Bumping an old topic.
I know a few of us from the community play Guildwars still, so i am posting to remind you who may not have been following the updates on the guildwars site that tomorrow the large update is being released.
From the Guildwars Site:On Wednesday, September 7th, the way to Grenth's Footprint and Sorrow's Furnace will be open to all in Tyria. Here is what you and your fellow adventurers will find in this update:
* Grenth's Footprint: A snow-covered explorable area with numerous NPCs offering challenging quests of all kinds.
* Sorrow's Furnace: A depleted mine carved into the depths of the Shiverpeak Mountains, filled with many monsters and the source of rich rewards.
The Sorrow's Furnace Update is a free update for all Guild Wars players. These new areas are challenging and are intended for Ascended characters (those who have reached Level 20). To acquire this content, simply log in to Guild Wars the evening of September 7th, and you will find:
* New Monsters – Some of the most challenging adversaries in Tyria lurk in the depths of Sorrow's Furnace.
* New Quests – Nearly two dozen new, treacherous quests offer a unique level of replayability that encourages creative thinking and rewards you for finding novel ways to complete challenges.
* New Weapons – Those who seek new weapons can find them within the subterranean depths.
* New Collector's Items – Sorrow's Furnace is a source of many unique new collectible items.
* New Collectors – Three new collectors will be present in the Fire Island Chain, offering XP-enhancing scrolls in exchange for certain items.
* New Boss Monsters – Named by Guild Wars players, two dozen dangerous Stone Summit Dwarf leaders and their hundreds of minions await your challenge.
* New Vendors – The local vendors sell items that you may have acquired in the past, but in versions that make them more useful or valuable.
* New Story Quests – High-level characters crave a worthy challenge. Beyond the quests specific to Sorrow's Furnace, Ascended characters will find new trials especially for them!
* Ease of Accessibility – The journey through Grenth's Footprint and Sorrow's Furnace will not be easy, but entering the area will be! There is no restriction on timing, nor is there a cost to visit the region. Enter if you dare!
Also on a different note my warrior finally got his 15,000 gold per piece armour, screenshot below

Wearing the Ascalon helm, and Knight Boots, the rest is Gladiators set.