There are a couple of, shall we say, interesting things happening on-server, and everyone (Both Feds and Darths) needs to be mindful of these things...
As per Hexx's
Rules thread:
From rule 2:
Bases need to be built within 2 hexes of each other.
Bases need to trace a line of supply of bases back to a planet owned by your team.
As there are no distinctions between friendly, neutral, or enemy space in the entire rule, this means that all bases must be within 2 hexes of another base & there needs to be a chain of bases back to a planet...
From Rule 1:
The Nebula hexes in the center of the map, ie, "the rift", can only be traversed by CLs and smaller. Any CA / BCH / DN pilot attempting to deep strike / returning from a deep strike
must fly through the clearly-marked black hole passages. This includes anyone who was basing on previously friendly planets in the "wrong side" of the rift...