875. And I'm not even adding the damage bonus from officers.

probable counter argument:

"That's wrong cause you don't mention the proximity setting.  That halves the damage !!!!"

K torps, polarons, grav's  and plamas don't have prox settings. That gives the fed the ability to choose the engament distance and to produce a distance fight pattern called saber dance. cool isn't it?  
 BTW, any of the previous torp users will need  to be at a distance of 20 or less if they want to have good chances of hitting ( even less for plasma) . In a less than 20 distance fight i wouldn't use the prox setting.

EDIT: Despite the calcs i do think that the plasma is maybe a bit stronger than what it would be desired. But  upgrading the feds would mena unbalance towards klingons and eve borgs.

Another gooid point that must players forget is that shields operate in a different way now. Before the patch I would reinforce the frontal sheild and any of the other sheilds would be untouched. Now , if I reinforce my class 10 frontal shield, the remaining  ones ( mix between class 8 and class 9) will not resist a  precise overcharged  triple quantum discharge at prox setting.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2003, 07:57:01 pm by kevlar »


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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #57 on: March 07, 2003, 07:53:40 pm »
Try using Klingon warp cores first, then using some front and rear weapons and decent shielding, ...  and  see  what is really underpower!  Unless you cut on  the thruster/impulse,,,   and then the sometimes mentioned klingon racial advantage ( ship agility and speed )  goes down the drain in CA/BH versus the need to power up a decent package of weapons. And klingons still have weaker shields and armor.


Yes, but when a Kling ship can cloak and lob Polarion Torps and hit from 40 with damage of 12 (Quant is 13) - The Kling can get off 8 Shots per 7 of the Fed, AND the Polarion can Pierce Shielding ?  Its no wonder why in the hands of good pilots Vorchas can fly at 40+ speed, and blow away any , yes any Fed CA.

If flown right the only thing needed to the rear of a Kling CA is a license plate, IMO.



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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #58 on: March 07, 2003, 08:16:43 pm »
Polarons have 15% chance of piercing shields. They can't volley ou use prox settings. The chances of 2 torps piercing the shields at the same time isn't that high.

To have a good chance to hit at distance 40, target probably needs to be imobile. I never unleash a polaron discharge at less than 30, and even so  have something like 50/50 chances to hit. And if the target uses evasive manoveurs I'm lucky if one torp hits.

Vorcha's flying at +40 speed probably won't turn very well. And if they turn,   probably don't have class 9 shields also. More like 6 or 7 shields, low armor . low tractor.

Actually the max that my dynaverse vor'cha can achieve is 41.xx.  With a lighter loadout it can probably reach speed  60 or close but then I won't have enough power to overload the weapons - and overloading makes a great difference and must trust  more on AV than on shields .

IMHO the Vor'cha is BY FAR  much better than any Fed CA. Understand it  like  a payback for what the klinks suffer when flying the K'tinga and Fek'lhr against defiants, intrepids and akiras.  It is divine justice for me.

"If flown right the only thing needed to the rear of a Kling CA is a license plate, IMO."

That was in the past. Try facing good roms pilots without rear weapons and tell me the result latter. Don't forget that now the max you can pull is 2 successive HET's , and after the first one the chances of success are 67-68%.

BTw. I admit that you only need rear weaponry when facing roms. And neglect all that i said if you are talking about GSA or non dynaverse skirmishes.

Good night.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by kevlar »


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Re: Beta Patch - Suggestions for finished patch
« Reply #59 on: March 07, 2003, 09:03:15 pm »
  Where are you going to get the power to overload the Quantums? A Sov that move at anthing over 20 (Max) and can actually turn (.60) will only be able to hold a IX core, even with Leg crew you get 128. Give the ship IX shiled and you are using 125+ and you can't even use all your weapon mass. The Rom don't even need to overload ans if you get a Sci on a one to one, you're dead.

  Another problem with low manuveuring, you need to put Phaser at most hardpoint so you can at least get a few shots in during the time that the Cloak ship is targetable. Not to mention that getting in a 3 Quantum shot is almost impossable against a human player unless he gets stupid.

  Klin player have this advantage too, have you seen the Killer Negvar that they use on Gamespy? 5 Dis IV F front with a Tac and a Pol. Stock shield. Max Warp/Impuse/Thrust. It's fast, manueveurable, overpowered and deadly.