Topic: Nebula rules  (Read 1428 times)

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Offline Doctor Lazarus

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Nebula rules
« on: May 29, 2005, 04:25:45 pm »
The Rules
1) The Basics

Players may fly only one ship at a time.

Any ship that appears in the yards may be purchased and played
- The only limitations are ONE DN and TWO Carriers on per side at any one time.

You may not place a base adjacent to any other base or planet (allied, enemy, or neutral).

Do not attack the Mirak,or Hydran hexes! These races are required to exist in the game to prevent server errors.

The middle map Nebula hexes are to chaotic to be traversed in anything heavier then a CL. CA's and up must use the "safe" path consisting
of the black hole hexes. Nebulas NOT in the center span can be safely entered by any ship.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Nebula rules
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2005, 04:42:00 pm »
Hexx, we really need a ruling on this.  There are 2 valid interpretations as to whether or not larger ships can transverse Nebula hexes after they have been taken.

Please settle this.
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Offline Doctor Lazarus

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Re: Nebula rules
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2005, 04:51:22 pm »
It's clear!

"Nebulas NOT in the center span can be safely entered by any ship."

What needs to be clarified here? Center span neb hexes CLs and smaller. Those nebs not in the center can be safely entered ba any ship. This ain't rocket science.  :smackhead:

Offline Barack Beard

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Re: Nebula rules
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2005, 04:53:34 pm »
It's clear!

"Nebulas NOT in the center span can be safely entered by any ship."

What needs to be clarified here? Center span neb hexes CLs and smaller. Those nebs not in the center can be safely entered ba any ship. This ain't rocket science.  :smackhead:

Agree, Looks crystal clear to me

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Nebula rules
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2005, 05:16:36 pm »
It's clear!

"Nebulas NOT in the center span can be safely entered by any ship."

What needs to be clarified here? Center span neb hexes CLs and smaller. Those nebs not in the center can be safely entered ba any ship. This ain't rocket science.  :smackhead:

Agree, Looks crystal clear to me

BecUAE YOU REAd to rulea, you expect me to read them to? :P
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Nebula rules
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2005, 05:20:47 pm »
As I've been doing most of the clarifying to this point, no reason for me to stop now...

The middle map Nebula hexes are to chaotic to be traversed in anything heavier then a CL. CA's and up must use the "safe" path consisting
of the black hole hexes.

I do not see anything else in this rule that changes the conditions.  The nebula hexes in the center of the map are "too chaotic" for any CAs, BCHs, NCAs, DNs, etc. to be in.  It doesn't matter if it's a neutral hex, Fed hex, Imperial hex, Mirak hex, Hydran hex, Hexx hex, whatever.  If it's a nebula in the center path, it's got restrictions on it...

Nebulas NOT in the center span can be safely entered by any ship.

Like this says, any nebula not part of the center of the map is fair game for every ship on the table.  Patrols, strikers, etc. can be any size in all these other nebulas.

Watch out for those annoying AI markers, the server kit hasn't been appraised of these rules and it will put CLs, DNs, CVs etc. in the center...

Too bad we can't put a "all trespassers will be shot" sign up... ;)

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Offline FPF-Paladin

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Re: Nebula rules
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2005, 05:26:39 pm »
As I've been doing most of the clarifying to this point, no reason for me to stop now...

The middle map Nebula hexes are to chaotic to be traversed in anything heavier then a CL. CA's and up must use the "safe" path consisting
of the black hole hexes.

I do not see anything else in this rule that changes the conditions.  The nebula hexes in the center of the map are "too chaotic" for any CAs, BCHs, NCAs, DNs, etc. to be in.  It doesn't matter if it's a neutral hex, Fed hex, Imperial hex, Mirak hex, Hydran hex, Hexx hex, whatever.  If it's a nebula in the center path, it's got restrictions on it...

Nebulas NOT in the center span can be safely entered by any ship.

Like this says, any nebula not part of the center of the map is fair game for every ship on the table.  Patrols, strikers, etc. can be any size in all these other nebulas.

Watch out for those annoying AI markers, the server kit hasn't been appraised of these rules and it will put CLs, DNs, CVs etc. in the center...

Too bad we can't put a "all trespassers will be shot" sign up... ;)

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