Well, I've decided my GEForce 5600FX is a little old and I'm thinking about upgrading, but I can't afford a top-of-the-line card. I can maybe afford $200, so I'm looking at cards a generation back (but still 2 generations newer than the one I have). The system I own is a 2.8 ghz Pentium IV with 512K of system cache and 1GB of DDR Ram. The video slot is an AGP 8x.
I'm thinking about leaving Nvidia and going to a Radeon for a change. My last 5 cards have been Nvidia. Maybe something like a Radeon X700 Pro Video Card, 8x AGP, 256MB GDDR3 for $199, or a All-In-Wonder X600Pro Video Card, PCI Express, 256MB DDR for $229.
Anyone more current on thechnology able to give me a little guidance?