Topic: A newbie question - how do I see ships while in the sp campaign?  (Read 1336 times)

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Offline Windchill

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Do I HAVE to save and exit the campaign every time I'm shopping for a new ship? Or is there a way to print out a listing of the ships I could buy - showing their capabilities - for reference?

Additionally - it might be nice to be able to reference exactly WHAT type of ships I've wandered up against in a patrol or other kind of mission.

Judging from the many CD Key requests that came out when I picked up EAW - I figured other folks might have the same question! Searching "view ships in campaign" yielded about 2300 results - bag it. Sorry if I've troubled anyone! :)

Have a GREAT flight!


Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: A newbie question - how do I see ships while in the sp campaign?
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2005, 09:43:15 am »
When viewing ships in the shipyard.. right click the ship in the list, it will show you a UI of the ship and it's specs.

When flying a few missions.. you can use the Save option to the right of the map and save your game manually.. or exiting the campaign normally (no alt F4 or esc key) will auto save the campaign.

as for getting specs on enemy ships.. you can only see what your UI and launching a probe will give you.. you can not check enemy ship specs in campaign...

How if you want to check each ship's specs, you can start a Skirmish mission and choose Hostile Skirmish and click Custom.. you can change your race and go in and select a specific ship you want to fly and adjust the AI properties..

When selecting a ship.. this is where you can visit each race and the ships and specs that they have.. to learn the weapon arcs.. pick a ship and fly it.. the re is a little cone button in your weapons panel that will impose your weapon arcs over your hard points... this is the easiest way to learn them.

Also I suggest going through the Tutorial missions a few times to get familiar with the controls.

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Offline Windchill

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Re: A newbie question - how do I see ships while in the sp campaign?
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2005, 10:01:53 am »
Johnny on the spot - and quickly again to boot! :)

Thanks Pestalence! It will sure be nice NOT to have exit the campaign!


Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: A newbie question - how do I see ships while in the sp campaign?
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2005, 11:06:13 am »
Another thing...

There's a button marked "Vessel Library" on the bottom of the screen...

You can use that to get the "shipyard view" of every ship in the game.  You pick your race first, then go into the shipyard screen...

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Offline Windchill

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Re: A newbie question - how do I see ships while in the sp campaign?
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2005, 05:50:39 am »

Thanks for the tip - but that button isn't available in the sp campaign - not having to exit by right clicking is saving me a TON of time and effort.
