Here's some shockers:
The Fed ships, for the most part, turn identically to ISC ships. F-CA (and variants) all have the same turn mode as the I-CA/CC lines, that of Turn Mode D. The CL / NCL family shares the I-CL / CM's turn mode, C.
Of course, ISC ships are in much higher BPV brackets (ie, the Turn Mode D I-CCZ is a 229 BPV ship while the Turn Mode D I-CB is a 175-ish ship...) but the actual rate of turn is not a tremendous issue to me, I'm accustomed to those turn rates...
As S'cippy so elequently pointed out, Photon charge times are faster than the Plasma Torpedoes, and are identical to that of the PPD. So charge time isn't an issue.
Obviously, compared to the power hungry (and with engines to supply them) plasma ships, the lower power (I'm used to 40-44 power on a CA hull, not 36-38) shocks me occasionally, but I'm also not used to flying 31 all the time (I-CCZ can barely make .6 loading all weapons with ECM 4...), so the speeds attainable under various loads are comprable...
I thought this thread was a nifty place to point out what people are noticing while flying "foreign" ships, and since we've had Klink and Gorn, I figured the ISC viewpoint would be helpful...
(And it proves that I do fly other than cheese every chance I get...
