Topic: ATTN HEXX  (Read 1226 times)

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Offline Barack Beard

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« on: May 28, 2005, 05:23:14 am »
Wanted a rules clarification.

Was in a mission flying a DNL my wing was Padme in a CVS+ we were drafted by 2 Terrans in CFs.  After some exchange of fire Padme dropped from mission.  I managed to kill both the CFs and was wondering if the double DN disengage would apply in a 2 v 2 situation.  Can you clarify?

I told the Terrans that counting it as the standard penalty was fine by me as we were not sure, however it would be nice to have a ruling for future similar cases.

Thanks  :)

Offline Pestalence_XC

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« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2005, 05:40:57 am »
Soreyes.. I found the thread.. it was clarified.. I had missed it.. You were right.. if DN kills or runs off opponent(s) then double the time out of hex..

I would have that reversed as the penalty for the DN and not line ship players.. if the DN runs or dies, then double the time out of hex for losing a DN.. but this is Hexxs server...

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Offline Dfly

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« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2005, 06:21:50 am »
I was sure the ruling was for the DN purposes.  If the DN runs, or dies, it is double the penalty.

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2005, 08:36:21 am »
From Hexx's "Mirror Rules Clarifications and Excuses" thread...

4) "What's the point of the DN" 2 almost simultaneous complaints- DN has a few drawbacks attached to it with few bonuses
     (at least until the DNH arrives) Soo-  a DN that kills someone or forces them to disengage inflicts twice the disengagement penalty.
     (1hr/kill 2hours disengagement) The other sides DN is immune to this. (So an elte player in a DN can't chase off a newb in the other one)

Reading this, I see the following:

Early Fed DNs are weak.  The DN / DN+ are nothing more than CC+s on a DN-hull.  The DNG is a bit better, but not a ton better...
Therefore, to encourage flying the DN till the "useful" DNH and DNL came out, Hexx added the above rule.

If you read it close, it says losing to the DN doubles the disengagement penalty (ie, a CC+ that is killed by the DN is hex-banned for 1 hour and a CF that runs from the DN is hex-banned for 2 hours...)

In a DN on DN battle, standard rules apply...

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Offline Dfly

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« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2005, 08:44:44 am »

Offline CaptJosh

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« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2005, 10:47:19 am »
Minor additional rules clarification. You shouldn't have been winging with Padme. Limited number ships, i. e. DNs and CVs cannot wing together. It's in the original rules page.

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Offline Green

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« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2005, 02:28:50 pm »
 :rules: :rules: :rules:

Wanted a rules clarification.

Was in a mission flying a DNL my wing was Padme in a CVS+ we were drafted by 2 Terrans in CFs.  After some exchange of fire Padme dropped from mission.  I managed to kill both the CFs and was wondering if the double DN disengage would apply in a 2 v 2 situation.  Can you clarify?

I told the Terrans that counting it as the standard penalty was fine by me as we were not sure, however it would be nice to have a ruling for future similar cases.

Thanks  :)

Putting on my powdered wig ... actually, I don't believe any points are awarded for either side.

4D)No ship with Limited numbers (DN's/Carriers) may wing together. If you find yourself drafted one of you
must leave.

A CVS+ is classified as a carrier.  And, of course, the DNL is a dread.  Both are "limited" iirc.  Padme may actually have left (not crashed) to be IAW the rules.  But since you noted that it occurred after "some exchange of fire", that may not have been the case.

Now.  As for my two client's desire for damages to their CFs... ;)

(Green's nasty alter-ego rulz lawyer)

Offline Barack Beard

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« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2005, 02:37:40 pm »

<Bows to the Supreme Jedi rules lawyer>

You are most correct Sir, my bad.  Apologys to your clients.  Will self destruct my DNL as some compensation when I log in tonight upon returning from work.

Offline Barack Beard

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« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2005, 02:54:09 pm »
Had just enough time to self destruct it before work.  Hope that makes up somewhat for my mistake.

Offline Pestalence_XC

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« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2005, 03:54:14 pm »
Very honorable.. + karma to you
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