On the command deck of the XCF Chaos, a well armed squad of XenoCorp Marines (the ones with the nifty leather boarding pants) stands ready for the cake-lighting ceremony.
Admiral Frey walks out of the ready room looking refreshed. "Ahhhhhh, nice morning p0...huh?"
762: "Ten hut!" *Marines snap to attention*
Frey: "Right! What's all this then t00l?"
762: "Ignite....the...CAKE!!"
A fearful looking gunner's mate approaches the cake with a plasma torch. With a cringe he touches the torch to one of the densely-packed candles. Within milliseconds the entire cake is a searing conflagration.
Frey: "WTF!!!"
762: "Present...ARMS!"
The marine squad stands ready with a fusillade of high-powered fire extinguishers.
762: "FIRE!"
The marines let loose a withering barrage of CO2 mist on the confectionary conflagration. The issue is in doubt for several minutes until finally, with a shout of triumph, the marine captain douses the last white-hot jet of flame.
Marine captain: "Cake is out, sir!"
762: "Present...scotch!"
All present raise a glass of Laphroaig-20 in a perfect salute.
762: "Quaff!"
All: *sssipppp*...."AHHHHH!"
Happy birthday Frey!