My suggestions on a finished patched are below, after some comments.
I believe the reason most fed players are complaining is because they have become somewhat lazy in developing new offensive/ defensive strategies. Since the Romulans and Klingons cloaks were vitually useless before the patch I find it refreshing to be able to hide for once. Since they still have the weakness of rear firing weapons, which is fine with me, the better the cloak the more balanced the game. I personally think the effectiveness of the probes should also be reduced further. Anticloak should take power to run, if it does it should take more.
I have recently started playing fed more, I played rom and kling exclusively for months. I regularly beat klingons and romulans in equally matched combats. But I didnt develop bad habits from always flying ships that were better powered, better armed, and could see through cloaks like they weren't there. Since in most dynaverses, the feds out number the others two or three to one. As a result most cloakers have three or even four probes being fired at them and 3 or 4 anticloak scans going so it is still hard to hide a fleet of cloaked ships,even with level 5 cloaks which you cant fit on a small ship without sacrificing something else more important. Perhaps if feds and borgs had to add anticloaks as a separate system it would further balance this effect.
I find it refreshing to be able to compete evenly for a change. The lower and middle class ships of roms and klings are still weaker than thier fed counterparts. Only in the upper CA ships, Vorcha/ Raptor do the cloakers gain a slight edge, a reward for survival through the other classes.
I have noticed more balance in the races on dynaverse. Which is a good sign the races ships are balancing out. is what I would like to see:

:the likely hood of breaking a tractor beam go up.

:reduced effectiveness of probes in finding cloaked ships.

:Two 360 degree weapon arcs on a Warbird instead of two rear firing arcs and one 360.

: Improved Excelsior class primary weapon arcs

: Admin control of crew improvement rate

: Reduced random maps in dynaverse to one in ten, seems like it is 80% or 90% right now. Most combats should be in open space unless the hex shows a designated hazard.

: Reduced chances of a second ship appearing that is not in hex. You go to kill an ff and get an ff and a CA while flying a ff)
(spending 20/30 minutes in a combat that should have last 2) makes it hard to do real world time management when that happens.

:Increase the chances of finding an expert or legendary officer in port, since improvement rates are way down. I am willing to trade my prestige to get them anyday now that it takes ages to train them.