I've always been a huge Batman fan. No supernatural powers...just good old brains, brawn, gadgets and a ton of cash. When I was a kid I used to visit my Grandfather's house and look through his comics from the 1940's. I now have them and they are almost all in perfect condition. Not bad for a 10 cent initial investment.

(I have this one only mine's in perfect condition Batman #44, 1948)
Blade Runner is one of my top ten favorite movies so if that is the template they are using for this Batman movie I'll be pleased. I always felt Burton's vision of Batman was closer to the mark but as with almost all of Burton's movies there is something just not perfect enough to make it a classic. Then there are Burton's abysmal failures like the remake of Planet of the Apes. The people who picked Schumacher to direct should forever hang their heads in shame. What a debacle he turned out to be as director for Batman.
I'm looking forward to the new movie. Christopher Nolan may be perfect for the role. Perhaps this time they will get it right.
Here's a great site if you are interested in the Golden Age of Batman, Detective & World's Finest comics: